I simply have no other choice but to use myself as an example here so that's what I'm going to do. Maybe...just maybe.....people will finally listen and we can all move on.
I've been in the "public paranormal eye" for a little over a year now but I've been in the field a helluva lot longer. I'm 44 years old. I've spoken with spirits since I was a toddler. I've seen them for more than a decade. So.....I actually do kinda know what I'm talking about. Just because I don't say a whole lot doesn't mean I don't notice EVERYTHING.
I know, more than anyone thinks, exactly what goes on in this field. I've been the victim of being used, threatened, bullied and slandered. I know how big peoples ego's can get and it's ugly. I also know how much ground we lose every time people, or groups, bash each other.
Honestly, people , STOP! Go back, sometime, and look at nasty comments you may have left on someones twitter, facebook or youtube. But....don't look at it as yourself. View it, for the 1st time, as a bystander. An average Joe. Really look at it. Now.... I know you probably think your "not so well thought out" sarcastic comment makes you look more knowledgeable and superior, right?
It doesn't make you look more knowledgeable, superior or any other mutually ego boosting words you can think of. Nope sure doesn't. But.... It does make you look like an asshole.
Somehow, someway, people got the idea that they can only succeed by hoping others fail. Well.... I'm here to tell you that is the biggest load of bullshit, ever. I will finally concede, to some degree, that I have made a name for myself. I guess I'm known, somewhat, in the field. It makes my heart happy that any notoriety I have is due to hard work, honesty and integrity. I have never stepped on another to gain success. I have never bashed another to make myself look better. I have NEVER wished failure on another in hopes it would make my success easier to come by. Any kudos I've been given I earned.
My point is that at some point this has to stop. If we, as individuals or teams, are truly doing what we love then we simply will not have time to focus on someone else. You don't like someones video, don't watch it 3 or 4 times to simply pick it apart. You don't believe in orbs, cool, move on if someone post a pic about it. I don't believe everything that scratches me in the dark is a demon. For those who do.... Okie dokie....that's your thing.
I'm gonna close with this.......there are NO EXPERTS in this field.
We are ALL learning. If you think you know it all and have nothing else to learn in this field, well, I feel sorry for you and any potential clients you may have. An ego that big will only be a disservice to all involved. Food for thought....
Blessed Be )O(
A blog dedicated to the paranormal and my personal experiences in this field. Enjoy!
Monday, May 30, 2016
Sunday, May 22, 2016
My happy place
I was talking with a friend today about meditation and how difficult it can be sometimes. I've had people tell me, in the past, to draw upon a happy memory to find my center. While that comes across as good advice, it isn't always possible. My truly happy memories are few and far between, at least when I started this journey many years ago. The birth of my son was probably the only thought that I could truly consider joyful but I was unable to use it for meditation because our connection is so strong if I thought of him he would wake up. Lol. True story. So, I honestly thought I would never be able to successfully meditate.
Till it happened completely by accident. I was at a Samhain retreat one weekend and had just finished a reiki session I desperately needed due to a migraine. As I climbed into my bunk to rest before the nights drum circle started I began to feel woozy again. I closed my eyes and prayed for it to stop....but it didn't. However, the nausea did lessen as a vision began to form behind my closed eyes.
Ticking away the seconds, I started to see the ocean. Then the sky, bright blue with clouds drifting by. I saw land to my left, the trees bobbing with the motion of the boat I was suddenly on. Then, far off in the distance, I saw a flash of light. A minute went by and I saw it again. Then again. Each time it grew in size and intensity. It dawned on my I was being led towards something. Destination unknown. I watched as this continued and grew brighter. The flash almost blinding me until I finally realized what it was.
A lighthouse.
Through the bobbing of the boat, and now low hanging clouds, I watched one last time as it flashed.....and I was out like a light, pun intended.
When I woke there was clarity to my thoughts that had not been there before. Purpose found me through a migraine and indecision. Through fear of what I might see. I didn't have to go searching for something to center me and guide me. It found me.
My whole reason for telling this is so no one ever thinks this is unattainable. We are all meant to achieve a higher consciousness. A better understanding and to function at full capacity. But this doesn't mean we will all be doing it the same way. My lighthouse found me when I was ready. It prepared me to do the same for someone else.
