Sunday, November 1, 2015


   I thought long and hard before I decided to write this post. I considered all the possible ways we, as a public, may be wrong. Had we misinterpreted the information given? Had we jumped to a wrong conclusion in the midst of anger and perceived betrayal? Were we in any way wrong? I came to this conclusion...

   I really don't give a damn.

   Now...that may seem a bit harsh but, when you read on, you will see exactly why I feel that way. I'm talking about the damning evidence that a very popular ghost hunting show fakes evidence. Now...I'm not a mud-slinger so I don't plan on naming names but, if you follow twitter at all, you will know whom I am referring to.

   On to the reason I don't give a damn. It really is this simple. My damn that I don't give is in reference to whether or not we have enough evidence to condemn them. Let's face it...if they (or any other teams or individuals) conducted themselves in a trustworthy manner the chances that anyone would question their evidence and ethics, or lack there of, would be fairly slim. It is my understanding that this is not the first eyebrow raised when it comes to their investigations and antics.

   Rule one...Never, and I mean NEVER, give anyone a reason to doubt your integrity. Once that has been done it is almost impossible to recover from.

   Rule two...If you don't get anything, well, then you don't get anything. Don't be afraid to say that the evidence just wasn't there tonight. People WILL understand. They may not feel as entertained as you would like them to be...but they will continue to watch because they TRUST YOU. They will have no reason to doubt the evidence when you DO get it.

   Rule three...Always keep unedited footage. If you aren't filming live and have to edit due to time constraints then this rule is A MUST to follow. You never want to be caught with your pants down and not be able to prove what you did or, in this case, didn't get.

   Rule four...For the love of all that is holy please understand that spirits are NOT circus animals. They DO NOT, nor should they have to, perform on command. Understand this. Appreciate the fact that someday it WILL BE YOU that someone may try to contact. Above all know that it is more about communicating with the dead than it is about your ratings. These are peoples loved ones, half the time.

   And last. but definitely not least, the general viewing public needs to understand that this is a calling for most of us. Would we like to be on TV and make money? Sure! Who wouldn't want to quit their 9-5 gig and be able to do what they love full time. I would be lying if I said otherwise. That having been said, the general viewing public is part of the problem. It is you that TV executives are trying to please by having teams fake evidence. Now, I'm not saying ego doesn't have something to do with it, as far as the teams are concerned. If ego played no part in it this particular team wouldn't have went to a location investigated by others, very recently I might add, and tried to prove they could get more from it. So, yeah, personal gain is a part of it. But, for the most part, I believe that due to all the shows out there and the movies that seemed to be made monthly on the subject, the viewers have become desensitized. As if it isn't "big evidence" it doesn't matter.


   Every bit matters. Big or small. That is why honesty, in regards to evidence, matters. Each real EVP gets us one step closer to understanding what a soul goes through after it passes. One step closer to bridging the gap between the living and the dead. What happened this weekend put another stain on a field I love. One that is my calling in life. As a sensitive I get extremely angry when someone gets the privilege to interact with spirits and tinkles all over it by trying to please the populace instead of just listening. This need for ratings set us back...AGAIN. Once more we are considered "fame seekers" and "fakes" instead of people who genuinely want to bring peace to the living AND the dead.

   Viewers...please understand that we don't always get people being pushed. We don't always get people being possessed by a spirit. We just don't. Ask yourself, if it was you or a loved one a team was interacting with, would you want them to be honest and possibly be able to pass on a message? Or would you want them to fake it and your loved one never know what you had to say to them? Think about that...

   TV executives and teams...put yourself in the same situation. If you REALLY believe in the paranormal. If your really love what you are doing and want to be a part of something bigger than your day to day life, are you really doing that by being dishonest all in the name of the almighty dollar? Would you want someone like YOU trying to communicate with YOU after you pass? Would YOU trust someone like YOU to make sure you were heard? Think about that...

   There. I feel better. Rant over. Carry on.

Blessings )O(

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