Saturday, April 16, 2016

A musing, if you will....

   I was chatting with my friend, Jana, last night. Being the gals we are we started talking about things that make a lot of people uncomfortable. The subject of whether or not people are all good or all bad came up. People throw around the terms "white witch" and "black magic witch" ALOT! They do the same with spirits/ghost/demons. It made us wonder and I kinda have a theory on it. Lemme know what y'all think, ok?

   You see, my theory is that no one is born solely good or completely evil. Throughout history there are instances, with serial killers and the like, where people have stated that "he/she just changed! We never saw this coming!" Now...I know that sometimes people just snap. Sometimes environment triggers certain actions. I know that sometimes it's a choice.

   But....what I'm REALLY curious about is the soul. Those, throughout history, who seemed to have had their "light switch" turned off. My theory is their soul died.

   Do I sound crazy yet? Just gets better.

   I wonder if the soul has an expiration date. Kinda like a battery. After so many times of reincarnation does it eventually just expire? Could this happen "mid-existence"? Could this explain the behavior of those who seem to, all the sudden one day, have no soul? Food for thought, huh?

   Blessed Be my lovelies. )O(


  1. I believe just that, a death with no apparent cause. an example my sister passed away alone in her car along side the highway at the age of 44. when time is up.. you die

  2. Oh hun...I'm so sorry!!! ❤❤❤
