Thursday, October 8, 2015

I knew it!!!!

   Alrighty, a bit of a hard earned lesson to teach ya. Now...I know I've preached on this before, but I really wanna make sure you're listening.

   Today we are gonna discuss intuition. Yes...I know you know what it is...but do you use it? Listen to it? Count on it? I'm sorry to say I haven't always, much to my detriment. Lol! And I'm sure I will probably discount it again sometime in the future. That's just human nature.

   You see, it is very hard for us to believe that our gut is right when our hearts are telling us it's wrong. We will push down that feeling. We will hide it away in some dark place and refuse to think on it. Even when all the signs are there we still ignore it. When we do this we are, more than likely, proven wrong every time. So why do we keep doing it?

   Well...I think it's really simple. Most of the things that we have intuition on involve other people and these people have much to lose by us listening to our gut. So we get the "you're just being paranoid" speech or the "that person is a psychotic twat stalker" speech or the "that's just not logical to feel that way" speech. This can apply to love and life. Work and play. Any one of us who has expressed a concern over a gut feeling has been shushed over it at least once in our life. Now, I ask you, should you have listened to your gut or the one who told you were crazy? My money is on the gut. Just sayin...

   The next time you find yourself in this situation and someone tries to persuade you to think otherwise...don't question yourself. Question them. If you are wrong, no harm no foul, right? It is a simple easing of the mind for someone who may need it. But if you are right....well...let's just say that it clears up a whole lot of bullshit a helluva lot faster so you can move on to bigger and better things.

Blessed Be )O(


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