Saturday, November 28, 2015

Just so you know...

   I wanted to type out a quick blog about something I feel truly passionate about. Evidence. Yes...evidence. We all know I'm always preaching at ya about being honest...btw...don't expect that to stop anytime soon...k? But the honesty I speak of isn't just in words, it's in actions. What I'm talking about is honesty during investigations. So many of us rely on the idea that people are legit when they show a play back, or post an EVP...and I'm sure a lot of people are. At least I hope so. That having been said, a lot of people aren't, so I'm going to give you a little info on what to look for so you will know the next time you watch someone.

   One of the easiest tricks that people use to fool you into thinking they got an EVP is called bookmarking. Apparently, when you have one of the older voice recorders...and maybe even some new ones, you can "imprint" a voice or sound or whatever on there and when you record over it and it will sound like a real EVP. Not only is this completely unethical, it's just too damn time consuming. Who has the time to come up with stuff like this? I sure as hell don't but some people do. Now...I know that seems like it would be hard to spot and prove, so we will move onto something a little easier. It's kind of along the same concept, only instead of an pre-imprinted EVP that is recoded over, this time it's just simply a pre-recording that is played to make you think it's an EVP. The best way to spot this is during playback you won't hear the investigator ask the question. You will only hear the EVP. Sad...I know, but people WILL do this.

   The other one some people will do we will call "scratching". Let's face it...we have all heard "weird noise" EVP's. I know I have. And some are actually something...but some are not. One of the tricks investigators use is rubbing their finger or fingernail over the side of the recorder. This will give you a very odd sound that normally can't be explained by natural means and's "paranormal". Sad, huh?

   Last, but definitely not least, shall we discuss paranormal pics? Do you really want me to get started on that topic. I could talk for hours alone about the different apps out there that can produce a "paranormal" image. Not to mention, if you want it to look like mist on a there is a spiritual white mist floating in front of you...smoke a cigarette. Works great. I'm putting all this out there because I believe that viewers deserve to know the truth and if people keep trying to dupe them with fake evidence, well, let's just say it's insulting and they soon will not stand for it.

   Oh...and if you take a pic to an honest team trying to say you have something going on at your house...fully expect them to be skeptical and not assume it's something till they can prove it. Oh...and if it's believe they will prove that too. Food for thought...

Blessed Be )O(

Friday, November 27, 2015

The best is yet to come...

   I thought I would take a moment and pay homage to the people who have helped me over the last 8 months. It has been a wild ride with a lot of twist and turns but, I know now, it was all for a purpose.

   My future is looking brighter than it ever has. Not because of any type of fame or notoriety but because I am truly doing what I love...and I'm doing it with the support of some really incredible people. I have been privileged enough to consult on cases for some of the best paranormal teams I have ever come across. These wonderful people are not only my friends and colleagues...they are my extended family. They have promoted me and my books. Believed in me and trusted me. They have laughed with me, cried with me, screamed with me when I was having a bad day. They worried and cared about me when it felt like no one else did. These two teams are @ NP PARANORMAL with Karl Porter, Dave Newton and Abby Thompson and  @BPI with Gwen and Gene Clapper, Tonya Childrey, Alyssa Luckett, Courtney Clapper and Chris Lopper. All on twitter. I highly recommended you checking them out. NP PARANOPRMAL has a livestream show and a You Tube channel and BPI has a You Tube channel. They are among the most ethical and honest people I know and I trust them implicitly.  

   It's not just the groups who have become so special to's my entire twitter family. I simply cannot name everybody, but you all know who you are. This is my promise to all of you. I won't let you down. A lot of faith has been put into me. A lot of expectations. You have my promise that I will do my level best to make you all proud. My son is my rock here and all of ya"ll are out there. The support means more to me than you could ever know. It's something I've never had and I will not take it for granted. But, please, if you are reading this give a look at my friends...NP PARANORMAL and BPI (Beyond Perception Investigations). If it is REAL, HONEST and FROM THE HEART that you are looking for, when it comes to paranormal investigations, then these are the peeps to follow. They truly are some of the best people I know. I love them all.

Blessed Be )O(


Monday, November 23, 2015

50 Shades of Paranormal...

   I was pondering the future of paranormal television today. Not unlike I normally do, really. Considering all of the "poo" that has come out about some of the tv shows recently I'm sure I'm not the only one to give this some serious thought. That's when it occurred to me. Honestly, I can't believe it hadn't popped in my head before now.

