A question was posed to me today that I thought would make an interesting blog topic. I was asked what the difference was between psychics, mediums and other labels like clairvoyant and the like. Admittedly I was a little taken aback by it because I don't really give it much thought. I do what I do and I don't really give two hoots about labels, ya know? But...it's a fair question and one that deserves an answer so I gave a brief summary and told them I would address it on my blog.
So....without further adieu...
The definition of psychic is: Relating to or denoting faculties that are, apparently, inexplicable by natural laws. Especially those involving telepathy or clairvoyance. *credit to Wikipedia*
The definition of a medium is: Medium-ship is the practice of certain people, known as mediums, to purportedly mediate communication between spirits of the dead and living human beings. *credit to Wikipedia* Footnote: if this is a title used then specific details should be given during a reading. When it is direct communication with a spirit, and not a psychic "feeling" then there is no reason to be vague. Ever.
Then you have a whole mess of "clair" words to choose from.
(easy definitions)
Clairaudience: Clear hearing
Clairsentience: Clear feeling. A common trait among TRUE empaths.
Clairvoyant: The ability to see events, people, places in the future.
Claircognizance: Clear knowing.
Clairscent: Clear smelling.
Clairgustance: Clear tasting.
Channeling: The ability to let a spirit/ghost communicate through you via voice or body.
Are you shaking your head yet? Lol! I would be if I were anyone different than myself. Hell...I do most of this stuff and I still get confused by it. The thing is...and what I think is important for everybody to know...is that you can have all or one of these abilities but...and this is a big BUT...it doesn't mean that you have them 24/7. No sir...it sure doesn't. Sometimes you only get a glimpse...sometimes you get the whole enchilada.
Sometimes you get squat. True story.
I'm pretty lucky. I generally do all right. The other night I spent a couple of hours on the phone...way past my bedtime...simply because the reading was going so well. It doesn't always so you run with those moments when they happen. Now...what I mean by it going well is how many factors were involved. The majority of what's listed above came into play one way or another. From being able to give specific names, descriptions, time frame and circumstances of death. This is the difference between an "I got lucky" reading and a reading with some meat and bones to it. This is why I encourage anyone who is looking into having a reading done, like at one of the psychic fairs or a call in reading, make sure you give as little information as possible. Make sure that you are being told the information the reader gets without having to feed them information of any kind.
When I was asked this today it reminded me of our last guest on "Edge of the Rabbit Hole". Our guest was Bill Hartley from "Ghost of Sheppardstown". He brought up a very interesting topic. I guess, since the ten years his paranormal group has been doing investigations he's had numerous "psychics" try to join his team. Being a bit of a skeptic, which is totally cool and keeps us legit, he always asks them to come to Gettysburg with him. He wants to take them to a store...let them walk around it...come back out and tell him what they get from it. Then they get a free lunch and get to go back home. Sounds simple, right?
Well...it does to me, but maybe I'm weird cause in the ten years he speaks of not ONE has agreed to the terms. NO ONE.
I have to admit I find that odd. It's as if people want to claim they have certain abilities but how dare anyone question them on it. Well...I don't roll that way. I find it odd if someone DOESN'T question me. I always tell people, "How do you know I'm not blowing smoke up your ass?" That kinda shocks them. Lol. But it's true. I've been doing actual readings for over 12 years now and all the other stuff since birth, basically. I still question my own accuracy and would be shocked if others didn't do the same.
BTW... I wrote him after the show and told him what I heard in the shop he spoke about. He never gave a name to it so I had to go off what my own mind would share with me. He confirmed what I said stating that it matched up with a place that is next door to the shop. And I didn't even have to go to Gettysburg to do it...but I want my free lunch. Lol.
So, in closing, what did we learn here today, kiddos? If someone claims they can do something extraordinary...make them prove it. There is no shame in asking and no reason to feel offended if someone does. It's the only checks and balances system we have in this ego driven field. Don't you think it's a good idea to use it?
Blessed Be )O(
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