Sunday, August 16, 2015

"Giving up the Ghost"........

   I thought it would be a good idea to give all of ya'll a heads up on the new book coming out. For those who bought my first book, Soulscapes, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart! It was very difficult to do since I had to re-live all of the events I wrote about plus, since it was my first attempt, it may have seemed like a clumsy effort. For those who looked over this, thank you. I love you for it!

   In Giving up the Ghost I was able to let myself be more free with my writing style. I let go of all the negativity that I had surrounded myself with in the first book and just poured my soul into it. It was still painful in parts but I found I was better equipped to deal with it. I no longer felt the pain of certain situations like I did before. What had still burned in me from pervious times is now but a twinge of regret and a lesson learned.  This is very powerful for me. I felt as if I've broken out of a shell I never really knew I was encased in, not really. I had help accomplishing this and those who did this for me have my undying love and gratitude. It's something I can never repay but will spend the rest of my days trying to anyway.

   The reason I decided to write this is that I have a wish. It's a big one, so prepare yourself. Lol. I wish, with all my heart, that those who are out there like me, those who have hidden what they can do and felt ashamed, I want you to speak up. Start talking. I know I've said this many times, but it isn't enough. I'm going to start yelling it, if need be. Be proud of who you are, but not ruled by ego. Learn from others and evolve, but never lose yourself. Understand that the powers that be gave you a gift. A gift that is meant to help, inspire and guide but is to never be abused. This can be taken away as easily as it was given. Read up on your particular gift as much as you can, but find your own way of doing things. Do it how YOU are comfortable. There is no wrong way as long as the heart is in the right place.

   That's what I've always tried to do. Sometimes I have failed and sometimes I have been successful. The important thing is getting back up, dusting yourself off and realizing it is a learning process. You can do this! I have faith in you, I really do. But all that aside, the most important thing is that you have faith in yourself. That's what this book did for me, gave me faith in myself. It allowed me to put it all out there for the world to see and they could like it or lump it. It will never change who I am or the way I see myself. Not anymore.

Much love to you!!!

*Blessed Be* )()(

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

What would you do?

   What would you do if you knew someone was in trouble? If you saw them heading into oncoming traffic and you knew they would get hit and possibly killed?

   What would you do if you saw a friend get behind the wheel of a car who was really drunk?

   Would you stop a friend, or even a stranger, from drinking poison if you knew it was in the glass instead of water?

   These might seem like silly questions, but I have a reason...I promise. Just bear with me.

   The point I'm making is that any one of these instances COULD lead do danger or death, or they may not. Knowing it could go either way wouldn't stop you from intervening, right? So what is so different about what a sensitive does? Why is it taboo to so many people?

   People like myself can't help but step in when we sense something someone should know. Granted, I know that the examples I gave were pretty extreme, but the nuts and bolts of it remain the same. Is a "sensitive" being responsible or irresponsible if they KNOW a person is in trouble and they choose to remain silent? This is something I really want you to think about. Question others about it as well. Let's open up the door to a candid and honest conversation about the whole darn thing. Look back through all those times in your life where you wished someone had been there to maybe guide you in another direction. Wonder how many people in history sought the advice of a sensitive's, didn't take it, then lived (or didn't) to regret it. Not just sensitive's either. How about just a woman's intuition? I'm pretty sure, as he was being stabbed to death, Julius Caesar was wondering what in the hell he was thinking not listening to his wife begging him to not go to the senate because of her dream the night before.

   Anyway...just food for thought.

   For those who don't believe...good luck to you. For those who do...well...I don't even have to say it, do I? Lol. But I will anyway. On behalf of my brothers and sisters out there who subject themselves to ridicule and persecution for using their gift of insight, you're welcome.

*Blessed Be*

Sunday, August 9, 2015

And this is why I do it...