Blessed Be )O(
Till it happened completely by accident. I was at a Samhain retreat one weekend and had just finished a reiki session I desperately needed due to a migraine. As I climbed into my bunk to rest before the nights drum circle started I began to feel woozy again. I closed my eyes and prayed for it to stop....but it didn't. However, the nausea did lessen as a vision began to form behind my closed eyes.
Ticking away the seconds, I started to see the ocean. Then the sky, bright blue with clouds drifting by. I saw land to my left, the trees bobbing with the motion of the boat I was suddenly on. Then, far off in the distance, I saw a flash of light. A minute went by and I saw it again. Then again. Each time it grew in size and intensity. It dawned on my I was being led towards something. Destination unknown. I watched as this continued and grew brighter. The flash almost blinding me until I finally realized what it was.
A lighthouse.
Through the bobbing of the boat, and now low hanging clouds, I watched one last time as it flashed.....and I was out like a light, pun intended.
When I woke there was clarity to my thoughts that had not been there before. Purpose found me through a migraine and indecision. Through fear of what I might see. I didn't have to go searching for something to center me and guide me. It found me.
My whole reason for telling this is so no one ever thinks this is unattainable. We are all meant to achieve a higher consciousness. A better understanding and to function at full capacity. But this doesn't mean we will all be doing it the same way. My lighthouse found me when I was ready. It prepared me to do the same for someone else.
Blessed Be )O(
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Approval not needed....
I'm a little peeved, folks, I gotta say. I understand we all have opinions on things. I get it. However......since when did having an opinion give someone the right to belittle or make fun of someone else? I'm just asking, here. A simple little question that I believe deserves an answer.
My friends, and myself, believe in the paranormal. We are fascinated by it. We have experienced things , ourselves, that cannot be explained away. We like to talk about it and share our stories. We have even been known to post a meme or two about it. We're kinda crazy like that. Go figure.....
Here's where my "peevedness" comes into play. You see, we aren't hurting a damn soul by what we do. Not one. Yet.......people seem to think that, by us publicly acknowledging our beliefs, that we are "fair game". Persons to ridicule, or mock. I'll be honest...... I don't give a rats ass what people say about me. I know what I know. I simply don't have the luxury of sticking my head in the sand like alot of people do. What I DO care about is when others think it's their place to publicly mock or degrade people I care about. So........ I'm gonna put this in a way that is very easy for people to understand. Try and follow along, k?
1) You don't have to agree with us. We do not require, nor do we NEED, your approval.
2) You can keep your sarcastic comments to yourself. If you choose not to, well, you've opened the door to likewise behavior. You may wanna reconsider. Just sayin.....
3) It's totally okay to just scroll past a post. If you cannot find it in your heart to support then it should be equally hard to condem.
Honestly, folks, it truly is that simple.
Blessed Be )O(
My friends, and myself, believe in the paranormal. We are fascinated by it. We have experienced things , ourselves, that cannot be explained away. We like to talk about it and share our stories. We have even been known to post a meme or two about it. We're kinda crazy like that. Go figure.....
Here's where my "peevedness" comes into play. You see, we aren't hurting a damn soul by what we do. Not one. Yet.......people seem to think that, by us publicly acknowledging our beliefs, that we are "fair game". Persons to ridicule, or mock. I'll be honest...... I don't give a rats ass what people say about me. I know what I know. I simply don't have the luxury of sticking my head in the sand like alot of people do. What I DO care about is when others think it's their place to publicly mock or degrade people I care about. So........ I'm gonna put this in a way that is very easy for people to understand. Try and follow along, k?
1) You don't have to agree with us. We do not require, nor do we NEED, your approval.
2) You can keep your sarcastic comments to yourself. If you choose not to, well, you've opened the door to likewise behavior. You may wanna reconsider. Just sayin.....
3) It's totally okay to just scroll past a post. If you cannot find it in your heart to support then it should be equally hard to condem.
Honestly, folks, it truly is that simple.
Blessed Be )O(
Monday, May 16, 2016
Virginia, here I come....
So.....y'all know, in just under a few weeks, I will be landing in Virginia to join up with Beyond Perception Investigations. Gwen Clapper, founder and lead investigator, has teased y'all a little on twitter and facebook with sneak peek videos. The woman has an amazing talent for putting those together, I gotta say!
