Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Paranormal "little ones"...

   Last year a dear friend of mine, Dave Newton from NP Paranormal in Sheffield England, came to me with an idea for a blog. I knew right away that I wanted to do it but I didn't have the time till now.  He reminded me of something that I had long forgotten about, or had at the very least, put in the back of my mind. The effect the paranormal has on children. Primarily speaking of children with special "gifts".

   I touched upon some of the things that these children deal with in both of my books but not as much as I should have. The messages and emails I've received from parents confirms that. The big question most parents have about special children is how to tell if they are really "special". stock answer is ALL kids are special. That's not going to change...however...I understand they mean it in an entirely different way.

   They mean it in the spooky way. The way that makes their child an outcast, at least in the eyes of mundane society. It honors me that people feel comfortable enough to pose these questions to me. That I've built up a level of trust with those who know my work making them value my opinion. This is NOT something I take lightly so I will answer it here so that others, who I haven't been contacted by, can maybe find some peace as well.

   Being a special child is tricky business. From the child standpoint you don't know you are different. You fully expect others to see/hear/smell/taste/feel/know the things you do. You show no surprise when something strange happens because you simply know nothing different. It's the "norm" for you. You, with an open heart and innocence only a child can have, expect to be able to share what you are experiencing with the people closest to you.

   As the parent of a special child this is all the exact opposite.  If the parent is not gifted in a similar manner they can become frightened of what their child shares with them. If the child does it in the presence of others you can become embarrassed. You may even be afraid of being judged by something beyond your control. Don't beat yourself up, mom and dad, these feelings are normal. How could you possibly know any different if you have not been affected the same way? You may even think that your child is making things up to get attention. And you know what? Some may be doing just that. Again...totally normal.

   What parents need to do is listen to the children. Watch their behavior. If you expect that your child may be gifted, keep a log of what they tell you. If none of it adds up you may have a future fictional author on your hands. A weaver of webs, spinner of yarns, if you will. And that's ok. Some parents may feel relief and some may be disappointed over this. Not uncommon, either way.


   If you start to record your child's behavior and you notice their accuracy. Their ability to know things they have no possible way of knowing...prepare yourself. If this is the case you will be embarking on a very rough road. Your first instinct may be to shout it from the rooftops at how "special" your child is.

   Please do NOT do this.

   Children have a rough enough time of things under normal circumstances. You add being, what society calls, a freak...or better yet...a FAKE...into the mix, you are going to have a very sad child on your hands.

   Trust me.

   What I recommend....what I am begging you to protect your child. If they have these gifts, nurture them. Talk to them. Comfort them, when needed. To fully accept themselves, when society CLEARLY doesn't, takes YEARS. For took DECADES. I ran the whole gambit on negative feelings and destructive behavior before I finally said, fuck it, I don't care what others think of me. It took over 40 years before I came to the conclusion that my life, and they way I lived it, did NOT require approval from anyone. I will do a private reading, sketch a drawing, give a read on a pic on the internet...if I so choose...and don't give a rats ass what anyone thinks about it. All I can do is use my "gift" in the most honorable way I know and let the chips fall where they may.

   But this took a very long time, folks. Truly.

   So...for those the post. Memorize it. Soak it in. Be careful of divulging what your child can do but encourage and support their journey. Let them grow into a strong person who can remain unaffected by the pariahs of society who want to use, then ridicule, them. They will know when they are truly ready.'s their journey. You're just the lucky one who gets to watch this miracle unfold.

   Blessed Be )O(



  1. Great read Van, touched some very good points ����
