Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Shits about to get REAL.....

   I'm sitting here, typing this with shaking hands, not quite sure how to start. I figure with the beginning is probably the best way to drop a lil truth on anyone who reads this. I hope you're ready for this because I have no intention of mincing words....

   I received a message from someone who needed a second opinion on a reading they got from another individual. I didn't mind, and I had a minute, so I read what they wrote and found myself getting angrier and angrier. In truth I shouldn't have been surprised because I've seen this type of bullshit before but this shocked even me. This person had been told they were cursed. That, basically, their whole family through generations, had been cursed. This "psychic" continued on to say they could "help" them to the tune of several hundred dollars! First off.....

   Are you fucking kidding me???????? Seriously, please tell me this is a joke. Please tell me that I read that wrong. That these bottom feeders have slowly died out and that the paranormal community doesn't have to deal with this any more. That's when reality hit me. They have not died out...they have bred and multiplied! Through "social media fornication" these extortionist have found a way to terrorize people into giving them money. heard me right...EXTORTIONIST. For those, and I'm addressing the bottom feeders now, who don't know the definition of the word...extortion simply means to gain property, or money, through force or threats. telling someone they are cursed, and you can fix it (what a fucking lie), that can be viewed as a threat in the eyes of the law. Did you also know that if this is done via the internet, which means it may cross state lines, it can be viewed as a federal offense? ya liking them apples, chief? Felony...not necessarily a word with any lyrical qualities. Here's something that will make you sing....fines for extortion can be as high as $10,000.00...per offense. Jail time can be as long as 15 years...per offense. Still wanna incite fear in people for money? I sure as hell hope not...

   I'm going to be as clear as I can be when I say this....If anyone reading this is in the habit of practicing this shady business, or any variation of it, unfriend me. Unfriend me on facebook, unfollow me on twitter. Go away. I have worked too damn hard to be known as a trusted sensitive. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I don't pull punches and I don't lie. I absolutely REFUSE to be associated with ANYONE who believes this practice is acceptable. EVER. At the end of the day I don't give a rats ass if I have a place at the "cool kids" table. Being popular didn't mean anything to me in school and it means even less now. I think I've proven that time and time again. 

   I did not ask this person for the name of the "psychic". I did not want to put that person on the spot. Rest assured...If this information comes my way by any other means....I will call you out on it and not think twice about it. You know why? It's people like you who make this field a fucking nightmare for the rest of us. For those of us who do it because we simply have no other choice. It's our calling. For people like you...whoever you's a paycheck and that's just sick. Do the rest of us a favor and get a real damn job. 

   For the rest of you, and I know there are many good people in this field, keep up the good work. To the psychics who may charge a reasonable fee, but don't try to financially rape  their clients through fear, I got nothing but love for ya. 

   Blessed Be )O(

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Three Faces...

   I saw an interesting meme today. Of course I shared it so those who follow me will have seen it already. It was a Japanese quote..." The Japanese believe people have 3 faces. One they show society, one they show family and close friends and one they show only to themselves. The last one being their truest face."

   Heavy, huh? 

   Well, it got me to thinking and I came to this conclusion. The Japanese are definitely wise. I'm not saying this quote is absolutely true in regards to all people but I do believe it leans that way for least at some point in their lives. 

   Don't get me wrong...I totally understand the need to to present yourself as something more evolved, more popular, more intelligent and more "together" than you actually are. I fully appreciate that society has conditioned us to believe that other peoples opinions define our worth. From social media to mainstream media we are bombarded, daily, with standards to live by that are impossible to reach. 

   I'm not the smartest chica out there so I know I'm not the only one who knows this. With that being said..I have one question....

   Why do we still do it? 

   Did I stump ya? Did I? I sure hope not. In fact, I want you screaming at the computer screen RIGHT NOW telling me I'm wrong. For those actually doing that....Momma V is proud of you!!! Not that my opinion matters (see above statement) but, still, my heart beams!!!

   For those taking a minute to ponder the aforementioned's ok...take your time. Really think about it. Does the opinions of people you may never meet really make that much of a difference in the mark you leave on this world? Falsehoods and exaggerations are not contributions to the world. Especially to a world that knows very little that's different. From our news, to the "Reality" shows we watch, to what we are exposed to on the internet media sites. We are being spoon fed a script and we better get it right or no one will like us. 

   No one will care. 

   It's sad, really. I used to follow the same script. I used to do the same thing. I wanted so bad to be accepted that I conformed to a society that went against everything I believed in. Everything I held true. I can't lie to you. Breaking the cycle is hard. One of the hardest things you will ever do. will see it's also one of the most rewarding. When you show who you really are to people, warts and all, you find out very quickly who matters and who doesn't. Who is choosing to stay in your life because they respect you for being YOU. There will never be a time when everyone agrees with you. You will piss people off. You will be left. You will be talked about. You will be shunned. 

