Thursday, April 21, 2016


   I seem to be on a roll today but, when the mood strikes, I simply must put pen to paper. this case, finger to qwerty keyboard. Lol.

   Sorry...a little writers humor there. I'll press on as if it never happened. Anywhooo....the reason I'm writing this is because of what I've witnessed lately.  On social media and in society in general.

   There seems to be this cloud of despair that hovers just above our heads. As if it blocks out the light we seek, keeping it just out of arms reach. This darkness, for I have no better word for it, cast us in shadows and makes our blessings so much more difficult to see.

   We are bombarded with the "poor, poor, pitiful me" mentality. That everything is grim and anguished. A struggle. What I'm wondering is how different things would be if we simply changed our view of them? Instead of stating how much we wish our lives would change why don't we begin those changes in ourself? I'll give you an example of what I mean. This first list is my "bad" list...

1) I wish I had more money.
2) I wish I had someone to hold at night.
3) I wish I were thinner
4) I wish I didn't hurt so much sometimes
  Just examples... alternate list...
1) I am so thankful I can take care of myself and my son.
2) I am so thankful for those who love me enough to never let me settle for less than I deserve.
3) I may not be thin and beautiful but my soul shines true and I'm truly happy.
4) My bones may ache but I can still move.  There are those who can't.  I can't compare myself to them.

   I know this sounds simple. Truly. I do. But sometimes simplicity is best. If we all tried, just for a moment, to see things just a little more different think how much more beautiful the world would be.

   Blessed Be )O(

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