Tuesday, January 5, 2016


   I've been thinking about what to say in this blog all day and I think it finally came to me. You see, today has been a very annoying day to say the least. I will admit, I'm all abut the social media. In fact, I love it. I love interacting with people from all over the world. I love exchanging paranormal stories with them and bouncing ideas off them. I love hearing about other peoples experiences and seeing how they dealt with them. It is all very fascinating to me. These are the upsides to social media.

   But it isn't all flowers and sunshine, unfortunately. Wouldn't it be nice if it was? Anywhoo...I digress. Today was one of those days where I could have thrown my phone out the car window, twitter and all.

   A brief recap for those who didn't see it...

   A friend of mine posted a funny pic on twitter, not unlike we all do, and all of the sudden a couple of people got all "butt hurt" over it. Why, you ask? You see...there is the pickle. We have no idea. No one was tagged in it. No one was made to feel like it was them. Absolutely NOTHING was done wrong, yet all of the sudden, my friend and myself, are being called "jealous middle aged cows". You see...we have many mutual friends between us and the person who, apparently, thought we were speaking of his girlfriend. Why he would think a picture of a monkey wearing makeup was her is beyond me. I guess that is something he will have to sort out. I had to assume that, since this person is blocked from viewing my page, that it was his "professional" page he was using to spy on us with. Good assumption on my part, I guess. No sooner did I block that page did I start receiving notifications of brand new accounts following me or brand new accounts on twitter. Now...normally new accounts wouldn't stir up so much trouble, but these are different. It occurred to me, because it's what my phone said, that these accounts were from people in my phone contacts list. Well...you can imagine my dismay because I didn't know these people so how would they be in my phone number book, right?

   Can I get a BINGO???
   Can I get an AMEN???

   That's right, folks. If someones phone number is listed in your contacts it will notify you when they start a Facebook, Instagram and Twitter account.

   Sooooo...in order to keep my sanity and not hop on a plane to bitch slap someone, I am conceding. I will not continue to block the "strange twitter accounts" from people I don't know yet are somehow in my phone book. By all means, spy away. Absolutely assume that everything posted has something to do with you. Please be THAT self involved because the truth is just too much to take. I will NOT censor myself to spare your feelings. If I post a pic of a two headed snake, assume it means I think you are two-faced. If I post I had a bad day, assume you were the cause. If I post I tinkled glitter, assume you had control over that. BY ALL MEANS..assume everything that anyone says is about you. But...while you are doing that, know deep down that it is not true. We do not care.

   I repeat...WE DO NOT CARE. We have given up on you ever leaving us alone. We don't expect any semblance of decent human behavior from you. I fully expect to be viewed, spied on, talked about and harassed through innuendo.  I will tell everyone one I know to not relay the information to me because I simply could care less. I choose LIFE. I choose to continue on this adventure I have started with the finest people I know here and overseas. I got out of middle school a long time ago and don't wish to return and that's what this type of behavior reminds me of. I am just too old for it.

   With that having been said, enjoy what you like, bitch about what you don't, and press on. Life is simply too short for bullshit like this.

   As for me I have too much on my plate to be concerned with the blocking and the worrying. This is shaping up to be a stellar year and I can't wait to see what happens. For all my paranormal buddies out there...belt yourself up...it's going to be a helluva ride!!!

   Blessed Be )O(


  1. Great response to this narcissistic idiot. Don't know him and don't want to know. You are right it is not worth wasting your time if they are going to find backhanded ways to spy on you. Keep being you and make this an awesome year!

  2. You know it, hun!!! I'm just too excited about the future to give it another thought. I've worked too hard to have someone steal my happiness!

  3. You know it, hun!!! I'm just too excited about the future to give it another thought. I've worked too hard to have someone steal my happiness!

  4. Keep up the great work!Your path is to suceed those who want to weigh you down!

  5. Thank you!!!! I'm doing my best to be up to the task!

  6. Thank you!!!! I'm doing my best to be up to the task!

  7. I see the humour in it Van.. you are now as in the past, a success.I think if you turn off GPS location on phone, your incognito.
    looking toward your new book

  8. Thank u, hun!!! I'm sooooo looking forward to the future! DREAMS should be out soon! :-)

  9. Thank u, hun!!! I'm sooooo looking forward to the future! DREAMS should be out soon! :-)

  10. Wowcher that was a gob full .please don't gi your sen a head ache over lo life wanna bees. Bragg away as you please about your success.and wi sounds of it your already there at least you have to guts in truth and loyalty and not forgetting respect 👊 we all have some silly pic we like to share not only on twitter but on most media for everyone to see and to agree and to disagree. That's what it's all about .if ppl can't take it don't play! I also have been in position were iv seen pics and read and automatically assume it was directed at me .but hey! Guess what i just dont give a flying fk. some idiotic ppl need to get a life n concentrate more on them self's and try to get friends instead of gaining enemies ..iv got carried away 😕

  11. I couldn't have put it better myself, hun!!! Lol. I look at it this way...don't like what I post?....then don't spy on me. Lol. ❤❤

  12. I couldn't have put it better myself, hun!!! Lol. I look at it this way...don't like what I post?....then don't spy on me. Lol. ❤❤