What y'all may not be aware of is how important these cases are. Historically speaking, at least to the American public, they are gold mines. Gwen, and her team, have investigated a few of them before. I've given what aid I could, when asked, but have always wanted to be right there in the thick of it getting my hands dirty with the rest of the gang. Well...in 18 days I get that chance. Gwen and I have already been helping the clients, as best we can, due to the increase in activity over the last 2 weeks. The latest incident being large, heavy, mirrors flying off the walls mere hours apart.
You see......that's something people forget more often than not. Sure, I'm as interested as anybody else on capturing evidence. No......I don't need proof, persay, of the paranormal. My whole life is proof, at least to me. But, yes, I do get giddy as a school girl when I get a really good EVP. I'm only human. But in this case, that comes a distant second to helping, not only the spirits, but giving the living some semblance of peace as well. In one of the cases there is a struggle between the deceased, who only want to be heard, and the living who simply want to live without fear.
These are going to be very tough cases, folks. The spirits who have come through, already, measure in the dozens or more. There are simply too many to count. I hope that we are able to do what we do best and help ALL involved. Please keep these souls, both living and dead, in your thoughts.
And us, as well. We are gonna need as much positive energy as y'all can spare to help us with this task. It's dangerous. I expect to be more exhausted than I have ever been in my life and you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way......
Blessed Be )O(
What y'all may not be aware of is how important these cases are. Historically speaking, at least to the American public, they are gold mines. Gwen, and her team, have investigated a few of them before. I've given what aid I could, when asked, but have always wanted to be right there in the thick of it getting my hands dirty with the rest of the gang. Well...in 18 days I get that chance. Gwen and I have already been helping the clients, as best we can, due to the increase in activity over the last 2 weeks. The latest incident being large, heavy, mirrors flying off the walls mere hours apart.
You see......that's something people forget more often than not. Sure, I'm as interested as anybody else on capturing evidence. No......I don't need proof, persay, of the paranormal. My whole life is proof, at least to me. But, yes, I do get giddy as a school girl when I get a really good EVP. I'm only human. But in this case, that comes a distant second to helping, not only the spirits, but giving the living some semblance of peace as well. In one of the cases there is a struggle between the deceased, who only want to be heard, and the living who simply want to live without fear.
These are going to be very tough cases, folks. The spirits who have come through, already, measure in the dozens or more. There are simply too many to count. I hope that we are able to do what we do best and help ALL involved. Please keep these souls, both living and dead, in your thoughts.
And us, as well. We are gonna need as much positive energy as y'all can spare to help us with this task. It's dangerous. I expect to be more exhausted than I have ever been in my life and you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way......
Blessed Be )O(
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Storytime pt 2
I had spent the day locked away from those who wished me gone. Trying to make them understand had long since become something I cared not to do. Let them wonder, I thought to myself. Let them have a moments peace without the reminder of who walked amongst them.
I stifled a small laugh. A chuckle, to be true, as I added a dash more of this and that to my mixture. I watched as the fire danced, embracing the pot like a lover.
What a lovely scent, the aroma of intent. The words flowing from my lips like a song. Lyrics written in my soul, seared in my mind by years of lonelines.
Unnecessary, really. I had never needed the pomp and pageantry of ritual to accomplish what I wished. I needed no alliance of Gods or rare ingredient. I simply wished and it was. What I wanted would materialize, before my very eyes, regardless of time, distance or nature.
This had been to my detriment in the beginning. The beacon that led all eyes to me. As a babe it had, understandably I must admit, struck fear into those whom had witnessed it. I cannot blame them, really. I can only imagine their astonishment watching a rattle travel through mid air only to land in my tiny hand.
Ahhhh....how they must have tried to convince themselves they imagined it. Tis a pity I cannot fully remember those times. My only knowledge stems from stories told in whispers not meant for my ears.
No....my own memories are far less comforting. They are swaddled in tears and pleading for understanding. Cloaked in resignation when realized compassion will never come. Housed in a heart made of ice that burns like fire knowing the only reason they live is because I show them something never given to me.....
I stifled a small laugh. A chuckle, to be true, as I added a dash more of this and that to my mixture. I watched as the fire danced, embracing the pot like a lover.
What a lovely scent, the aroma of intent. The words flowing from my lips like a song. Lyrics written in my soul, seared in my mind by years of lonelines.
