Sunday, December 3, 2017

Because it's our calling...

   It's almost 1:30 in the morning and I'm finding sleep most difficult. So many thoughts are swirling through my head as I do a playback of this week, So much sadness, disappointment and anger in regards to the missing children case we are working on and the little girl in North Carolina who was taken from her home. It's times like these that the frustration over our "gifts" can become unbearable. To know what we know and to have no one listen almost breaks you. I don't think I can fully explain how helpless that makes you feel.

   The only bright spot, in a week full of darkness, has been the people of the "community". Ya'll don't know this, because we don't care to advertise our private business, but MANY mystics, psychics, sensitives, mediums and intuitive's have come together this week. Through private messages we have talked, shared information, passed our readings along and collaborated to try and find this latest missing child. With absolutely no regard for notoriety, acknowledgement or accolades we came together. Our purpose drove us to reach out to strangers. To place ourselves, and our gifts, in another's hands and trust them that they would handle it with care. Do you know why?

   Because something much bigger than any one of us was at the forefront. Children. Plain and simple. Our love for children was bigger than ego, money or fame. You don't see this very often as this field is known for people hoarding information so that they can say "they figured it out". This week this was not the case and I am so unbelievably thankful for that. I feel so incredibly blessed to know the people I do. To know, that during times like these, people will come together and use whatever the Gods blessed them with for the greater good. It warms my heart and actually brings tears to my eyes.

   I would be remiss if I didn't also mention the non paranormal hero's who have stayed in the shadows but have provided information and aid to us. From law enforcement, both retired and active, to research wizards who are relentless in their quest for answers...we thank you. From the bottom of our hearts. You have no idea how much your support means to us. We will do our damnedest to not disappoint you. 

   One last bit before I sign off.....

   To our haters and those who wish to see us fail...


   Your unwilling support drives us, as well. Bet you didn't know that....

   Blessed Be )o(

Monday, November 20, 2017

It's been a while...

   I know...I know...I've been AWOL for a while. Honestly, life has just been too busy. Between my family, the show, investigations and the new book coming out I just haven't had the time to devote to my written blog. I hope to rectify that as writing brings me an extreme amount of pleasure. It's cleansing to the soul, ya know? is an easy way to share what all has been going on with all of ya'll who may not see the Facebook live-feeds or my You Tube channel. 

   It was a little over a week ago the investigation in Moundsville, Va. I have to admit...I'm quite blessed. I got to spend that time, both investigating and just hanging, with the people who make my soul smile. The only downfall was that my son wasn't there. The prison only allows 18 and up so it just wasn't possible. We all missed him so much. You see, that's the beauty of the "gang". We truly appreciate each other. Our eccentricities...our differences. Even if we don't see eye to eye, the love is always there. We trust each other without question. I can't express to you how important that is in this field. It's rare. 

   I watch. I take in everything. I may not mention it but I notice it. I know how lucky we lucky I am. Same with my peeps in England. We always have each others backs. Same with my girls from 3 Fold. It never leaves my mind how uncommon this is. Having this support system gives me the freedom to do what I do...regardless of how crazy or "out there" it may seem. I know there have been scary moments. I know that I have frightened those who care about me. But even when they've gotten angry over my need to run, head first, into dangerous situations...they've never left me hanging. Never let me fall. I have mentioned many times, on interviews I've done, how I don't recommend doing what I do. Channeling comes with a risk. When you do this you are opening yourself up to whatever spirit/entity/ghost to hop on in and take you for a ride. If the thought of that doesn't scare you I don't know what will. There are no guarantees on how this experience will turn out. There are no guarantees that you won't be injured or harmed in any way. There is absolutely NO WAY to know the outcome before it happens. 

   And I like it that way. 

   Just like the investigations of old, when I would be picked up and told nothing of a location, doing things this way gives me...and whomever I'm working with...the best possible reading. Having no knowledge, prior to the investigation, ensures that the information I'm giving is accurate. I honestly still don't fully understand how it works, and that's ok. I don't need to understand. I think that's part of the rush for me. I truly feel most comfortable when I am able to speak for/to those that others can't. Aside from being a mother, which is my number one love in life, and writing which is my is my 3rd favorite thing to do. It's what I was born to do. I know that now. I will never doubt it again. And I'm so grateful for those who stay by my side and encourage me to do it. To be me. 

   Love ya'll more than you know. 

   Blessed Be )o(

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Into The Abyss...

   I've been absent for a while and. for that, I'm sorry. Life has just been so crazy between finishing the last book, travel, investigations and art pieces. And it's getting ready to get a little crazier, folks. 

