Friday, November 20, 2015

Inner peace...

   There has always been struggle both between, and within, folks to find the spiritual path that best suits them. We all know what it's like when religious groups wage war against other cultures because we see it everyday in the news. What we don't see is the inner struggle people have. The conflict they suffer while trying to figure out what is right for them but, at the same time, allows them to feel at peace amongst the rest of society.

   I know that struggle. I've felt it both personally and professionally. I've been that person who feels like they have to conform in order to please others all the while I was miserable inside.

   What brought this all to the surface today was a private message I received on social media. She was quite confused as far as her personal path is concerned. She felt pulled, in a very painful way, between what is socially acceptable and what necessarily isn't when it comes to spirituality. I know many who have felt much the same way. This saddens me a great deal.

   I know that my way is not the way for everyone. I know that choosing the Pagan path is not widely accepted and I have been shunned for it. Ridiculed. Told, "awwww, lawdy...yous channelin the devil..." (yes...that happened). I've been told I'm going to burn in hell. That God has turned away from me for my choices. I've been told to keep it a secret. That one hurt the most. I have one response when I am told things, such as these. ONE.

   I do not believe you. IS that simple. You see...I truly don't believe it matters one bit what your chosen spiritual path is. I do not believe for one second the "Powers that Be" give two hoots what you call yourself. I DO believe that they care how you conduct yourself. They care how you treat other people. They care how you impact the lives of others.

   This is what I told my friend. Spirituality and faith isn't about putting yourself in a box. It's about stepping out of that box and seeing the world for what it is. Broken, hurt, hungry, poverty stricken, angry, full of wonder, hope and love. It's about getting up every day and doing the best you can to make the world a better place, no matter how small you feel your contribution is. It's about taking each day as the gift it is and paying forward to those who may not feel the love like you do that day.

   It's about peace. When you can find this peace within yourself, secure in knowing that you are being the best YOU that you can be...then you can help spread that peace to others through love, understanding and compassion. This is not about getting people to change their path to one you approve of. It's about realizing ALL of our paths lead to the same destination. The journey will be so much more joyful if we can walk together, instead of against each other. Just food for thought...

Blessed Be )O(


  1. Hi Vanessa, Again another blog of wonderful insight into someone who has experience that is so simple some my find complicated. I have been told many times to go to church to worship. My reply has always been the same, that i dont need to go to a box to express my beliefs, i try to make each day for me and my fellow man a little better no matter how small. The greatest spirit we have is the one within us and therefore the one i worship and expand upon each day. When the understanding thet love and caring are within each of us, not only for us, but to share and grow with others that's when the world begins to heal and share.
    A thank you for your great words that are not only written they are heartfelt
    Steven Currie

  2. Thank you sooooo much!!!! We all need to realize we are in this together. That is my hope. That someday people will realize that. 😊

  3. Thank you sooooo much!!!! We all need to realize we are in this together. That is my hope. That someday people will realize that. 😊
