Thursday, June 30, 2016

Medium fries....

   I'd like to give props out there to all my medium friends.  Clairvoyants,  tarot readers,  mystics and deceased conversationalist.  My hats off to you.  I know how truly draining it is to do what you do.  I know how hard it is to drag yourself out of bed,  because work beckons,  knowing you were kept up all night by a chatty spirit.  I feel me.

   This is my shout out to all of you who lend a hand when you haven't a moment to spare for yourself.  Who sacrifice sleeping or even food because you have to help.

   Bless you.

   For those who don't know what it's truly like,  I'll fill you in real quick.  It NEVER stops.  Sure,  you may get an hour or two without a vision or a spirit trying to communicate.  If you read cards you may go a week or so without a request.  Y'all keep in mind that doesn't mean a weeks rest.  If you're like me you bust your ass at a paying job.  It's just a week free from the extras.

   When you're a medium,  you are never truly alone.  Not bathroom breaks,  sex or driving.  One of the best EVP's I ever caught was in my car,  at lunch,  on a whatsapp voice message.

   No.....investigations and readings only bring them all to the surface.  Or,  at least,  specific ones.  But the rest are always there just waiting to pop in when you least expect it.

   So.... If you wonder why,  sometimes,  mediums , and the like, get frustrated or need time before they can help you.... It isn't because we are selfish or expect anything.  It's just cause we can get very tired.  Very very tired.  In a way most people will never truly understand.

   For those of you who know people like us I hope this helps you to understand a little better.  All we ever ask for is patience,  understanding and acknowledgement of a job well done.  It's so little to ask for a job that takes so much.

   Blessed Be )O(

Sunday, June 26, 2016

All in a days work...

   It's been a week and a half since I did remote viewing for Paranormal Zone TV on cold cases.  Some I had heard of previously and some I hadn't.  I had a blast doing it regardless of how tiring that whole process can be.  Honestly,  I'm looking forward to the next show I'm scheduled for in September.

   But that's not what this post is about.  Sure.....I guess it's about the show,  but truthfully,  it's really about what came after.  I check,  every now and again,  on the comments left by people.  I respond to them too.  I answer what I can and try to connect with those who took time out of their day to watch.  Not just a little time,  either.  Almost 3 hours.  Lol.

   Most have been unbelievably supportive.  Quite a few have left glowing comments that could make anyones head swell.

   Well....if that anyone wasn't me.  Lol.  I'm still in shock so many have watched it.  That surprises me more than you know.  But not every comment was complimentary.  A few questioned what I do,  how I do it and my reason for doing it.  Some didn't believe.  Some were skeptical.  Some just didn't like me.  For those out there that fall under this category I have 2 words for you....

   Thank you.

   I am beyond pleased to be questioned.  I welcome healthy skepticism.  I encourage you to question,  not only me,  but every person who claims to have psychic abilities.  You are the people who keeps us HONEST. Just as much as we want to make our "fans" (I hate that word lol) happy,  we also want to give you new reasons to believe and that can only happen through trust.

   And trust is earned.

   Anyway... Just wanted to put that out there.  Got nothing but love for you all!

   Blessed Be )O(

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Take it or leave it...

   This is for all the misfits.  The one of a kind wonders.  The square pegs.

   You know I love ya!

   This is a reminder that it's 100% okay to be different.  I know I've told y'all this before but,  if you're anything like me,  you'll need a reminder every now and again.

   Problem is you shouldn't need this reminder in regards to your peers.  You shouldn't have to explain yourself,  or your beliefs,  to those who follow the same passion filled paranormal course that you do.  If nothing else those in the field should understand eccentricities.  Even welcome them as a break from the norm.

   But that doesn't always happen.  I see it every day.  Competition.  Egos.  Picking sides simply to stay in good graces with the cool kids.  It doesn't have to be that way.  I know,  for a fact,  alot of people disagree with the way I do things.  They don't understand my process or what I put myself through in order to get the information I get.  That's ok.  I don't ask anyone to understand.  I don't need the approval of others to continue.  In all honesty I'm as shocked as anyone when someone gives 2 hoots about what I have to say.  Lol.

   True story.

   It amazes me when something I do is well recieved.  I truly don't expect it.  Now....don't get me wrong.  I have my opinions,  too,  on some of the techniques used to obtain evidence out there.  I don't trust alot of it.  I'm old school like that.  Doesn't mean I'm right and others are wrong,  though.  Just means that's my opinion.  I share that opinion when asked but I don't take another down to make my point.  I simply don't have the time to care about it or the energy to do it.

