Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Secret...

   I was talking to my buddy, Gwen, tonight about the social media world we live in. How it all seems to be speculative and suspect, at times.

   I will admit, when I first branched out into twitterland, I was somewhat dumbstruck on how to do things. I was afraid, and it turns out rightfully so, of stalkers and weirdos. Creepy people, both male and female, and of people feeling they could get too "familiar" with me due to the, seemingly, no boundary law of the internet. Then it hit me...

   If I was going to go into things with that mindset then why bother? Isn't the whole reason behind social media interaction? Communication with people you may, otherwise, never meet? Networking?

   Now...I'll admit that sometimes this does not work out in my favor. Yes....I've been the recipient of unsolicited photos. Yes...I have had my share of "proposals", and I don't mean marriage. Lol. True...I have had a few stalkers in the past...and some that continue into the present. But you know what?

   That's okay.

   All of that doesn't diminish all the good friends that I have met through social media. Not followers...FRIENDS. People who check on me, daily, to see how I am. They ask after my family. They are curious as to how my day went. Plain and simple...they care. You know why?

   Because I care, too. I talk to them. I ask after them and their families, as well. We exchange thoughts, ideas, musings...if you will. We laugh and cry together. We poke fun at each other, and ourselves. I never expected that I would get on twitter and everybody would rush to my side. I knew I would have to work at it. I think that's where people get confused. They want to post pics and promote themselves, but don't want to engage with the people they are asking this of.

   Can't do that, folks. You want people to like you and have your back? Prove you're worthy. No one is gonna come knockin on you invisible "social media door" and say, "hey....let me brag about ya to everyone I just sit right there and chill...I got this."

   Remember...we're all on here to network and interact with like-minded individuals. We all gotta do our part. Just food for thought...

Blessed Be )O(


  1. I love having you in my life, you crazy, fabulous. Nutter you!!!!!!!!

  2. Oh hun!!!!! Love you!!!!! ❤❤❤ would be lost without y'all!!!!

  3. Oh hun!!!!! Love you!!!!! ❤❤❤ would be lost without y'all!!!!

  4. Thank you!!!!! I truly mean all of it!! ❤❤

  5. Thank you!!!!! I truly mean all of it!! ❤❤
