Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Leap of faith....

   Hi everyone!!! I know it's been a cool minute since I've written a blog, but I've been kind of busy. Lol. I decided to do a little something different here and just tell you about myself...kind of a "get to know me" thing. I figured it was way past due since I've been hollering about my books this whole time.

   First, I do write under my real name, which is Vanessa Hogle. I don't have a whole lot of imagination when it comes to things like that. If I were to make one up it would probably sound like a cross between a porn star and a cartoon character from the forties! Lol. So...yeah...just plain old Vanessa.

   I am a single mom of the most fabulous twelve year old son (almost the big 13) that ever lived. He is truly my rock and my reason for doing everything that I do. I am a dental assistant by trade who moonlights as a waitress on the weekends. Not necessarily because I want to work seven days a week, but because that's the only way a single mom can make it in today's world. I want to provide the absolute best for my child, but I fall short daily...although if you said that to him he'd probably punch you. He thinks I'm fabulous. Bless him.

   I like what I do, but I don't LOVE what I do. That's where the books and investigating come in. I absolutely LOVE doing that!! It has cost me in my life, my passion for the paranormal, but not the things that matter most. My son looks up to me and is astounded by all that I have accomplished in the last year. I'm not sure if he thinks it's going to make us rich but he wouldn't care if it didn't. He says I'm happy for the first time in my life. When your child tells you that they can actually see the difference, you listen...and you listen good. He has sacrificed as much as I by not having me around like other moms but I do my best to make every moment we have together special. I do work a lot, but I am never too tired for him. Ever.

   If you had asked me five years ago if I had thought any of this was possible I would have laughed, said no way, and went back to being partially dead inside. That thought frightens me. The fact that I almost gave in to the fear of putting myself out there. Granted...I have made some enemies by doing this. There are those out there who would rather wack me than to look at me, and that's ok. For every one of them there are ten others that they would have to get through to do it. So, yes...there have been some down sides. However...the upsides more than make up for anything negative that I have had to go through. I have met people I would NEVER have known otherwise. People that were brought into my life and are meant to be there till the end. People who truly care about me and the things I've been through and the things we will go through together. Friends who are every bit as much as family to me even though the same blood doesn't run through our veins.

   This is living, people. I was existing before, but now I am LIVING. I took that chance, scary as it was, and jumped off the cliff to see if I could really fly...and you know what? I can.

   And so can you, my lovelies...

*Blessed Be* )()(


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