Monday, May 30, 2016

Nuff said....

       I simply have no other choice but to use myself as an example here so that's what I'm going to do.  Maybe...just maybe.....people will finally listen and we can all move on.

   I've been in the "public paranormal eye" for a little over a year now but I've been in the field a helluva lot longer.  I'm 44 years old.  I've spoken with spirits since I was a toddler.  I've seen them for more than a decade.  So.....I actually do kinda know what I'm talking about.  Just because I don't say a whole lot doesn't mean I don't notice EVERYTHING.

   I know,  more than anyone thinks,  exactly what goes on in this field.  I've been the victim of being used,  threatened,  bullied and slandered.  I know how big peoples ego's can get and it's ugly.  I also know how much ground we lose every time people,  or groups,  bash each other.

   Honestly,  people ,  STOP!   Go back,  sometime,  and look at nasty comments you may have left on someones twitter,  facebook or youtube.  But....don't look at it as yourself.  View it, for the 1st time,  as a bystander.  An average Joe.  Really look at it.  Now.... I know you probably think your "not so well thought out" sarcastic comment makes you look more knowledgeable and superior,  right?


   It doesn't make you look more knowledgeable,  superior or any other mutually ego boosting words you can think of.  Nope sure doesn't.  But.... It does make you look like an asshole.

   Somehow,  someway,  people got the idea that they can only succeed by hoping others fail.  Well.... I'm here to tell you that is the biggest load of bullshit,  ever.  I will finally concede, to some degree,  that I have made a name for myself.  I guess I'm known,  somewhat,  in the field.  It makes my heart happy that any notoriety I have is due to hard work,  honesty and integrity.  I have never stepped on another to gain success.  I have never bashed another to make myself look better.  I have NEVER wished failure on another in hopes it would make my success easier to come by.  Any kudos I've been given I earned.

   My point is that at some point this has to stop.  If we,  as individuals or teams,  are truly doing what we love then we simply will not have time to focus on someone else.  You don't like someones video,  don't watch it 3 or 4 times to simply pick it apart.  You don't believe in orbs,  cool,  move on if someone post a pic about it.  I don't believe everything that scratches me in the dark is a demon.  For those who do.... Okie dokie....that's your thing.

   I'm gonna close with this.......there are NO EXPERTS in this field.


   We are ALL learning.  If you think you know it all and have nothing else to learn in this field,  well,  I feel sorry for you and any potential clients you may have.  An ego that big will only be a disservice to all involved.  Food for thought....

   Blessed Be )O(

1 comment:

  1. If the paranormal were easy to understand then it would be mundane. I love the mystery of it.
