Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Vanessa 101...

   Had quite the eventful day! Spent a considerable amount of time watching myself get slandered all over twitter by one particular individual. 

   Yeah...yeah...I know what you're gonna say. Fuck it, right? No worries...already one step ahead of ya. Some people have to live a lie because the truth is just too painful. Thank the Goddess that isn't me. Lol. Honestly, I was more entertained than anything so it wasn't a total loss. Those who care to witness someone burying themselves can go check out my twitter @VanessaRHogle. Feel free to message this person and ask them why their obsession with me seems to have no end. I, for one, would LOVE to know. 

   As for the lesson on myself, and what I believe, I will begin now. I figure it's best coming from me so that no one can get it twisted. 

   I've seen A LOT of talk on what's paranormal and what's not, on social media, lately. Accusations flying back and forth so I figured I would just lay it on the line right here...right now. 

   As far as I'm concerned I do not care one bit if a team makes videos to show their work. I've worked with teams that do only live investigations and those who film and edit later for episodes. I don't have a problem either way as long as the team/individual is honest. Hell...I don't even care if someone wants a TV show...as long as the work remains HONEST. No fake evidence or the like. I'm a simple gal with simple rules. If I find out someone is fake, or being false in ANY WAY, I will pull out completely. Period. Other than that, I don't care. Do what you do...as long as you are contributing real evidence or even if you have an hour of uneventful airtime and I'm bored out of my skull. Keep it honest and I got nothin but love for ya. True story. 

   Just my opinion here, but I think peoples biggest problem with "episodes" and a TV show mentality is the amount of deceit that seems to be involved. The effort put into faking evp's and such. I was told, a year ago, from a previous "member-ish type person" of a well known group exactly how they fake evidence. This was around the time he told me (btw...he used to flirt with me BIG TIME...made me a little uncomfortable as it did my boyfriend at the time) about the threat against me. 

   This well known group, he said, used a technique called "rubbing" to "capture" evp's. From what I understand it means that you hold the evp in your hand and rub your thumb over it to get a noise that you can't hear with your ears but shows up on an evp. Maybe it was called "thumbing". Oh well...one of those two. He also said they faked their photographs and "imprinted' other evp's. Good to know, right? If a team will not put their recorders down during an investigation maybe you should question it? I know I do. Finding out all this from this person PLUS seeing the text sent to him saying one particular member of this team wanted to "put his fist through my skull" made for an interesting little bit. I, of course, posted a screenshot of the text on twitter. That was fun. I think I got blocked after that. Lol. Oh well...bummer. 

   This same person who came across as a confidant, and preached ethics above all else, is now slandering me..along with a few others, on Instagram. Lol. The paranormal shit storm never ends, my beautiful peeps. I was sent a screenshot of the IG saying I "have a face like a bag of arseholes". Was written by my ex boyfriend. Honestly...I think that makes me look pretty good cause he's the one who liked the "arsehole" face. Go figure, lol. What bothers me more is the fact this person is now calling me a fake when he told me I was one of the most accurate psychics he's ever worked with. According to the screenshot my friend sent me of the IG he goes by Haunted Explorations. I'd bet you dollars to donuts that's Kester, himself. Lol. Like I wouldn't recognize the stairway at the Pontefract Poltergeist house! Lol. 

   These are the same people who told me I was being ridiculous for refusing to charge people for readings. Yep...true story. 

   My point is...this is what I know of the paranormal community. Those who are trying to be as real as possible...honest to a fault, really...get shit on. Like today I got called fake, a bully, a stalker, fame hungry and psycho. Ok...I'll concede...I can be a little psycho...but only when pushed. *insert big cheesy grin here* BUT...as for the others...not in a million years. As for the bully part...I stand up for others regardless of what it cost me. As for the stalking part...I was attacked on my own twitter feed from this person I have blocked and am not friends with. She used a way in through a conversation I was having with someone else. 

   So who is stalking who? 

   As for fame hungry...nope. The absolute LAST thing I want. I am perfectly content with how things are right now. My future is the businesses I'm starting. I design one of a kind jewelry pieces, voodoo dolls, make bath bombs, bath salts and chakra balancers. That's my future right there. Of course I will keep doing this as long as I am able...but I will continue to take nothing for it. I am not going to slam anyone who does take money for it but it's not how I do things. My gift, my business. 

   Until the time comes that I can no longer do what I do and benefit others, this is how it will be. Love me or hate me you can't deny this...I don't mince words. If I call you out know that I have reason, and proof, or else the words would never leave my lips. I don't care how rich or fame hungry anyone is...as long as they stay honest in the field. If you can't then get the hell out. That's exactly how I would do it. 

   Blessed Be )O(


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