   That's ok. You know why? Because one thing people can never call you is a liar. Even if it's done out of the need for self-preservation it's still false. Give it a go. Try out something new. Every time you feel the need to alter yourself to please the public or co-workers or anybody...remember that quote.....and ask yourself this....

   How many faces am I truly comfortable having? 

   Blessed Be )O( 



Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Well....we saw this coming, right?

   So...I'm sure everyone has seen the news about that paranormal fella with the show. Ryan Buell? The whole alleged "drug using, cancer lying, money stealing" thing, right? Well....I'm sure you all are waiting with baited breath for my signature sarcastic comments on the subject but...I just can't do it.

    I can't. 

   Fact is...I've never even watched his show. At least not a whole episode of it, I don't think. I maybe saw the first bit of one, years ago, thought to myself "what bull shit" and turned it. Now...I know there are gonna be some haters over that statement and that's okay. I don't mind. We ALL know by now I don't give a rats ass what people think of me as long as their beliefs are based on truth. So...for those who hate me now, that's okay. Got nothing but love for ya. I'm all about supporting honest, free thinking, individuals.

   But I'm still not gonna bash him. In truth, I feel incredibly sorry for him. I feel sorry for the way he may have felt he had to do things. I feel sorry for the people who trusted him and believed in him only to be disappointed.  I feel sorry for his family who will suffer the back lash of whatever media circus is coming to town because of this. But most of all, I feel sorry for the field. 

   Yes...that's right. I feel sorry for all those individuals and teams who go out whenever they can, on their own dime, and spend hours...if not places most people wouldn't give a second thought to. I feel sorry for those who take on the masses and their intense criticism simply for doing what they love. I feel sorry for all those people out there who take these shows as "gospel" when it comes to the paranormal. Last, but not least, I feel sorry for those who secretly want to be him, fiasco and all...simply to get on TV. 

   Ya'll have read me preach till I'm blue in the face in regards to the ego, greed and untruths that this field is littered with. The ever present stain that no amount bleach will dissolve away. This is but just one more scandal, in a field strewn with them, that will set us back years. Just one more reason for people to think it's all about the people DOING the investigating instead of the spirits BEING investigated. Just one more reason for people to think we are all fame and money hungry crazies. 

   Honestly, it pisses me off. It pisses me off knowing that any ground we gain...any respectability within our grasp, could have just been thrown in the trash. 

   When will it end, people? For Goddess sake...when will it FINALLY become clear that WE are not the important part of this equation. Imagine how little ground would have been gained if scientist were more concerned about their image than the illnesses they were trying to cure? I know it's not on the same level but the idea is the same. The only way to get past these embarrassments and move forward is to change the way we do things. Otherwise this cycle will be repeated over and over. Is that really what any of us want? #FOODFORTHOUGHT

Blessed Be )O(

Saturday, September 17, 2016

It's all in the details...

      A question was posed to me today that I thought would make an interesting blog topic. I was asked what the difference was between psychics, mediums and other labels like clairvoyant and the like. Admittedly I was a little taken aback by it because I don't really give it much thought. I do what I do and I don't really give two hoots about labels, ya know?'s a fair question and one that deserves an answer so I gave a brief summary and told them I would address it on my blog.

   So....without further adieu...

   The definition of psychic is: Relating to or denoting faculties that are, apparently, inexplicable by natural laws. Especially those involving telepathy or clairvoyance. *credit to Wikipedia*

   The definition of a medium is: Medium-ship is the practice of certain people, known as mediums, to purportedly mediate communication between spirits of the dead and living human beings. *credit to Wikipedia*  Footnote: if this is a title used then specific details should be given during a reading. When it is direct communication with a spirit, and not a psychic "feeling" then there is no reason to be vague. Ever.

   Then you have a whole mess of "clair" words to choose from.

   (easy definitions)
   Clairaudience: Clear hearing
   Clairsentience: Clear feeling. A common trait among TRUE empaths.
   Clairvoyant: The ability to see events, people, places in the future.
   Claircognizance: Clear knowing.
   Clairscent: Clear smelling.
   Clairgustance: Clear tasting.
   Channeling: The ability to let a spirit/ghost communicate through you via voice or body.

  Are you shaking your head yet? Lol! I would be if I were anyone different than myself. Hell...I do most of this stuff and I still get confused by it. The thing is...and what I think is important for everybody to that you can have all or one of these abilities but...and this is a big doesn't mean that you have them 24/7. No sure doesn't. Sometimes you only get a glimpse...sometimes you get the whole enchilada.