   I got a message from someone on twitter asking if I could give them a reading. I don't do this a whole lot because I simply don't have the time but I said ok anyway and we planned for a time a few days later. It was the first full reading I had done in person in a very long time and, if I'm being honest, I was nervous.

   You see...these things can go very good or VERY bad. I didn't have the feeling that it would go bad, but there is always that chance. When I got there I could tell my client was nervous too and that actually put me at ease because I could focus on making them more comfortable. Doing this puts me immediately at ease. I can't explain it, but it does. Maybe it's the mother in me.

   We went through the initial reading using a voodoo spread that does not allow for any manipulation on the readers part. Literally every move is decided by the client...down to which card to pull and in what order they will be flipped over and read. This is my favorite way to read because it really is the most accurate. I learned it from a fine lady in New Orleans.

   I was most pleased with the outcome. I saw what I hoped to see in the clients cards. I saw a very bright future that, with a little dedication and perseverance, the client will see to fruition. I felt a little guilty because it was such a short reading! Not that I wanted to have to tell anything bad, but there are only so many ways you can say someone's future is gonna ROCK if they stay on the right path. LOL.

   We started to talk and the question was asked about family members. As I went through the pictures, telling what I saw and heard, it was being verified by the client and advice on how to handle some of it was given as well. I could tell that I had done some good and that is honestly what makes it all worth it. I did mention that on the way to where we were doing the reading that I couldn't get the image of race cars out of my head and that I kept seeing a Freemason symbol. We couldn't figure out why I was seeing these, as my client had no idea who they could be. I was on my way to leaving, assuming I would never know why I had seen these things, when the roommate came in and we were introduced. My client asked the roommate if they had any idea about the racecars or Freemasons. Apparently, the roomates ex was a Nascar fan and a relative was a Freemason. LOL.

   Just goes to show you...never discount what you see and hear. I made a believer out of the roommate today and made my client happy. That makes me happy!

*Please excuse the generic nature of this post. I promised to keep things as anonymous as possible to my client....and I ALWAYS keep my word!*

Blessed Be)()(

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Crazy is a four letter word.....

   Well, I must say, the last 8 months have been kind of a blur. I apologize, for those who read this blog, for slacking off the last month or so. It has been CRAZY! I finally finished my second book, "Giving up the Ghost", and it is due out sometime this month. In fact, that is what this blog is going to be about. Not the book, but the following of dreams.
   If you had asked me a year ago if I ever thought I would be a published author I would have said hell no! I would have meant it, too. I never thought I had what it took to go after something I wanted. At least not something like that. It's not that I have low self-esteem. Nothing like that. I just never would have thought anyone would care what I had to say. It took very good friends to make me see that people would. That people could relate to my experiences and maybe even learn from them. They told me I wasn't crazy....unless you mean crazy fabulous! lol. (just kidding)

   What I'm trying to say is that we are all important. We all have a story to tell, paint, sing, write or draw. Whether or not it's paranormal or completely normal, magical or mundane. There's a story.

   I've learned a lot over the past few months, and I'd like to share that with you. What I've learned is that you should always listen to your inner voice. Even when you think it's talking crazy. When you hear it whisper a dream to you, do everything I your power to obtain it. Even if you fail I can promise you that you won't regret it. Regret is for those who aren't willing to fall flat on their face.
   Lesson #2...Of course you should listen to the advice of others but, even if they say you're nuts, never forget it's YOUR life to live. At the end of it do you want to say, "Boy....I wish I would have done that..." OR "Holy crap, I'm scraped and a little worse for the wear, but DAMN that was FUN!"

   Lesson #3...I know this goes hand in hand with the other two, but it warrants a mention all on it's own. Stay true to who you are. Don't compromise yourself or try to change. Not for anyone.  When you look in a mirror you want to know the person looking back at you. You want to respect them. You need to know your own value and that you are worth fighting for.

   These are things I never really knew until now. I hope it doesn't take others so long to find out for themselves. (((BIG HUGS)))

*Blessed Be*