A delightful topic was brought up, on twitter, today. One I felt compelled to give my "2 cents" on. My paranormal peeps who follow this blog will surely know what I'm talking about. The topic was cleansing which I took to mean post investigation aura cleansing.
I'm sure some will disagree with the importance of this ritual and that's totally okay. We don't all have to agree all the time. Life would be quite boring if we did. That having been said, I do believe this is a very important part of a paranormal investigators tasks.
In many cases we are going into situations where there is negative residual energy if not, in fact, intelligent spirits. Interaction, good or bad, leaves its invisible mark on us when we do this. Not a whole lot different, really, than a bad day at work or an irritating traffic situation. The act of "cleansing" rids us of these negative energies and helps us align our chakras and find peace. This, in turn, helps us to view the situation, and any evidence obtained, with a clearer eye and a more open mind.
Everybody's idea of cleansing is different. There is NO right or wrong way to do it. Personally, I have a smoke and quiet time till I can hit a salt bath with some incense and a lil Gregorian chant music.
Yep..... I'm weird like that! 😄
I also keep dragons blood oil on me and I tend to meditate quietly, and quickly, when necessary. But this is MY WAY. Does not have to be yours. For some they use their religious beiefs and practices to cleanse. For others it's herbs and silence. Regardless of what you choose to do, or how you choose to do it, the result is the same. You've cleared out the cobwebs and found some semblance of balance and peace. Which, I have to say, is a far cry better than carrying around the equivalent of someone elses heavy baggage till you finally fall down.....exhausted.......from the load. Food for thought, peeps!
Blessed Be )O(
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