Wednesday, November 18, 2015

My eulogy...

   No...I'm not dying. least I don't think so, not yet. But I've had a lot of time to think lately and I've come to some very startling conclusions on some things.  Things like baggage. Not the kind that gets filled with goodies when you take a trip, but the invisible kind you carry around that everyone else can see but you.

   We all know what causes this. We have all known hurt. We've all known betrayal and deceit. But we've also known love. We've known kindness. We've known compassion beyond measure when those who care for us rally around in support when you need it the most.

   So why is it that the painful baggage seems to outweigh the joyful baggage? This is what I pondered today and I came up with a very simple reason. It's because we allow it to. Yes...that's right. We ALLOW it to. It is so much easier to see the dark instead of the light. The pain instead of joy.

   Not anymore.

   I have dealt with a lot of pain in my life. Some more prominent than others. Most I have been able to brush off, in a way. You know...act like it didn't happen. Sometimes I don't do such a good job at that. But I'm working on it.

   That's why this post is called "My eulogy". If I were to die tomorrow I want everyone to know exactly how they have impacted my life. Exactly what they have meant to me. For every kindness done to me I have tried to repay it tenfold. But that isn't enough. Those who have wronged me, or hurt me intentionally or unintentionally, I need to repay too. And I will....with forgiveness. I suppose I should explain that this is also for me, the forgiveness. I have realized that I have let people who have hurt me take up space in my head for far too long. I cannot be the kind of person I want to be if I allow that to continue. So...from this day forward, you are forgiven. I wish to thank you for teaching me what it's like to have people truly care about me and to be there for me when needed. I wish to thank you for reminding me that it is action, not words, that show how people really feel. I wish to thank you for bringing me back to reality in a way that let's me start fresh on the adventure that is the rest of my life. That really is an unbelievable gift, however unintended. And I thank you.

   For those who have stood by me, and you all know who you are, you have my undying gratitude and love. My door, and my heart, is always open to you. What's mine is yours and I give of it freely. All of you have shown me what true friendship and caring about one another is really all about.

   Now, since ya'll love me too, you have to promise one thing for me. When I do perish, oh the horror at the thought, will ya'll promise to cremate me and split up the ashes so you can carry me around the world in backpacks?

   Momma V wants to travel!

   Blessed Be, my lovelies...)O(


  1. Hahaha!! Well, I'm not sure about carrying you around in a backpack (clumsy) but I can promise if I live longer than you, I'll carry your memory in my heart wherever I shall go! Love you V! ��������

  2. Well thought and put Van!! We all must go through our own journey in this thing called "life". You have reached yet another benchmark dear. And we are all so proud to be part of your life and to be able to call you our friend! ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  3. The honor is mine. ❤ True friends are hard to come by. Love y'all!!!

  4. The honor is mine. ❤ True friends are hard to come by. Love y'all!!!

  5. Love you babygirl! You are a true friend and I will always be here for you, no matter what! I know that good, amazing things lie ahead...for you, me and all of us. It's a matter of how you look at things. There's always a lesson and something positive to be found. Everything happens for a reason. We all need to learn and grow but in our own way. You are forever in my heart and if I somehow outlive you, I shall do as you wish. Just don't be upset if I don't get to travel very far lol But I can promise that you'll meet some true characters and I'll have you giggling and smiling until I join you. That's a firm promise my dear friend. Hugs and Loves xxx <3 T

  6. I know, without a doubt, you would carry me everywhere you could!!! Lol!! Love you, hun!!!!

  7. I know, without a doubt, you would carry me everywhere you could!!! Lol!! Love you, hun!!!!