   It's NO LONGER about the evidence. If it really ever was. How sad is that? I am actually sad over that thought. Really. Now, I'm sure you're wondering how I came up with that conclusion. Hold your horses...I plan on telling you. Promise.

   If you go back through history you will find that the paranormal field has always had it's share of tricksters. There have always been people who were willing to go to the extremes to prove ghost exist and completely threw ethics out the window to do it. That comes as no surprise. But we there is one big difference. Whereas before it was about claiming notoriety and coin in whatever area of the world you live in now it's about the same thing but the whole world is your audience.

   That's right, folks. We live in an age where the world is a stage and we are all wannabe actors looking for our big break. Well...not really all of us but enough of us. This wouldn't be a problem if we were talking about plays or movies...but we aren't. We're talking about something so much more important. The ability to understand, communicate and interact with loved ones after they have passed on. Beats the hell out of a movie any day, in my book.

   Where my 50 Shades comes into play is how it is decided who we get to see accomplish the miraculous feet of chatting with the dead. got's sex appeal. Looks. Gotta be a hottie. Biggest boobs. Fakest hair. Loudest scream...etc, etc, etc. Everything that doesn't mean diddly squat to the spirit you are communicating with. You see, I liken this to the 50 Shades books because, if you think about it, you will realize how you have been manipulated by the theory behind the idea. Now...before you get all mad at me and turn your computer off I want you to ask yourself this. If you have read the books, which I admittedly have not, would you have even been interested in them if the main male character lived in a trailer park? What if he weighed 300 lbs, had a beer belly and acne? Is your answer yes? Would you have read it? Paid money for it? No...I didn't think so. Because it's not fantasy. It's not "sexy". The same philosophy is applied to paranormal shows. It's about what is pleasing to the eye. Not the mind or the soul. Before you start talking about the paranormal investigator shows out there where this theory doesn't apply, cause I know a few exist, think about who is on them. Ask yourself if that is a fair depiction of the average investigator or is it much like what local news stations do at the scene of an accident. Do they find the person who can calmly explain the situation or do they go for the most colorful character they can find? You know, the one who has no idea what happened but sure is fun to watch?

   What it all boils down to, folks, is you. You decide what you will allow. Will you continue to be swayed by an industry who has no intention of providing quality investigations in the hopes of obtaining new evidence? Or will you stand up for what is right and say that you are smarter than that. That you love the shows for their entertainment value but you would also like to see what is really going on. That you deserve the truth, even if it isn't "sexy". Food for thought...

Blessed Be )O(

Sunday, November 22, 2015


   This isn't a paranormal blog. Not tonight. But it is necessary for me to write. It has been a crazy couple of months for me. I've learned more about myself than I ever cared to know. I've realized just how much I can take before I break and then how much more I can pile on top of that. So that's what this blog is about. It's about a persons breaking point. It's about their grief once they have hit that breaking point.

   You see people assume grief and death go hand in hand...and they do. But that doesn't always mean physical death. It can mean the death of a dream, of a promise, of a friendship. These can be just as painful, sometimes more, than physical death because they are a choice. A choice made by a person who has no comprehension of the damage they are causing. Or maybe they do and simply do not care.

   That's what I have been dealing with. These type of losses. Myself, and some others, have been the victims of lies, manipulation, deceit beyond measure, scorn, bashing, innuendo, hatred and jealousy. All by a couple of people who know exactly who they are. If you are reading this...HI!

   Why have we been the targets of such acts, you ask?'s because we found out the truth and chose to expose it. We couldn't stand the idea of what we had unknowingly been pulled into. Unfortunately one, who had played the victim so well, is as bad as the person responsible for all this hurt. It is these two people whom I dedicate this blog to.

   As posted in an earlier blog yes...I forgive you and thank you for the lessons learned. That is true. But this is what you also need to know. All the while your scheming was being perpetrated we were all believing you. We believed IN you. We had your back and would have fought any demon for you, if asked. We sung your praises and prayed for your families. We listened to complaints and fears and gave advice. We reminded you of all the reasons you deserved to be loved and cherished. We listened as you said all the same things in return...and we believed them. We encouraged you. We cried with you. We supported you when you convinced us it was you against the world. We loved you like no other...just as you said you loved us. In case you haven't caught on yet, this is what I'm saying.

