Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Living the dream...

   This is for all my "ghosties" out there. My kindred spirits of the paranormal realm. I want to talk about "living the dream...". Not the "how can I make a million zillion dollars" dream, but the dream to do what you love that is buried deep inside you. Yes...that dream.

   For those who have a strong connection to any and all things paranormal, I wanted to write this post for you. I wanted to give you something to dream about but, most importantly, I wanted you to really think about it. It's one question. A really simple one, too.

   If you could investigate anywhere in the world where would it be, and why?

   Sounds simple, right. Well...you know I don't make things easy on you if I can help it, so I'm going to explain exactly what I'm looking for. What I want to know is not only the place you would like to go, but really WHY you would like to go. I know, I know...your answer may be as simple as "It just sounds like a really cool place!" That's fine, too. I'm not that mean to say it's not. Lol. But try to step out of that mindset for just a moment. Really think about your answer. What is it about the place you pick that makes it stand out above all other places in the world? Do you have some sort of  a personal connection to it? Do you dream, at night, about it? Is it calling you?

   Really...I'm not trying to get all "school teacher" on you. Promise. Okay...maybe a little. But it IS important. You will learn a lot about yourself if you really give this question some thought. Since I know this is a little unorthodox, even for me, I will start off and tell you mine.

   Mine is Vlad Tepes castle. Yes...for those who know me well you know I have a pretty dark side. This is all true. But not my reason for wanting to go there. Not by a long shot. You see...I have a weird connection to him, or to the area...I'm not sure. I live in Oklahoma...far from his corner of the world. Yet, one day, a friend of mine went to a thrift store here and bought me a bookshelf. I had asked her if she saw anything to pick it up and I would pay her for it. She did and I had her put it ion my trunk while I was at work. Bought sight unseen. Later that day I took it out of my trunk, when I got home, and wondered what in the hell I had paid ten bucks for! It was flat and covered in about two inches of dust. I took it in to my apartment and began to clean it up. It was pretty, but unremarkable, in any real way but I needed a bookshelf so I continued to clean. It was at that moment that I felt something on the underside of one of the fold down shelves. I turned it over and started to wipe that dust off and that is when I saw it. There, on the underside of the shelf, was a shipping tag taped with the embossed face of Vlad Tepes. That day, in bumfuk Oklahoma, little ol me had unknowingly bought a shelf from Romania. Honestly...the odds, right? Not only was this Oklahoma...it was "south side" Oklahoma. Not exactly the side of town you would expect to find such a piece...and especially not for ten bucks!!

   But that isn't the only reason I want to go there. In truth, I am honestly fascinated by the person he seemed to be. I know all the gruesome tales. I know all the history. I'm not disturbed by that at all.

   I'm fascinated.

   The human mind is truly a marvel to me and I would love to delve into his and see what was inside. The shrewdness. The calculation. The brilliance. I may not condone his methods on some things, but I'm smart enough to know I was not there and cannot possibly understand what it would have been like during such a time. I want him to tell me, if he would.

   So there. You have your assignment, kiddos. Make momma proud!

   Blessed Be )O(


  1. Mine would be a Neolithic burial site in England. There is one in particular that I'm drawn to and I don't think it's because I have any type of connection to it but rather what it could "tell" me or teach me about that time period. Like what did it see in that era...and in every era between then and now! Its almost like the beginning of time to me if that makes any sense.

  2. I think that is wonderful!!!! It makes perfect sense!

  3. I think that is wonderful!!!! It makes perfect sense!