   You 7 days I will be flying to New Jersey...then driving to Pennsylvania...then driving to New York. What has been a year and a half in the making is coming to fruition. I will be joining a group of girls as we embark on a quest for truth. For justice. After spending the night at the "Horsefly Chronicles" house, in Pennsylvania, we will be heading out to Stanten Island to try and find some answers for Julia Siracusa...a childhood friend of Holly Ann Hughes. Holly went missing 35 years ago this July 15th. Although the case is officially closed, we believe, there is a very real chance that clues to where, and with whom, she was taken were overlooked. And we have three days to do it. 

   I fully expect all of this to take it's toll on us. Julia Siracusa, Rachel Wagner, Gina Johnson and myself will have our plates full. As for the night in the "Horsefly Chronicles" house, we will attempt to do something no one has ever done before. No...I will not go into details. Lol. I will say that it won't be the "standard" Q&A in the portal room. No sir. Will we find answers? I don't know. Will we try? Hellz yeah!!

   After we step foot on the SI we will hit the ground running. No stone un-turned. No question not asked. No lead not checked. We are on a mission. One I hope you will join us on. If you haven't already followed our page regarding this case...please do so on Facebook. You just have to request to join and we will promptly approve you. Our page is called "III Fold Paranormal" in regards to the Three Fold Law of projecting and receiving. We will keep ya'll as up to date as possible in regards to information, evidence and paranormal activity associated with these cases. Your support will not go unnoticed and is appreciated more than we can adequately tell you. We will need it, folks. The energy in the area is like nothing most of us have ever encountered. The emotional, mental and physical state of those who still inhabit some of these locations (in spirit) is beyond indescribable. The ground is literally soaked in anguish. 

Blessed Be )0( 


Saturday, February 11, 2017

Just listen...

   I made a video blog concerning this, earlier, but thought a written explanation would be a good idea for those who follow my blog. I've been asked, many times, over the years why people have such a hard time receiving messages from deceased loved ones. I've always explained that most people DO get messages but, due to growing older and losing our innocence, we tend to rationalize away the clues we get. If I've seen it once I've seen it 1000 times but I've always lacked a good example to prove my point. 

   Until last night. 

   Yesterday Gwen, from Beyond Perception Investigators, and myself were discussing previous cases we investigated while I was in Virginia the last time. It's become crystal clear that we have to return to these locations, due to some recent activity, and we were discussing new information that has come to light. This is where we have started to connect the dots. 

   You see, before my previous trip to Virginia, the weeks leading up to it had become very eventful for both myself and the BPI team. Everything that happened appeared choreographed to guarantee our coming together. That is until I was actually on my way there. From delayed flights, to cancelled flights to flat tires..every roadblock you could imagine was being thrown in our way. It was very hard to try and keep a positive outlook when it seem "the devil himself" had other plans for us. I use that term loosely but it truly does fit. 

   Needless to say...we got it done. We came together...kicked some ass...suffered immensely and called it a day. The recovery time was long, painful and emotionally draining. We even contemplated giving up the whole "paranormal thing".

   But we didn't. In fact...months back we decided that I would come back, this time bringing my son, and we would do some "light" investigating and make a trip to Virginia Beach for fun. Have you ever heard the saying about "best laid plans...?" Yeah.....

   That's what brings me to last night. After we slid more pieces of this paranormal puzzle into place we started to see a similar pattern forming. Between unexpected deaths (connected to our area of interest) and additional research uncovering more confirmation of what we had already felt, we decided to call it a night. I had to work early this morning and needed a lil rest. 

   Not that I was going to get it. Lol! Noooooo......because as soon as I went into my room I turned on Netflix. I found a show that I was interested in and picked a random episode. It wasn't on 5 minutes before a name was mentioned. The same name of one of the persons we had JUST been discussing before we hung up. A person who has been deceased a very long time but is in need of closure. A person we want desperately to help. 

   And there was her name. Ironically, the character in this show was also dealing with an overbearing, violent father, and was the same age as the girl we are trying to help. I needed no further confirmation that we were on the right track. 

  People...these are the messages I speak of. The dead, in whatever way they can, will find a way to reach you. It may not be what you want. They maybe can't sit down next to you and hold your hand. They may not be able to be vocal in ways you need. 

   But they WILL find ways. Something as simple as a name on a random show picked in the middle of the night. You just have to listen. Don't discount your gut. Don't rationalize away a possible message because society says you're crazy if you don't. I'm not saying to run out and call the news if something like this happens, not at all. What I am saying is keep track of it. Write it down. Give them a chance to be heard by respecting their effort. I knew, in that moment, Rebecca was trying to reach me. I have no doubt. Now all we gotta do is figure out the rest of the message. One things for certain..I'll damn sure be listening. 

   Blessed Be )O(

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Just so it's clear...(written blog)

   I made a video blog last night but I'm going ahead with a written blog too. I feel it's necessary to reach as many people as possible. 

