I saw an interesting meme today. Of course I shared it so those who follow me will have seen it already. It was a Japanese quote..." The Japanese believe people have 3 faces. One they show society, one they show family and close friends and one they show only to themselves. The last one being their truest face."
Heavy, huh?
Well, it got me to thinking and I came to this conclusion. The Japanese are definitely wise. I'm not saying this quote is absolutely true in regards to all people but I do believe it leans that way for most...at least at some point in their lives.
Don't get me wrong...I totally understand the need to to present yourself as something more evolved, more popular, more intelligent and more "together" than you actually are. I fully appreciate that society has conditioned us to believe that other peoples opinions define our worth. From social media to mainstream media we are bombarded, daily, with standards to live by that are impossible to reach.
I'm not the smartest chica out there so I know I'm not the only one who knows this. With that being said..I have one question....
Why do we still do it?
Did I stump ya? Did I? I sure hope not. In fact, I want you screaming at the computer screen RIGHT NOW telling me I'm wrong. For those actually doing that....Momma V is proud of you!!! Not that my opinion matters (see above statement) but, still, my heart beams!!!
For those taking a minute to ponder the aforementioned question...it's ok...take your time. Really think about it. Does the opinions of people you may never meet really make that much of a difference in the mark you leave on this world? Falsehoods and exaggerations are not contributions to the world. Especially to a world that knows very little that's different. From our news, to the "Reality" shows we watch, to what we are exposed to on the internet media sites. We are being spoon fed a script and we better get it right or no one will like us.
No one will care.
It's sad, really. I used to follow the same script. I used to do the same thing. I wanted so bad to be accepted that I conformed to a society that went against everything I believed in. Everything I held true. I can't lie to you. Breaking the cycle is hard. One of the hardest things you will ever do. But...in time...you will see it's also one of the most rewarding. When you show who you really are to people, warts and all, you find out very quickly who matters and who doesn't. Who is choosing to stay in your life because they respect you for being YOU. There will never be a time when everyone agrees with you. You will piss people off. You will be left. You will be talked about. You will be shunned.
That's ok. You know why? Because one thing people can never call you is a liar. Even if it's done out of the need for self-preservation it's still false. Give it a go. Try out something new. Every time you feel the need to alter yourself to please the public or co-workers or anybody...remember that quote.....and ask yourself this....
How many faces am I truly comfortable having?
Blessed Be )O(
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