Saturday, February 6, 2016

Explicit Content...

   I would normally write something paranormal on my evening of "me" time...but I just can't today. No, something happened that I feel is far more important and I'm going to discuss that instead.

   You see, a dear friend came to me today. She had bruises all over her. Areas swollen the size of lemons covered her arms.

   Defensive wounds. Gotten from doing her best to block her face. I was so unbelievably angry inside, but I had to keep my cool. She didn't need me to be angry....she needed to GET angry.

   Yes. You heard me right. She needed to get fucking pissed! I came to that realization not too long ago. I passed that onto her and I'm going to pass it along to you.

   Now...before all the men who read my blog get the idea this is going to be "man bashing" hour...let me clear something up. There are just as many abusive women, both verbally and physically, in this world. I've seen it myself. You just don't hear about it, as much, because (I assume) men are too embarrassed to talk about it. Trust exist.

   First and foremost... NO ONE has a right to lay hands on you unless out of self defense. PERIOD. END OF STORY.  Any man who sees his woman as an outlet for his anger is the biggest coward on the planet. You could be 6'5, 300 lbs...but if you beat on a woman you're a pussy. Yep...there it is...I said it. Want a piece of me for speaking out about it, lets go tough guy. Same goes for verbal abuse or the random throwing of inanimate objects. Grow the fuck up and deal with your problems like a real man. Trust me, there are some out there...take a lesson.

   As for the women who believe they can hit their man, throw things at their man, talk down to their're bitches. Stop it. You're making life harder for the rest of us. As far as I'm concerned any woman who wants to beat on someone then scream "I'm a girl you can't hit me" needs to have her "real woman" card revoked. Damn straight I said that. Deal.

   It boils down to this, people. YOU have to decide your life is worth something. YOU have to decide you have a purpose here. YOU have to LOVE YOURSELF whether another person does or not. At the end of life only one body fits in a coffin. You can't take anything with you. This includes someone else's bullshit and baggage. So why the hell would you wanna lug that stuff around while you're still alive?

   FINAL WORD: If you had to write out your own eulogy which version do you want?
   1) Here he/she lays. Damn he/she could take a punch...


   2) he/she slipped away peacefully. The picture of inner strength to the very end.

   Sounds corny, I know...but think about it. Whe may not have a choice on how we enter this world but we sure as hell have a choice on how we reside in it and leave it.

   Blessed Be )O(


  1. All true my lovely, I've been at the receiving end, survived! Made me sad but not bitter, life is too short. I shall go to my grave peacefully when the time comes.🙏😘❤

  2. Oh hun!!! Your strength is inspiring!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ we all need to realize we are worth saving!!!

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