Friday, October 30, 2015

a matter of opinion...

   For my first blog, tonight (lol) cause I'm feeling chatty, I would like to broach the subject of exorcisms, Ouija and séances. For those tuning into my blog for the first time, prepare yourself for the disclaimer....

   1) I'm Pagan.
   2) I'm Wiccan.

   The two do not necessarily go hand in hand, but for me they do. That is why I have a hard time justifying the three topics listed above. Let's start with the Ouija since I have touched on this topic before. What's the one rule...the one MAJOR rule whenever you use a Ouija?? Come on, folks...I know you know it...


   Bingo!!! We have ourselves a winner!!! Saying you are done, or finished, or need to stop does not...I repeat DOES NOT close the session. What you open you must close. If you invite you MUST disinvite. Simple as that. For the love of whatever God you believe in, please don't use one if you have no intention on using it properly.

  Séances...see above rules and regulations. Nuff said...

   Now, to the biggie...exorcisms. There is a lot of hubbub that surrounds the topic, and for good reason. It is a scary deal to be involved in. With that being said, I want to pose a question to you. If God is almighty, all powerful, all seeing...why the use of mere humans to dispel demons? Now...I know that clergy are handmaidens of God. At least that is what the church tells you. Right? Right. Okay...I can get on board with that. What I can't understand is that why would he (as society believes) think that an organization as corrupt as many churches are today be fit to dispel evil? Have we not learned from the past? Have we not learned that some of the most evil humans on earth wear a clerical collar and have been protected by their brethren instead of being held accountable for their actions against society and it's children? Don't believe me...pick up a history book. Watch "Mea Maxima Culpa"...if you dare. Now...I'm not saying religion is bad, per say. In fact, I am all for people being "Christ like". Jesus was the epitome of how we should all act. Unfortunately if he were walking around today, same as he did back then, most Christians today would call him a hippie and turn him away. But...I digress.

   My point is...regardless of your views, religious or otherwise, when you consider demons and how to deal with you have to take into consideration one very important thing. The purity it takes to dispel evil needs to be absolute. That does not mean that one can never have sinned. It does mean that the sinner has to not only acknowledge sins but also make amends. The reason I'm so adamant about this is really very simple. To be pure doesn't mean you have never done wrong. It means you have done wrong and make every attempt to not continue along the same path. It's called a clear conscience. If you are part of an organization that has continued to turn it's head away from the atrocities of it's members, can you really say that you can go into a situation like this without a heavy heart? Just food for thought...


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