   To put it plain and simple most of us got into the paranormal because of an experience we may have had.  More than likely an experience that ostracized us from society even if only in our own minds.  Alot of us have had experiences that are painful to share.  Even if those people are loved ones.  That is why this community is so important.  It's our safe haven for discussion.  A place we should be able to talk without fear of persecution.  I see,  daily,  how people forget that.  How they expect it for themselves but refuse to give it to others.  This saddens me.....

   Blessed Be )O(

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

A clean aura is a happy aura...

   A delightful topic was brought up,  on twitter,  today.  One I felt compelled to give my "2 cents" on.  My paranormal peeps who follow this blog will surely know what I'm talking about.  The topic was cleansing which I took to mean post investigation aura cleansing.

   I'm sure some will disagree with the importance of this ritual and that's totally okay.  We don't all have to agree all the time.  Life would be quite boring if we did.  That having been said,  I do believe this is a very important part of a paranormal investigators tasks.

   In many cases we are going into situations where there is negative residual energy if not,  in fact,  intelligent spirits.  Interaction,  good or bad,  leaves its invisible mark on us when we do this.  Not a whole lot different,  really,  than a bad day at work or an irritating traffic situation.  The act of "cleansing" rids us of these negative energies and helps us align our chakras and find peace.  This,  in turn,  helps us to view the situation,  and any evidence obtained,  with a clearer eye and a more open mind.

   Everybody's idea of cleansing is different.  There is NO right or wrong way to do it. Personally,  I have a smoke and quiet time till I can hit a salt bath with some incense and a lil Gregorian chant music.

   Yep..... I'm weird like that!  ðŸ˜„

   I also keep dragons blood oil on me and I tend to meditate quietly,  and quickly,  when necessary.  But this is MY WAY.  Does not have to be yours.  For some they use their religious beiefs and practices to cleanse.  For others it's herbs and silence.  Regardless of what you choose to do,  or how you choose to do it,  the result is the same.  You've cleared out the cobwebs and found some semblance of balance and peace.  Which,  I have to say,  is a far cry better than carrying around the equivalent of someone elses heavy baggage till you finally fall down.....exhausted.......from the load.  Food for thought,  peeps!

   Blessed Be )O(

Thursday, June 9, 2016

If people only knew....

   I've done a couple vlogs,  so far,  about my trip to Virginia.  About the paranormal investigations we went on and the effects they had on me and the team.  Those vlogs were short and sweet because I knew I couldn't suppres the tears for too long. can hear me shivering in the interview I did on Paramania radios "Behind The Open Door".

   Truth is,  people,  I am still shaking.  This IS NOT me.  My dear friend,  Abby Thompson,  even said it didn't look like me in the videos.  That's how much this experience has changed me.

   Will I continue to do what I do?
   Will I ever go into an investigation the
   same way?

   I have one thing to say to all those people out there begging for physical interaction with a spirit.  All those people provoking and taunting.....daring the unseen to take a shot at them......

   Be very careful what you wish for.  I never,  in a million years,  would have thought things would unfold the way they did..... unprovoked.  We did NOT go into this uninvited.  We did NOT seek it out.  We did NOT try to anger or entice.

   It did NOT matter.  Our fates were sealed before I ever stepped on the plane.  We knew that.  We just had no idea how it would take place. very careful in how you do things.  Look out for each other.  Take care of your team mates.  Love them as you do yourself.  You never know.....they may be the difference that keeps you from losing your soul entirely.  Food for thought.....

   Blessed Be )O(

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

I have no words....

   I started my latest adventure with an open mind.  Wanting to fully experience what Virginia,  and the spirit world,  had to offer.  Everything was perfect.  I had it all planned out and expected few "bumps in the road. " laid plans,  right?  Um... No....

   From the get go road blocks were thrown in my path.  Intervention,  at it's highest level,  from the powers that be.  They mocked my simple mind,  and wishes,  steering me into another direction.  One that will change my life.


   I have spent the last few days being the voice,  the victim,  the somewhat clumsy protector.  The conduit and the claw.  I've felt pain I once thought impossible.  I've felt love,  joy and remorse.  I've left my own mind to make room for others whom had no other way to scream. Physically,  and emotionally,  I've pushed myself past any boundaries that may have existed.

   I'm not the same...and I am grateful.