Monday, February 29, 2016

Ignorance is bliss....

   I read an article a few minutes ago that set my blood to boiling. was a year or so old so I pray someone has come to their senses since it was written...but I doubt it.

   This article concerned the fact that the SyFy show "Ghost Hunters" had been denied access to an abandoned mental hospital in Connecticut. The committee denying access stated, and I'm paraphrasing, that they wished the "dark past" of the hospital to be forgotten as they had plans for the remaining buildings. They wish to transform what's left into, I believe, a municipal complex and other businesses/offices.

   Wtf????? Seriously?????

   Now...I'm not saying that an area that has witnessed horrors, like this place has claimed to, can't have a thriving future. No.....I'm not saying that at all. What I am saying is you can't put a band-aid on a bullet wound and expect it to heal properly.

   Anyone who has ever spent any time in a location fraught with violence, sickness, disease and emotional turmoil knows there is a residue energy. If there are instances where the degradation and mistreatment of people have been perpetrated by those who were supposed to help them then the situation worsens. Those souls who depended on authority figures to give permission for the most basic of human functions will not likely leave simply because the place is abandoned. No...they will stay. They will stay and re-live the horrors meant to "cure" them.

   I understand not wanting attention brought to such a dark and violent past. I really do. What I don't understand is the complete and total ignorance to the possible outcome of ignoring it. I don't understand why anyone would wish another person to work, or spend time, in a place where events such as these have happened without doing anything to help the souls who are still there....too afraid to leave. Don't want it televized? Fine. But at least allow people in there who truly want to bring peace to those left behind and closure, if possible, to a moment in time that never should have happened in the first place.

   For those who don't believe that spirits of previous mental patients may still walk the halls of Fairfield Hills....that's ok. You don't have to. But you lose nothing in trying to help them.

   My sincerest wish is that those in charge see this blog. That they consider, for even a moment, the possibility I'm right. That they allow people in there to help. If I'm've lost nothing but a few days. If I'm've saved yourself from the headaches that are sure to come your way if the situation remains ignored.

   Trust me...your future employees will thank you.

   Blessed Be )O(

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