   This is LOSS. This is GRIEF. Not because any of us would care to be a part of any of this again, but because we grieve the loss of promises made. We never had a reason to believe they were made in vain. We grieve the loss of friendship that meant more to us than it did to you. We grieve knowing we were played for fools. The saddest part is knowing that if the truth hadn't come out when it did...that if I hadn't have asked the right person the right question, it would all still be going on. And we would all still be fools. I admit...that part I don't grieve. It's the only good thing to come out of this whole mess. So, anyway...there you have it. I know this will be seen because you just can't help yourself. For that I'm glad. Maybe you will ask yourself some very important questions instead of living the lie you can't seem to untangle yourself from.

Blessed Be )O(

Friday, November 20, 2015

Inner peace...

   There has always been struggle both between, and within, folks to find the spiritual path that best suits them. We all know what it's like when religious groups wage war against other cultures because we see it everyday in the news. What we don't see is the inner struggle people have. The conflict they suffer while trying to figure out what is right for them but, at the same time, allows them to feel at peace amongst the rest of society.

   I know that struggle. I've felt it both personally and professionally. I've been that person who feels like they have to conform in order to please others all the while I was miserable inside.

   What brought this all to the surface today was a private message I received on social media. She was quite confused as far as her personal path is concerned. She felt pulled, in a very painful way, between what is socially acceptable and what necessarily isn't when it comes to spirituality. I know many who have felt much the same way. This saddens me a great deal.

   I know that my way is not the way for everyone. I know that choosing the Pagan path is not widely accepted and I have been shunned for it. Ridiculed. Told, "awwww, lawdy...yous channelin the devil..." (yes...that happened). I've been told I'm going to burn in hell. That God has turned away from me for my choices. I've been told to keep it a secret. That one hurt the most. I have one response when I am told things, such as these. ONE.

   I do not believe you. IS that simple. You see...I truly don't believe it matters one bit what your chosen spiritual path is. I do not believe for one second the "Powers that Be" give two hoots what you call yourself. I DO believe that they care how you conduct yourself. They care how you treat other people. They care how you impact the lives of others.

   This is what I told my friend. Spirituality and faith isn't about putting yourself in a box. It's about stepping out of that box and seeing the world for what it is. Broken, hurt, hungry, poverty stricken, angry, full of wonder, hope and love. It's about getting up every day and doing the best you can to make the world a better place, no matter how small you feel your contribution is. It's about taking each day as the gift it is and paying forward to those who may not feel the love like you do that day.

   It's about peace. When you can find this peace within yourself, secure in knowing that you are being the best YOU that you can be...then you can help spread that peace to others through love, understanding and compassion. This is not about getting people to change their path to one you approve of. It's about realizing ALL of our paths lead to the same destination. The journey will be so much more joyful if we can walk together, instead of against each other. Just food for thought...

Blessed Be )O(

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

My eulogy...

   No...I'm not dying. least I don't think so, not yet. But I've had a lot of time to think lately and I've come to some very startling conclusions on some things.  Things like baggage. Not the kind that gets filled with goodies when you take a trip, but the invisible kind you carry around that everyone else can see but you.

   We all know what causes this. We have all known hurt. We've all known betrayal and deceit. But we've also known love. We've known kindness. We've known compassion beyond measure when those who care for us rally around in support when you need it the most.

   So why is it that the painful baggage seems to outweigh the joyful baggage? This is what I pondered today and I came up with a very simple reason. It's because we allow it to. Yes...that's right. We ALLOW it to. It is so much easier to see the dark instead of the light. The pain instead of joy.

   Not anymore.

   I have dealt with a lot of pain in my life. Some more prominent than others. Most I have been able to brush off, in a way. You know...act like it didn't happen. Sometimes I don't do such a good job at that. But I'm working on it.

   That's why this post is called "My eulogy". If I were to die tomorrow I want everyone to know exactly how they have impacted my life. Exactly what they have meant to me. For every kindness done to me I have tried to repay it tenfold. But that isn't enough. Those who have wronged me, or hurt me intentionally or unintentionally, I need to repay too. And I will....with forgiveness. I suppose I should explain that this is also for me, the forgiveness. I have realized that I have let people who have hurt me take up space in my head for far too long. I cannot be the kind of person I want to be if I allow that to continue. So...from this day forward, you are forgiven. I wish to thank you for teaching me what it's like to have people truly care about me and to be there for me when needed. I wish to thank you for reminding me that it is action, not words, that show how people really feel. I wish to thank you for bringing me back to reality in a way that let's me start fresh on the adventure that is the rest of my life. That really is an unbelievable gift, however unintended. And I thank you.

