Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Yep...It's True...

   A good point was brought up recently about the competitive nature of paranormal teams and individuals in the field. I gotta be honest with ya, folks....

   I agree.

   Those who have read my blog before shouldn't be surprised by that statement. I've weaved the complaint through previous blogs. Giving examples of why I think this is true and giving tips on how to improve it. Has anybody listened? Have they implemented changes or tried to see the very obvious fact that this is an epidemic? I'm not really sure. I hope so...but who knows.

   As we all know, I'm not one to call people out by name, nor do I wish to make anyone feel as if I'm making an "example" out of them. All I can do is tell you how I do things....and why I do them that way.

   I learned a long time ago that no single person can make the difference that needs to be made in this field. No single person has all the answers. No single person has a better "in" with the spirit world than everybody else. This includes me. I'll give you an example...

   I was contacted today to look into a missing persons case. I've done this before so I wasn't necessarily surprised by the request. Wanna know what the first thing I did was? I messaged 2 dear friends. One to let them know in case I needed advice or a swift kick in the ass if I let it get to me and the second to help me. The first I'm sure y'all understand but the second you may be wondering about. You see, to me, it's very simple. I could give two shits whether I get any or all of the credit, regardless of the outcome. The only...I repeat ONLY...thing that matters is whether or not this person is found. Who helped is irrelevant. When I relayed what information I had I included my friends reading as well. That's how it should be.

   That's why you never hear/see me bragging about accomplishments on social media. The only time I go into detail about what I can do, and have done, is when I'm asked directly. It's not about fame. It's not about glory. It's not about notoriety.

   It's about helping people. Plain and simple. It's about gaining knowledge and understanding. It's a quest for the truth regarding all things paranormal. Whether it's psychics, witchcraft, ghost or demons. It's not a competition. At least not to me. Imagine how far we would be today if we spent as much time supporting other groups, and the cause, as we did finding ways to discredit them. Sure, there are the fakers out there. The liars who make shit up in hopes of gaining a TV show. Can't help that. Always gonna be that way. But here's an idea. If we all focused less on those people, and more on helping each other, they may become few and far between. Don't let the actions of others turn yourself, and the rest of us, into cheap bickering entertainment for the masses. I know this way isn't easy, folks...but I promise it'll be worth it.

Don't forget...love y'all!

Blessed Be )O(


  1. Enjoyed this one as well!

  2. your a rare one Vanessa, always enjoy your blogs and tweets :)

    1. Thank you so much! I'm so glad I have people lije you to share them with!

  3. Any news or headway on this case? I feel terrible forctge family.

  4. Yes. It ended well, thank the goddess, and we were on the right track.

  5. Yes. It ended well, thank the goddess, and we were on the right track.
