Monday, April 4, 2016

I promise it's true....

   I normally write along the paranormal lines but not this time. This blog is really a vent for me. A way to exhaust myself by sharing things most may try to keep hidden. The embarrassing stuff, ya know? Truth is....I'm surprising myself everyday. I'm learning it's okay to be proud of accomplishments. It's okay to "pat yourself on the back." You see...a week ago I took a good, long, look at myself....and I wasn't pleased with what I saw. True...I have accomplished much in the last year. I have a wonderful son, successful blog, a stellar radio show that I cohost with a dear friend (hi Mike!), two published books....working on a third.....a stamp in my passport and more love from friends and family than I know what to do with.  I'm a very lucky gal.

   So, with all these things you're probably wondering what could possibly make me unhappy, right? Well....the answer is simple.

   It's me. I was making me unhappy. I was holding myself back. I'm 44 years old. I'm single. And sometimes I get lonely. True story. I realized that I had been living my life, right down to the abuse I put my body through, for other people. I'm not a lazy person, by any stretch....but I became lazy when it came to ME and my needs.

   Last Monday changed all this. I sat down and figured out exactly how much I was hurting myself through my diet choices. For those who didn't wanna read about diet stuff, please don't stop reading...this is important. I realized I was hiding myself behind crutches and vices. Like soda. That was my worst. I always justified how much I drank of it by saying "it doesn't matter. I'm squishy and people love me that way." Truth was....I didn't love me that way. Last Monday I got the surprise of a lifetime. I figured out that by drinking over 2100 calories a day, in Coke, I was consuming over 64,000 calories A MONTH unnecessarily. My addiction was killing me slowly, from the inside....and outwardly in my confidence.

   Never again.

   By dropping that vice by over 90% I have lost 8 lbs in a week. I feel, physically, better than I have in a long time...and I'm on the right track to feel better about myself than I ever have before.

   This may seem silly to some of y'all but those who know me know I have to problem putting myself out there if it can possibly help someone else. That's what my hope is. That someone will read this and realize they are worth the effort too. It takes work to be everything you want to be. No one else is gonna do it for ya, folks. I figure if I'm gonna be 44 and single....I'm gonna be as badass as possible! I'm gonna ROCK that shit!!

   Love y'all!!!

   Blessed Be )O(


  1. good for you Vanessa,Dark soda is a killer, I kidd you not I quit drinking it over 1 year ago and my health is better. it is amazing how much it hurts you, again the millions spent on ads are there to tell you want you want to see, your health tells the truth.. YOU GOT THIS>> love ya, ad you r bad ass😘

  2. Thank you hun!!!!!! I figure I gotta stay around so I can bug y'all!!! Lol. Love ya hun!!!

  3. Thank you hun!!!!!! I figure I gotta stay around so I can bug y'all!!! Lol. Love ya hun!!!

  4. Nice revelation. These are things you need to realize on your own though. So no surprise it took that long! My sistermand I said to each other once that we were disgusted with our diets but not disgusted enough! LOL You need to be ready and you are ready! More power to you

  5. Thank you darlin!!!! Yeah....I just wanna be the best ME I can be!!

  6. Proud of you! I came to the realization I needed to love who I was a long time ago and take care of ME. Because I'm worth it. And so are you, awesome lady! 💖

  7. I couldn't agree more, hun!!!! We are all worth it!! ❤❤❤❤

  8. I couldn't agree more, hun!!!! We are all worth it!! ❤❤❤❤