   For those who have stood by me, and you all know who you are, you have my undying gratitude and love. My door, and my heart, is always open to you. What's mine is yours and I give of it freely. All of you have shown me what true friendship and caring about one another is really all about.

   Now, since ya'll love me too, you have to promise one thing for me. When I do perish, oh the horror at the thought, will ya'll promise to cremate me and split up the ashes so you can carry me around the world in backpacks?

   Momma V wants to travel!

   Blessed Be, my lovelies...)O(

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Living the dream...

   This is for all my "ghosties" out there. My kindred spirits of the paranormal realm. I want to talk about "living the dream...". Not the "how can I make a million zillion dollars" dream, but the dream to do what you love that is buried deep inside you. Yes...that dream.

   For those who have a strong connection to any and all things paranormal, I wanted to write this post for you. I wanted to give you something to dream about but, most importantly, I wanted you to really think about it. It's one question. A really simple one, too.

   If you could investigate anywhere in the world where would it be, and why?

   Sounds simple, right. know I don't make things easy on you if I can help it, so I'm going to explain exactly what I'm looking for. What I want to know is not only the place you would like to go, but really WHY you would like to go. I know, I know...your answer may be as simple as "It just sounds like a really cool place!" That's fine, too. I'm not that mean to say it's not. Lol. But try to step out of that mindset for just a moment. Really think about your answer. What is it about the place you pick that makes it stand out above all other places in the world? Do you have some sort of  a personal connection to it? Do you dream, at night, about it? Is it calling you?

   Really...I'm not trying to get all "school teacher" on you. Promise. Okay...maybe a little. But it IS important. You will learn a lot about yourself if you really give this question some thought. Since I know this is a little unorthodox, even for me, I will start off and tell you mine.

   Mine is Vlad Tepes castle. Yes...for those who know me well you know I have a pretty dark side. This is all true. But not my reason for wanting to go there. Not by a long shot. You see...I have a weird connection to him, or to the area...I'm not sure. I live in Oklahoma...far from his corner of the world. Yet, one day, a friend of mine went to a thrift store here and bought me a bookshelf. I had asked her if she saw anything to pick it up and I would pay her for it. She did and I had her put it ion my trunk while I was at work. Bought sight unseen. Later that day I took it out of my trunk, when I got home, and wondered what in the hell I had paid ten bucks for! It was flat and covered in about two inches of dust. I took it in to my apartment and began to clean it up. It was pretty, but unremarkable, in any real way but I needed a bookshelf so I continued to clean. It was at that moment that I felt something on the underside of one of the fold down shelves. I turned it over and started to wipe that dust off and that is when I saw it. There, on the underside of the shelf, was a shipping tag taped with the embossed face of Vlad Tepes. That day, in bumfuk Oklahoma, little ol me had unknowingly bought a shelf from Romania. Honestly...the odds, right? Not only was this was "south side" Oklahoma. Not exactly the side of town you would expect to find such a piece...and especially not for ten bucks!!

   But that isn't the only reason I want to go there. In truth, I am honestly fascinated by the person he seemed to be. I know all the gruesome tales. I know all the history. I'm not disturbed by that at all.

   I'm fascinated.

   The human mind is truly a marvel to me and I would love to delve into his and see what was inside. The shrewdness. The calculation. The brilliance. I may not condone his methods on some things, but I'm smart enough to know I was not there and cannot possibly understand what it would have been like during such a time. I want him to tell me, if he would.

   So there. You have your assignment, kiddos. Make momma proud!

   Blessed Be )O(

Sunday, November 15, 2015


   Yes...I actually paused the "documentary" I was watching to write this. I couldn't help it and you will see why. I won't say what it was because it goes against the whole point of me writing this but I will say you can find it on Hulu.

   I was laying there, minding my own business, somewhat enjoying the show when I heard the most unbelievable thing come out of one of the guys mouth. It completely confirms what most of us have known all along. That a lot of people are into the paranormal for the fame and notoriety they get. When that goes to their heads, complete asinine statements, like the one he made, spew forth from the mouth like so much vomit.

   "Every other investigator that has been in this house was an amateur. If this is really the 'Axe Murder House' WE are the people you need to show yourself to." Or some such garbage like that. As I'm sure you can guess, I am talking about the Villisca Axe Murder House in Villisca, IA. Now...that house isn't the main investigation this doc is about, but they have made it a pretty big part of it.

