As I was driving home from work today, extremely sick and looking lovely, I had all the things I need to do going through my head. Responses to messages. Request for little mini-readings and the like. One might wonder why I was thinking about all this considering how ill I feel right now. Well...anyone who doesn't know me may wonder. Those who do know how seriously I take what I do and how important it is to me to do right by people. If I say I'm gonna do something, I try my damndest to do it. Sure...I don't always succeed but, I know in my heart, that the effort is there. I may be late...but it WILL get done.
Now, you may be asking yourself why in the world I'm writing about something so trivial. But it's not trivial...not to me. A lot of people out there, especially those in the paranormal sector, believe image is everything. That if you have the right image then you are "good to go", so to speak. That if you talk a good game the masses will believe you and you will succeed. That may be true once you've reached the top, but that's a BIG maybe. All of us amateurs have watched the rise and fall of some of the most loved paranormal peeps on television.
In my humble opinion, what those people lacked is memory. heard it right...MEMORY. Remembering how you got there and who was depending on you along the way. This is where my "image" issue comes into play. You can sell yourself very easily on social media. You can make people believe anything you want to through 140 characters. But when the time comes to put up or shut up could you do it? Could you be everything you had written yourself to be? That is a very tough question we all need to ask ourselves.
This is where, to me, the most important quality comes into play. It's called follow through. When someone seeks you out for guidance, give it. You may not be able to give it as soon as they would want it, but give when you can. When someone asks for help, if you can't aid them, find someone who can. We aren't always right nor do we know everything. Don't be afraid of being wrong. It's human. Be wary of the person who never see's they can be wrong. These people truly are more frightening than a ghost any day. Share credit. Give props to another when deserved. is a journey, not a competition. BTW...I stole that saying. ;-)
Last, but definitely not least, be who you say you are. People, by nature, have very long memories. You may say the tiniest white lie about yourself in order to appear more appealing. You may also get people to believe it. But you won't get them to forget it once they know the truth.
Now...I'm off to die for a short while. I honestly haven't been this sick in a long time and really can't believe I made it through the day. Go me!!!! But if I didn't write this now, I would forget what I needed to say. And now my son is yelling at me to go to bed. My hero... #FOLLOWTHRU
Sweet dreams, my pretties...
Blessed Be )O(
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