Thursday, January 12, 2017

I hate being a bitch, but....

   I'm annoyed, peeps. Not really angry just mildly peeved. But...peeved enough to write a smidge about it. Ya'll know the rules, now. You need not agree with me, nor do you have to read it...BUT...if you are in the paranormal field I highly recommend it.

   We all know I stand by my word. No one can question that. So...I'm standing by my previous blog stating I call BULL SHIT when I see it. One of the teams I work with, a team I hold near and dear to my heart, was ambushed by some low life named Jon Donnis on twitter today.

   Yep...I did it...I called the jerk out by name. I was willing to let "wanna be, attention seeking, spewing vomit from the mouth dogs lie"... but I just couldn't. Not after I was informed, by a third party, about a blog written about this team calling them fakes. Needless to say, anyone who knows me KNOWS I refuse to work with people I think may be faking evidence/gifts. I have made myself CRYSTAL CLEAR on this. Sooooooo...... I thought I would set the record straight because I honestly have to believe that this "person" may just be having a bad day and was looking to take it out on somebody. You know me...ALWAYS willing to give the benefit of the doubt. his blog he states that he was presented a link to view evidence by NP Paranormal. This is true. What he failed to mention, an oversight on his part I'm sure, was that he contacted NP Paranormal, out of the blue, and asked them if they had any evidence he could view. He even stated that he was a skeptic trying to debunk. Guess what...they kindly sent him the links. You know why? Cause they stand behind their work. Oh...did I mention that their footage is all taken LIVE with viewers watching on Livestream? Yeah...kinda hard to fake with people watching the screen like a hawk, but that's neither here nor there.

   Apparently this paragon of paranormal skepticism...this self-proclaimed "World renowned skeptic"...(never heard of him...nor has anyone else that's been in the field for decades, that I me...I asked) couldn't figure out which videos to watch. He stated that most paranormal videos are too boring to watch and wanted to know the precise time that any apparition was caught. NP Paranormal, again, kindly supplied him with what he asked for. This was when he began to "debunk" in such a rude manner that even I was shocked. Yep...lil ol me. Shocked down to my very bloomers.

   I couldn't help but wonder why someone who was so polite, while ASKING for the evidence, would be so rude after he viewed it. First off...any idiot, yep I said it...idiot, can look up anyones paranormal videos on You Tube. They can even comment on them. It makes one wonder why he would deliberately seek out a team, engage them in conversation in an unassuming manner, then turn around and bash them when they never had to give him the time of day in the first place. Smells like an ambush to me, folks. A big, stinky, poo ambush. Funny thing...he tried to do it with me, as well. Asking me if I was aware of what orbs were? Well...I'm no scientist, I don't claim to know what orbs really are.  However...I can ask the scientist, who is also a paranormal investigator, I interviewed Tuesday night on a show I co-host. I'll be sure to post the findings when I get them.

   This fellow also tried to start a line with my dear friend, Gwen Clapper, from Beyond Perception Investgators stating...and I quote..." I have all the knowledge in the world on ouija boards. Nothing to do with paranormal. It's an old ideomotor board game." End quote. Well...there you have it folks...the end all, be all, have all authority on ouija boards sought out my buddy...unsolicited. We are SO proud and honored.


   To quote Gwen, and this is one of the many reasons I love her, she tweeted..." If someone claims to know everything about the opposite direction. It's a red flag of self delusion." Don't ya just lover her? She calls it like she see's it. Can't be a hater on that!

   As for the debunking, let me make myself clear again...I encourage it. Strongly. One of the reasons I work with the few teams I do is that they try to debunk their own evidence first. Both NP and BPI are known, and respected, for that. So that everyone can get on the same page, one of the videos he "debunked" was the black mist apparition on the abandoned hospital footage. I think the whole video is less than two minutes long but junior still needed help finding it. He states, not theorizes, but STATES with authority that it is vape mist from a vapor cigarette. Well...I like bubbles, and I truly hate to burst them, but even though I know it's BULL SHIT...I gave this "person" the benefit of the doubt and made a few calls. Guess what, folks? Are you guessing? Shit...I hope you get this right....

   If you guessed that there is no such thing as black mist vape than you are CORRECT!!! I even called about 8 vape stores to confirm that such a thing did not exist. Funny how easy that was...

   He then questioned another video about an anomaly, caught on Livestream, running diagonal across the bottom of the screen. He laughed that it was a video taken off a tv screen.

   Hey...brain child...that was MY video. I was watching the entire thing LIVE on my phone...saw it happen (even though the guys didn't)...pulled it up on my TV and filmed it to send to them. Yeah...thought so....

   One last thing and then I plan to settle in for the night. My friends were called "wanna be most haunted newbies". First off...I have worked with them for almost two years and they were together for a year before that. I've even been to England to investigate with them...LIVE, btw. Guess faking. As for "most haunted wanna-be's" you actually research anything before you write about it? Honest question, I'm really curious. The reason I ask is that if you did, and I sincerely hope you do, you would know it was their footage taken at the Pontifract Poltergiest House that brought attention to the alleged fakery perpetrated by Most Haunted. Viewers who had seen NP's footage a while before Most Haunteds, caught the discrepancy, and it was all over twitter. Might wanna check into that.

   The original team of NP Paranormal was Karl Porter, Dave Newton, Abby Thompson and Richard Burrows. These four people caught some of the most amazing evidence I have ever seen and I've been doing this my whole life, pretty much. Although Karl is not as active a member, and Richard is no longer with the group I stand behind every piece of evidence they have collected. I do this because I trust them. They EARNED it. I have watched this team, along with Beyond Perception Investigators, debunk their own stuff. If they have any doubts they leave it up to the people watching to decide but they will still state, very clearly, that they think it isn't paranormal.

   Again, for the record, I strongly encourage skepticism. I know, first hand, that their are some fakers out there. What I cannot, and will not, tolerate is someone using internet muscle to bash good people. I think we sometimes forget how easy it is to sit behind a screen and state we KNOW something. We may even call ourselves experts. Well...I won't, but some might. Lol. But...until you actually conduct an investigation trying to re-create a situation, to debunk paranormal activity you disagree are NOT an expert. You're a douche with a keyboard and way too much time on your hands. Just sayin...


  1. That. Was. Awesome! Thank you for the kudos there as well. Unfortunately, there are those with loud voices and minimal knowledge. We enjoy trying to debunk our own stuff, as you yourself stated, that you have witnissed. NP Paranormal is a LEGIT team with nothing to hide and have pure intentions. To us, that's honorable in itself! #ParaHonest

  2. Thankyou Vanessa, once again you tell it like it is, I would like to add that there's many, many videos of ours on YouTube that contains No evidence at all but that's how it is, ourselves, BPi and yourself have always stood for truth sadly not many teams do these days.
    We know what we do is Legit and this guy needs a serious wake up call.

    1. You know how it is with these types. He can piss off. Lol

  3. Very enjoyable read. And I will reply to the points you made when I have some spare time.