   Anyone who is in the paranormal field, I'm sure, can understand why I find that statement ludicrous. Just in case, as you know I always do, I will lay it out for you because that's just how I roll.

   1) There is no such thing as a "Professional" ghost hunter. There are such things as "people who have tv shows regarding the paranormal", though. Not the same thing. Just saying.

   2) This is not...I repeat IS exact science. You can have all the expensive gadgets that money can buy and you still won't get evidence that can be proven. You may...but there are no guarantees. Let's face's not like you are an accountant or a doctor where you are guaranteed some sort of result.

   3) Remember where you came from and who is watching you. Yes...I'm talking about the "amateurs" you just slighted by putting yourself up on some invisible pedestal. It may hurt to fall from such a height. That's a good thing to remember.

   4) Some of the most compelling evidence I've seen was gotten LIVE with a zero budget. I have yet, to date, seen anything to come close. Guess was gotten by "so called amateurs".

   It all boils down to one thing. Some people are paid "ghost hunters" on an edited show, some people aren't. Some people have a budget to do whatever they want, regardless of how questionable it is. Others would never dream of doing that no matter how big the budget was. Some people get a big head thinking they are above reproach. Some just want to do what they love without it draining their own bank accounts. But, most important, most just want the truth. The unfortunate thing is when the general public watches something like this, and they see the attitude of the "star" of the show, it cast another doubt on this field I love. For once, I would LOVE for a paid ghost hunter to go into a location and make it NOT about THEM, but about WHO they were trying to contact. Food for thought, folks...Just sayin...



Friday, November 13, 2015

My heart breaks...

   Writing is my therapy. It helps me to focus my thoughts and to point them in a more positive direction. That is what I am hoping to accomplish with this blog tonight.

   Just hours ago a horrific terrorist act was committed in Paris. It is still going on as I write, in fact. As my friends and I wait with baited breath my heart weeps and my mind screams. You see...I have many loved ones over seas. People who have accepted me into their families as a part of their own. People who worry about me when I am sick. People who check on me when a bad storm is coming. People who care for me as much as I care for them. They are my non-blood family. Therefore, when they hurt...I hurt. And I am so unbelievably heart sick that something as horrible as this is happening so close to people I love.

   I simply don't understand this. I don't understand the mentality of believing you, or your, religion or culture is so right that people must die who don't fit your mold. This has went on for thousands of years and doesn't seem to be letting up.

   I'm not going to single out any religious order. Nor am I going list the faults and atrocities of all of them. I'm simply going to plead. Yes, that's right...PLEAD.

   I am begging anyone who reads this to remember what faith is all about. What hope is all about. What LOVE is all about. It is my understanding that the basis for ALL religion is the "Golden Rule". Something so simple yet so easily forgotten. Treat others how you would wish to be treated. It's that simple. Can we not see past the teachings of man and focus on what it is really all about. Whether you are black, white, pink, yellow or purple. Catholic, Jewish, Muslim or Pagan. We all have one very important thing in common.

   We are ALL human.

   Not every person who shares the same lineage as these terrorist is a future terrorist anymore than every Catholic priest is a pedophile. There is good AND evil in the world. Sometimes it's too easy to forget the good when something like this happens. I know...I watched airplanes fly into the Twin Towers as it happened.

   So please...for what it's worth. Want justice for those taken too soon. By all means, pray for an end to this for once and for all. But above all, don't let the action of others take away your humanity. Don't let it take away your love. The people of Paris are opening up their homes to strangers. That is an act of love in the face of total despair and heartbreaking devastation. Bless them for that.

Blessed Be )O(

Thursday, November 12, 2015


   As I was driving home from work today, extremely sick and looking lovely, I had all the things I need to do going through my head. Responses to messages. Request for little mini-readings and the like. One might wonder why I was thinking about all this considering how ill I feel right now. Well...anyone who doesn't know me may wonder. Those who do know how seriously I take what I do and how important it is to me to do right by people. If I say I'm gonna do something, I try my damndest to do it. Sure...I don't always succeed but, I know in my heart, that the effort is there. I may be late...but it WILL get done.