   Yesterday, on facebook, I posted some very good news. News regarding a missing persons case I read for. I normally keep all my readings private as they carry sensitive, personal, information, but I was so damn happy that this person was found alive that I had to share. I ended my post with "Blessed Be )O(". Common, really, for a Pagan. No harm there as it's the standard, respectful way, to do it. Right?

   Apparently wrong. 

   In this day and age I can't believe that doing something so simple can leave you wide open for persecution. heard right. I was soon assailed by comments from one particular person who felt it necessary to inform me that if I was not doing what I do in the name of Jesus that I HAD to be doing it in the name of Satan. 

   Go ahead, laugh...I know I did. 

   Apparently these were my only two choices in the matter. Jesus or Satan. Funny.....I don't see it that way. I would like to start off by saying I fully support peoples religious, political, sexual beliefs. I don't judge. PERIOD. One might say that is very "christian" of me. And you would be right as, from what I know of the teachings, that is how it's supposed to be. Unfortunately, and I speak from experience, that is rarely the case with zealots. They judge all day long!

   I handled everything well, truly. I stayed polite because that's how I was raised. But polite doesn't mean quiet. Not for this southern woman. I especially won't stay quiet after this persons wife jumped on the feed and posted innuendo concerning myself and the first, and only, time I met her husband. I can only assume it was to shed some kind of illicit light on me making me look bad. 

   Didn't work cause I called that shit out and shut it down. Ya'll know by now I don't mince words. 

   My point is one...and I mean NO ONE...has the right to tell you how you should believe, feel, love, live if you are not hurting anyone. 


   Nor do they have a right to insinuate that your intentions are anything other than pure if you are doing what you do to help people. My beliefs are simple. If you are helping others I don't give a rats ass, one single fuck, if you are doing it in the name of Jesus, Allah, Buddah or a fucking pack of ketchup. I don't care if you get on your knees EVER night and worship a bottle of hot dog relish. I don't. As long as you are not hurting any body. As long as you are helping people. 

   You see...I could have pulled the "religious pissing contest" card and informed him that my religion out dates his by a long shot...but I didn't. I don't roll that way. I have no need to "pull rank" or try to belittle another person. But...I will not tolerate condescension, innuendo or ulterior motives  by a cohort (like promoting a book) on my feed. PERIOD. To do what was done is no different than racial slurs, if I was of a different race, or homophobic slurs, if I were homosexual. People like this think they can get away with it because it's all in the name of religion. You know how I know? Cause this was last night....and I woke up to it still going on on my facebook post. 

   Some people....

   To the rest of ya'll....BLESSED BE )O(

Monday, January 16, 2017

ParaSchool is in session, peeps...

   It's been a bit (*cough*...over 20 something years) since I've been in school but I kinda remember what it was like. Especially English class. There was this thing we did, you know, where you learn the definition of words. Really cool cause it gives us a case of the smarts. Anywhoo......

   I decided to "go back to school" and implement that wonderful thing called "educating oneself". After all the hubbub on social media as of late, and the pissing contest between the paranormal peeps and the skeptics, I figured we could ALL use a bit o' learning. So...I pulled out the trusty dictionary, just kidding...I googled the Cambridge dictionary, and looked up the prefix "para". Imagine my surprise when I learned that it did not mean "ghost"! Or "medium". Or "clairvoyant". Or "EVP". Or...and the list goes on an on. my surprise (just kidding, I already knew this) it means...and I may paraphrase a bit..."alongside or beyond what is considered normal". That is the definition of paranormal. Something that is alongside, or beyond what may be considered normal. Wow.

   I mean double WOW!!! And all this time...who knew??? Whoodathunkit???'s where it gets interesting, folks. According to the same dictionary the definition of "normal" is ordinary or usual. How cool is that??

   Are you following my line of thinking on this? Oh...I hope you are! My point is very simple. What is ordinary or usual, normal, to one person may NOT be ordinary, usual or normal to another. It is all very subjective. The world is made up of three types of people. One type that simply cannot step out of their conformist box for fear their reality may be crushed. The second type of person is the type that sets the box on fire for fear of being contained. The third type, which is the majority of the folks I now in the paranormal field, is the type who straddles the side of the box. They keep one foot grounded in reality and the other waving in the air, free. It's these people, these minds, that are the innovators. The explorers. The dreamers. The healers.

   The future.

   If you know anything about history you will know that some of the most brilliant and forward thinking minds were thought to be one shade shy of crazy. Yet, without them, imagine where we would be now? Albert Einstein, to name one.

   What I also found fascinating, and I strongly encourage reading it, is the article "The Science Behind Psychic Phenomena" in Time Magazine. This was an interview of a former Harvard Professor, Dianne Hennacy, who wrote "The ESP Enigma: The Scientific Case For Psychic Phenomena".

   I just thought it prudent to throw this out there. Especially with so many "keyboard vigilantes" out there trying to shove everyone back in their boxes. I'm guessing it gets lonely in there.

   Blessed Be )O(