Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Approval not needed....

   I'm a little peeved,  folks,  I gotta say.  I understand we all have opinions on things.  I get it. However......since when did having an opinion give someone the right to belittle or make fun of someone else?  I'm just asking,  here.  A simple little question that I believe deserves an answer.

   My friends,  and myself,  believe in the paranormal.  We are fascinated by it.  We have experienced things , ourselves,  that cannot be explained away.  We like to talk about it and share our stories.  We have even been known to post a meme or two about it.  We're kinda crazy like that.  Go figure.....

   Here's where my "peevedness" comes into play.  You see,  we aren't hurting a damn soul by what we do.  Not one.  Yet.......people seem to think that, by us publicly acknowledging our beliefs,  that we are "fair game".  Persons to ridicule,  or mock.  I'll be honest......  I don't give a rats ass what people say about me.  I know what I know.  I simply don't have the luxury of sticking my head in the sand like alot of people do.  What I DO care about is when others think it's their place to publicly mock or degrade people I care about.  So........ I'm gonna put this in a way that is very easy for people to understand.  Try and follow along,  k?

1) You don't have to agree with us.  We do not require,  nor do we NEED,  your approval.

2) You can keep your sarcastic comments to yourself.  If you choose not to,  well,  you've opened the door to likewise behavior.  You may wanna reconsider.  Just sayin.....

3) It's totally okay to just scroll past a post.  If you cannot find it in your heart to support then it should be equally hard to condem.

   Honestly,  folks,  it truly is that simple.

   Blessed Be )O(


  1. maybe, just maybe if those same folks would open up a little and let a little love flow and not dislike or criticize others like yourself and the gang, they would find themselves in a whole better place. just my opinion .. love ya, support ya, and ALWAYS here for ya

  2. You are one of our greatest supporters, hun! A beautiful soul and an open mind. Truly a blessing to all of us!!! Love ya!!!!

  3. You are one of our greatest supporters, hun! A beautiful soul and an open mind. Truly a blessing to all of us!!! Love ya!!!!

  4. A closed mind finds nothing - shared experiences enlighten us all. Some people trawl Social Media in order to spoil the pages of others, they must be very troubled. Do your own thing ignore them!

  5. Thank you, hun!!!!! I am truly astounded, sometimes, by the small mindedness of others. So frustrating!

  6. Thank you, hun!!!!! I am truly astounded, sometimes, by the small mindedness of others. So frustrating!