   Now, you may be asking yourself why in the world I'm writing about something so trivial. But it's not trivial...not to me. A lot of people out there, especially those in the paranormal sector, believe image is everything. That if you have the right image then you are "good to go", so to speak. That if you talk a good game the masses will believe you and you will succeed. That may be true once you've reached the top, but that's a BIG maybe. All of us amateurs have watched the rise and fall of some of the most loved paranormal peeps on television.

   In my humble opinion, what those people lacked is memory. heard it right...MEMORY. Remembering how you got there and who was depending on you along the way. This is where my "image" issue comes into play. You can sell yourself very easily on social media. You can make people believe anything you want to through 140 characters. But when the time comes to put up or shut up could you do it? Could you be everything you had written yourself to be? That is a very tough question we all need to ask ourselves.

   This is where, to me, the most important quality comes into play. It's called follow through. When someone seeks you out for guidance, give it. You may not be able to give it as soon as they would want it, but give when you can. When someone asks for help, if you can't aid them, find someone who can. We aren't always right nor do we know everything. Don't be afraid of being wrong. It's human. Be wary of the person who never see's they can be wrong. These people truly are more frightening than a ghost any day. Share credit. Give props to another when deserved. is a journey, not a competition. BTW...I stole that saying. ;-)

   Last, but definitely not least, be who you say you are. People, by nature, have very long memories. You may say the tiniest white lie about yourself in order to appear more appealing. You may also get people to believe it. But you won't get them to forget it once they know the truth.

   Now...I'm off to die for a short while. I honestly haven't been this sick in a long time and really can't believe I made it through the day. Go me!!!! But if I didn't write this now, I would forget what I needed to say. And now my son is yelling at me to go to bed. My hero... #FOLLOWTHRU

Sweet dreams, my pretties...

Blessed Be )O(

Monday, November 9, 2015

It's all a myth...or is it?

  I dreamed once of unicorns and dragons. Fairies and mermaids. All the mystical creatures from stories I'd read as a child and, let's face adult. There is something very romantic about mythological creatures. Something that grabs hold of us and brings out the mystic in us all. When we imagine these creatures we aren't surrounded by skyscrapers or an industrious nation. No...we are instantly transported back to chivalry and mischief. Danger and damsels. Hero's and bloodshed....and long slow kisses you can only experience when you have been gripped in deaths fist and escaped unscathed, if not a little worse for the wear.

   You may wonder where I am going with this. I always say, trust me...I have a point. Lol. My point is that these creatures bring out the best and the worst in us.

   But why is that? Why do we fantasize about something that doesn't exist? Things people tell us have never existed? That's what people want the masses to believe, anyway. Well...let me ask you this....if vampires never existed then why are there accounts of strikingly similar creatures from all corners of the world from as far back as 4000 years ago? Keep in mind when you ponder this that there was no way for people from all over the world to communicate with each other, like there is now, so how could they have experienced such similar things? As someone who has been to New Orleans ALOT...I can tell you for certain that something is out there! Lol!

   The same goes for Bigfoot, Aliens, Loch Ness, Werewolves, etc...etc...

   It wasn't too terribly long ago when the greatest minds of their time thought the earth was flat, right? In the last decade scientist have rediscovered species they thought extinct for over 10,000 years. So...taking these things into consideration, how can anyone say for certain that creatures of myth don't, and have never, existed? Well, for one thing, we need to believe in them. We need to believe in the magic of the moment. We need to believe that a small part of it still exist. We need to dream. That part is very simple, the need. That explains why the stories live on to this day. 

   That having been said, it still doesn't explain how people separated by such distance could see the same things, does it? opinion is not popular among the scientific community, but that's okay. Lol. I truly don't mind. You see, I believe that all myths have some basis in fact. The stories of Gods and Goddesess. Of Atlantis and  creatures unlike anything we can see today. If these creatures and places never existed, if there was absolutely no evidence that they ever inhabited the earth or the heavens, then why are they still ever present today? Why are they studied and hunted? Why are there still sightings? Attempts at communication? Worship placed at their unseen feet? 

   The simple answer is that the world is full of nuts and that people will believe anything. Yes...that is the simple answer...but is it the right one? Just food for thought....

Blessed Be, my pretties...)O(



Sunday, November 8, 2015

   I've touched on the subject of automatic drawing on here before, Written books on the topic, too. What I would like to do now is delve a little deeper into the reason I feel it is so important. Honestly, I feel it is one of the most important tools that can be used when it comes to paranormal investigating. For those who are unfamiliar with the process, automatic drawing is simply drawing what you see in your mind when you are given a psychic vision. People always ask me how do I know if it is a psychic vision I am drawing as opposed to just a random picture. This is the hard part to explain, so all I can say is that you just KNOW.

