I may tick a few people off with this post, but that is honestly not my intention. Obviously I don't worry too much about that, but still...
I've seen, all over social media, that it's some "National Ghost Hunting" day. Ok...cool. Always nice to have something to celebrate. I have no problem with that. The only thing that concerns me is the title. I've talked with others about this before, and frankly I'm certain I may have even used the term in the past myself, but I really try not to now. The term "ghosthunter". It really sends an unclear message. A confusing one, if you will.
Now...I'm not meaning to be a party pooper, really. But I am curious as to where the term originates from. To hunt something literally means to search for something. Ok...that makes sense...BUT...what do people who hunt normally do when they get whatever they are hunting?
They destroy it. Kill it. Use it as a trophy.
Kind of like some people in this field. The ones we all want to say "isn't us". The very thing we try to prove, daily, that we don't do. Destroy.
There is also the term "paranormal investigator" which literally means to inquire, study, examine. Basically to learn. I would hope that most of us fall into this category. That we truly want to learn, document, share findings. Talk and explore the paranormal in a way that advances it and allows it to grow and be better understood. I have much respect for those who fall under this category and who back it up by their actions. By sharing evidence with others. Making findings public. Asking for, and honestly wanting, others opinions on their findings. To not take immediate offense when questioned.
This is how we grow people. This is how we take this field out of the negative and into the positive. Obviously I'm not condoning negative comments on anyone's evidence. Not by a long shot. What I'm trying to do is open up the line of communication between teams. There is no reason that things can't change. No reason that people can't work towards the greater good...together.
If you have evidence...post it. If you got an amazing EVP...share it. If you caught some crazy ass pictures...share them. Invite constructive criticism. Hell...the other day I posted an ass load of orb pics knowing full well what some think of the concept. I don't mind. Not one bit. Maybe they know something I don't. Maybe they see something I didn't see.
This is what it takes for progress to happen. To be open. How can we expect anything different without that? I would rather work with a team who goes on 100 investigations and gets zilch, and admits it, than one who goes on 5 saying they got the most amazing evidence ever...but you never see it.
Blessed Be )O(
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