   Sometimes you get squat. True story.

   I'm pretty lucky. I generally do all right. The other night I spent a couple of hours on the phone...way past my bedtime...simply because the reading was going so well. It doesn't always so you run with those moments when they happen. Now...what I mean by it going well is how many factors were involved. The majority of what's listed above came into play one way or another. From being able to give specific names, descriptions, time frame and circumstances of death. This is the difference between an "I got lucky" reading and a reading with some meat and bones to it. This is why I encourage anyone who is looking into having a reading done, like at one of the psychic fairs or a call in reading, make sure you give as little information as possible. Make sure that you are being told the information the reader gets without having to feed them information of any kind.

   When I was asked this today it reminded me of our last guest on "Edge of the Rabbit Hole". Our guest was Bill Hartley from "Ghost of Sheppardstown". He brought up a very interesting topic. I guess, since the ten years his paranormal group has been doing investigations he's had numerous "psychics" try to join his team. Being a bit of a skeptic, which is totally cool and keeps us legit, he always asks them to come to Gettysburg with him. He wants to take them to a store...let them walk around it...come back out and tell him what they get from it. Then they get a free lunch and get to go back home. Sounds simple, right? does to me, but maybe I'm weird cause in the ten years he speaks of not ONE has agreed to the terms. NO ONE.

   I have to admit I find that odd. It's as if people want to claim they have certain abilities but how dare anyone question them on it. Well...I don't roll that way. I find it odd if someone DOESN'T question me. I always tell people, "How do you know I'm not blowing smoke up your ass?" That kinda shocks them. Lol. But it's true. I've been doing actual readings for over 12 years now and all the other stuff since birth, basically. I still question my own accuracy and would be shocked if others didn't do the same.

   BTW... I wrote him after the show and told him what I heard in the shop he spoke about. He never gave a name to it so I had to go off what my own mind would share with me. He confirmed what I said stating that it matched up with a place that is next door to the shop. And I didn't even have to go to Gettysburg to do it...but I want my free lunch. Lol.

   So, in closing, what did we learn here today, kiddos? If someone claims they can do something extraordinary...make them prove it. There is no shame in asking and no reason to feel offended if someone does. It's the only checks and balances system we have in this ego driven field. Don't you think it's a good idea to use it?

   Blessed Be )O(


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Before I die...

      I know...I know...weird title for a blog but, I promise, I'm going somewhere with it. 

   Right now I'm going through some changes. I'm taking stock of what's important and the kind of legacy I want to leave, in this world, before I haunt the shit out of you people. Come KNOW I!!

   It's funny how, when you get older, the things you find important change. They change with a quickness and leave you a little stunned and unsure how to make the necessary modifications you need to make. Trust me. I know this to be true. 

   Not long ago I started my metamorphosis from a caterpillar to a butterfly.  Not in looks, mind you. I was way hotter in my early twenties. What gave me my wings was courage. Courage to stand alone regardless of how tough life might be. Strength to teach my son that nothing can knock you down forever as long as you get back up when it tries it. And it WILL try. Alot! 

   My wings gave me hope. Hope that I would find my place in this world. The world that, a few times, had turned it's back on me because I didn't fit in. My son gave me wings. His unequivocal trust that I would never give up taught me more than I can ever fully explained. His unconditional love replaced my tears with the biggest smiles. His pride, in me, made me want to accomplish so much more in life than I ever thought possible. 

   These are the marks I want to leave on the world. I don't care if I'm ever rich. not have to worry would be nice but, let's face it, I will worry anyway. About something. Anything. 

   I don't care about fame. I've heard it can be lonely and I've had enough of that i my life. 

   I don't care about status. I am me. I will never be any one else. I barely wear makeup. I will eat queso and chips till it's coming out my ears. I curse like a sailor. I have a nasty temper. I love like no other. I am my very own worst critic. These things are me. All of them. They matter little. What truly matters is the meat and bones of who we are. 

   Honest. Trustworthy. Humble. Love. Respectfulness. Courageousness. Fairness. Earnest. Kind. Protective. Selflessness.

   These are what matter in life. Not how many people like your status. Not how many people want to be you. Not the cardboard cut out image of us that we believe society wants to see. This image of perfection. Perfection does not exist. Not in ourselves and not in how we want to see others. 

   We are all broken. We have all been shattered at one time or another. The legacy we leave, when we pass on, is dictated by how we put those pieces back together. 

   Blessed Be )O(

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Personally Paranormal...