   When an image pops in your head that has no business being there and it is accompanied by any additional information then, I believe, that is a psychic vision and deserves to be acknowledged. As you put pencil to paper and begin to see with your eyes, what you only saw in your head moments before, you will find additional information may come to you. This kind of gives a snowball effect and you may find your brain works faster that your hands can draw, but that's okay. If possible, always date your drawings so that you can refer back to them if the vision doesn't pertain to any immediate client or investigation. I have actually been lucky enough to get one of the Note 5 phones and can use my stylus pen to sketch out what I see therefore I already have a time stamp on the pic. Plus, it's easier sending them to my publisher when it comes time to send another book in. Yay!!!

   The reason I'm harping so much on this is because it's real easy to get caught up in all the new gadgets out there. Hey, I admit it...they are COOL. But in my humble, yet seasoned, experience nothing compares to the emotion that can be put into a drawing. Nothing compares to having a client see you draw their loved one having never seen a pic of them. This happened not long ago when a friend of mine was conducting a private, family, investigation. While I was talking to her I asked her if she would like me to try and contact the woman in old family friend. What I came up with, in just a few minutes, ended up being the likeness of the woman she remembered from so many years ago when she was a little girl. Keep in mind, I had never seen so much as a picture of this woman. I didn't even know her whole name. I only called her by Mrs. (insert last name here). Yet there she was, right there on my phone. Confirmed by one who knew her well.

   You just can't imagine that kind of feeling. To have concrete proof that an individual has truly contacted you even though they are deceased. It warms the heart and humbles the soul to know that you have given someone something that no other piece of equipment can. That is why I tell every team I know, whether I work with them or not, to take a pencil and paper on investigations. Listen to your mind, heart and soul. Draw what you see, hear and feel. You may be very surprised at what you get.

Blessed Be, my lovelies...)O(

Friday, November 6, 2015


   Now...I know that this blog is supposed to be, primarily, paranormal based. However...since most of us use social media to interact with "like-minded" individuals then this pertains to that as well.

   You see, I learned a very valuable lesson recently. I had already learned the pro's of social media interaction due to the success of my books and the part it played in that. I am forever grateful, too, for that. It made getting my name and my product out there so much easier. It also introduced me to people I never would have met, otherwise. Allowing us to become close and share ideas and dreams for our future in the paranormal field.

   As of late I have been shown the con side of the coin. I have learned that being a woman, on social media, immediately puts a target on you to be the object of desire...and scorn. Funny, really, how the two can go hand in hand, huh?

   The fault, honestly, lies with me. I'm a nice gal. I don't want to ignore anybody. I see every new face as a potential ally, not an enemy.  I see potential readers and people in need of spiritual assistance. I never knew that others saw meat. You know what I mean...they see a woman, they write something funny on her feed, she responds out of kindness and a smidge of obligation...and it's ON. The race has begun to see how fast you can get her to allow uncalled for behavior. When she kindly states that there is a line that can't be crossed, trying very hard to not hurt another's feelings, that line is ignored. When she finally decides that she isn't going to participate in this type of banter she excludes herself and blocks whomever it may be so as to not have to deal with it anymore. would think all is well, right? No harm, no foul, right?


   As we speak, the person who did not listen to the boundaries of the conversation is more than likely labeling the woman as a bitch or a manhater, therefore discrediting her in the eyes of potential readers. Sound fair? Nah...I didn't think so either. So, I have a question for all you fellas out there. Do you all do this? I is kinda like junior high school stuff, right? I'm 43 years old, so it's been a long time since I've been in school but this feels like Deja vu. If this was happening to your daughter, would you approve of the situation? Would you like what was going on? Nah...didn't think so.

   For all you nice guys out there...and yes, I KNOW you exist...does this make you angry? Do you hate being compared (even secretly) to "men" like this? Do you hate that they make it harder on the rest of you to have a decent conversation with a woman? I honestly believe that you do, and I commend you for it.

   Oh...and ladies...don't think you're getting off with a hall pass on this one. There are just as many snakes disguised as women lurking all over social media. Trust me...I've seen it. You know the type...fake pics and statuses meant to entice men, taken or not. Made up stories from the helpless damsel in distress to stir up sympathy. Yeah....we all know it exist. You give us good women a bad name and it pisses us off, as well.

   So, even though I fear this will fall on deaf ears, I have a plea to all who have a seat on the social media train. BE REAL. BE HONEST. BE HUMBLE and RESPECTFUL. Remember...there may come a time when you cross paths, in reality, with those you have interacted with in the virtual realm. Do you really want to have to explain your actions? Could you? Food for thought...

   All aboard...

   Blessed Be )O(

Sunday, November 1, 2015


   I thought long and hard before I decided to write this post. I considered all the possible ways we, as a public, may be wrong. Had we misinterpreted the information given? Had we jumped to a wrong conclusion in the midst of anger and perceived betrayal? Were we in any way wrong? I came to this conclusion...

   I really don't give a damn.

   Now...that may seem a bit harsh but, when you read on, you will see exactly why I feel that way. I'm talking about the damning evidence that a very popular ghost hunting show fakes evidence. Now...I'm not a mud-slinger so I don't plan on naming names but, if you follow twitter at all, you will know whom I am referring to.

   On to the reason I don't give a damn. It really is this simple. My damn that I don't give is in reference to whether or not we have enough evidence to condemn them. Let's face it...if they (or any other teams or individuals) conducted themselves in a trustworthy manner the chances that anyone would question their evidence and ethics, or lack there of, would be fairly slim. It is my understanding that this is not the first eyebrow raised when it comes to their investigations and antics.

   Rule one...Never, and I mean NEVER, give anyone a reason to doubt your integrity. Once that has been done it is almost impossible to recover from.

   Rule two...If you don't get anything, well, then you don't get anything. Don't be afraid to say that the evidence just wasn't there tonight. People WILL understand. They may not feel as entertained as you would like them to be...but they will continue to watch because they TRUST YOU. They will have no reason to doubt the evidence when you DO get it.

   Rule three...Always keep unedited footage. If you aren't filming live and have to edit due to time constraints then this rule is A MUST to follow. You never want to be caught with your pants down and not be able to prove what you did or, in this case, didn't get.

   Rule four...For the love of all that is holy please understand that spirits are NOT circus animals. They DO NOT, nor should they have to, perform on command. Understand this. Appreciate the fact that someday it WILL BE YOU that someone may try to contact. Above all know that it is more about communicating with the dead than it is about your ratings. These are peoples loved ones, half the time.

   And last. but definitely not least, the general viewing public needs to understand that this is a calling for most of us. Would we like to be on TV and make money? Sure! Who wouldn't want to quit their 9-5 gig and be able to do what they love full time. I would be lying if I said otherwise. That having been said, the general viewing public is part of the problem. It is you that TV executives are trying to please by having teams fake evidence. Now, I'm not saying ego doesn't have something to do with it, as far as the teams are concerned. If ego played no part in it this particular team wouldn't have went to a location investigated by others, very recently I might add, and tried to prove they could get more from it. So, yeah, personal gain is a part of it. But, for the most part, I believe that due to all the shows out there and the movies that seemed to be made monthly on the subject, the viewers have become desensitized. As if it isn't "big evidence" it doesn't matter.


   Every bit matters. Big or small. That is why honesty, in regards to evidence, matters. Each real EVP gets us one step closer to understanding what a soul goes through after it passes. One step closer to bridging the gap between the living and the dead. What happened this weekend put another stain on a field I love. One that is my calling in life. As a sensitive I get extremely angry when someone gets the privilege to interact with spirits and tinkles all over it by trying to please the populace instead of just listening. This need for ratings set us back...AGAIN. Once more we are considered "fame seekers" and "fakes" instead of people who genuinely want to bring peace to the living AND the dead.

   Viewers...please understand that we don't always get people being pushed. We don't always get people being possessed by a spirit. We just don't. Ask yourself, if it was you or a loved one a team was interacting with, would you want them to be honest and possibly be able to pass on a message? Or would you want them to fake it and your loved one never know what you had to say to them? Think about that...

   TV executives and teams...put yourself in the same situation. If you REALLY believe in the paranormal. If your really love what you are doing and want to be a part of something bigger than your day to day life, are you really doing that by being dishonest all in the name of the almighty dollar? Would you want someone like YOU trying to communicate with YOU after you pass? Would YOU trust someone like YOU to make sure you were heard? Think about that...

   There. I feel better. Rant over. Carry on.

Blessings )O(