   I've been asked many times why I am single. Now...don't get me wrong. I'm not saying, or even implying, that I am some great catch. Not by a long shot. I don't even think those who ask me think that, honestly. But I've given the question a lot of thought. My friend Jana, and I, talked about it at great length on the way home from New Orleans. So much so that I think I finally have a pretty good answer to satisfy the masses.

   I'm tired of being a disappointment. Plain and simple. Don't get me wrong...I'm not a bad person. I'm not a big drinker. I don't do drugs. I'm a hard worker....sometimes too hard. It isn't these things that make me say what I just said. It's something much more complicated. It's me as a person. It's what I do and who I am. It's the fact that, at any moment I may have to dive into a personal reading or help out a team on the other side of the country...or world. It's my writing. Both the blog and my books keep me pecking away at the computer when I have a free moment or two. It's my love of travel and the need to see, and do, as much as possible before I take my last breath. The long and short of it is that June Cleaver I am not. Never will be. I've tried on the costume and it just looks goofy on me. Unfortunately that is what most men are looking for. Someone to take care of them. I understand that and don't begrudge anyone that kind of life.

   But that's not me. Never will be. And I don't expect Ward to show up at my doorstep and let me stay home from work so I can bake cookies for the "Beav", either. I can write, bake cookies, and do a reading pretty much at the same time. I'm gifted like that. A multi-tasker to the extreme. A quality some have found endearing, in the beginning, only to resent in the future.

   That is the part I've never understood. It may sound like I'm a man hater...but I'm not. Far from it. Truth is, I love men. I find them fascinating. Uber masculine, ultra sensitive, witty and intelligent. To me there is no better combination. Nothing is sexier than a man chasing his dreams and sharing those dreams with the woman he loves. My road block is that it's always been a one way street. My dreams ceased to exist in my partners eyes. My drive, my determination, my total lack of self pity or willingness to give up becomes a threat. I don't know why, but it's the truth. So I have accepted it. If someone ever crosses my path who is not threatened by success, however minimal, or my ambition, however great, I will gladly jump aboard that crazy train with them and cheer them on the whole way as they pursue what they love. But I expect the same in return. I refuse to travel on one way streets anymore.

   I did not choose this life..the paranormal chose me. The times I've tried to deny it I've felt myself die, a little at a time, inside. I won't do that to myself anymore. If someone can't handle my witchy, conversationalist of the deceased, spell casting, know what I shouldn't, free thinking, goal oriented self then the loss is theirs. Not mine.

   I hope that sums it up. It may sound a bit bitchy but that dims a bit as you realize I think ALL people should feel this way. Men and women, alike. No one should ever have to water themselves down for love. Food for thought, peeps...

   Blessed Be )O(

Monday, September 5, 2016

My city, my heart...

   I'm heading back to Oklahoma now. Sitting in the passenger seat as Jana drives our weary butts home. But my heart is elsewhere. It's stuck, inevitably, in a city that my soul calls home. The beautiful city of New Orleans.

   With it's gas lights, slow pace, excellent food, moody weather, colorful people, mystique and music I am forever bound to it. By an invisible ribbon I will stay connected,  I'm sure, till the end of my days.

   I've been many times to this magical place. The experience always leaves me breathless. The connection to those who have the privilege of calling the "Big Easy" home is undeniable. Like family. Past or present makes no difference. They are home.

   But home is changing. Outsiders coming in and taking a place rich in history and trying to twist it to suit their monetary needs. Those who don't care about the people, or their struggles, seeing this magical place as a quick way to turn a buck. Residents being turned out of their homes so that some fat cat in New York, or the like, can buy it up and rent it for $300 a night.

   These vultures have little to no respect for the way of life that is only New Orleans. They have no understanding, nor do they care.

   And it saddens me.

   I urge you all. Anyone who has never been there or who hasn't been in a long time. Please go. Seek out the locals. Go to their shops. Buy their wares. Listen to their tales. Find local historians and tour guide, like Jonathan Weiss, and take his tour. Not the commercialized "big business" tours that pack in dozens of people making it difficult to hear anything. Find the ones who live and breath New Orleans. Who know it like the back of their hands and have no need for a script.

   Check out "Maskerade" for the handcrafted mask made by local artisans. They are beautiful!!! Be sure to go by "Esoterica" and "Glass Magick". I promise you won't be disappointed.

   By all means....check out Jackson Square. Show the local artist some love. Have your cards read. Listen to the families play their music on homade instruments. Above all else...enjoy. Soak up the culture. Respect the history. Immerse yourself in the lore and just breath. There is no other place in the country like it and outsiders are trying to change it fast. Get there and enjoy it while you can. Who knows....maybe if enough of us do the locals can actually win this battle for their way of life.

   Blessed Be )O(