Unnecessary, really. I had never needed the pomp and pageantry of ritual to accomplish what I wished. I needed no alliance of Gods or rare ingredient. I simply wished and it was. What I wanted would materialize, before my very eyes, regardless of time, distance or nature.
This had been to my detriment in the beginning. The beacon that led all eyes to me. As a babe it had, understandably I must admit, struck fear into those whom had witnessed it. I cannot blame them, really. I can only imagine their astonishment watching a rattle travel through mid air only to land in my tiny hand.
Ahhhh....how they must have tried to convince themselves they imagined it. Tis a pity I cannot fully remember those times. My only knowledge stems from stories told in whispers not meant for my ears.
No....my own memories are far less comforting. They are swaddled in tears and pleading for understanding. Cloaked in resignation when realized compassion will never come. Housed in a heart made of ice that burns like fire knowing the only reason they live is because I show them something never given to me.....
Friday, May 13, 2016
They told me it would fade. That the urges simmering under my skin, desperate for release, would dim and slide into oblivion. They told me this.
They promised me.
They said I should fight it. That it wasn't "natural". I thought that exceptionally funny at the time. Even more so, now, as I think on their naïveté. How little they knew of whom they spoke to.
I would watch them, you know? Behind guarded eyes, hiding what they feared most... I watched them. I catalogued every sly glance. Every snear hidden behind empty smiles and placating words.
I listened to hushed whispers behind closed doors. To heartbeats racing trying to determine if I were near.
I felt their fear. Warm like the summer sun and just as stifling. A combination of something you want and a terrible burden placed upon your shoulders.
I've come to learn this describes my situation very well. Balance. Good or evil, one cannot exist without the other. You can't know the saint if you haven't met the sinner.
It's all very logical, you see? My presence justified their insecurities. Their need to band together for something. Anything. To consider themselves above reproach. Free of judgement from the atrocities they commited when thought to be unseen.
Yes.....I was that diversion. I took the spotlight off the elephant in the room. The question that no one knew the answer to. The reason why their simple words to ignore the very essence of my being would never bear fruit.
Oh yes..... how little they knew the silent one waiting in the dark corner, shadows cast over her eyes. How so very little they knew.....
They promised me.
They said I should fight it. That it wasn't "natural". I thought that exceptionally funny at the time. Even more so, now, as I think on their naïveté. How little they knew of whom they spoke to.
I would watch them, you know? Behind guarded eyes, hiding what they feared most... I watched them. I catalogued every sly glance. Every snear hidden behind empty smiles and placating words.
I listened to hushed whispers behind closed doors. To heartbeats racing trying to determine if I were near.
I felt their fear. Warm like the summer sun and just as stifling. A combination of something you want and a terrible burden placed upon your shoulders.
I've come to learn this describes my situation very well. Balance. Good or evil, one cannot exist without the other. You can't know the saint if you haven't met the sinner.
It's all very logical, you see? My presence justified their insecurities. Their need to band together for something. Anything. To consider themselves above reproach. Free of judgement from the atrocities they commited when thought to be unseen.
Yes.....I was that diversion. I took the spotlight off the elephant in the room. The question that no one knew the answer to. The reason why their simple words to ignore the very essence of my being would never bear fruit.
Oh yes..... how little they knew the silent one waiting in the dark corner, shadows cast over her eyes. How so very little they knew.....
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Nope. This isn't a paranormal blog, folks. Not tonight. It IS, however, really important so please keep reading.
It has come to my attention that some people who are out there in "social media land" are NOT who they appear to be. True...true... I know we all know this. Hell... It happens all the time, I'm sure. Seen it myself, first hand. What's scary, though, is the lengths people will go to trying to fool people or to simply fool themselves.
My latest run in with this was on facebook. You know....the "one step up from MySpace, family oriented" facebook. I started to wonder about some of my "friends" on there. Certain red flags were being noticed and that little warning bell went off in my head so I began to check into it.
Yep.....you guessed it. Fake pics. One right after the other. Stolen off the internet and used to lead others to believe this was the actual person they have interacted with. Personally, I think it's sick. I am so thankful I learned my lesson on trusting people to be honest on social media. I can't imagine, now, using something like twitter or facebook as a dating service. Not after all I've seen.
I guess the reason I'm writing this is to remind people that the internet is a fantasy land. BE CAREFUL!!! A friend of mine even showed me how easy it is to fake your location on facebook. Can you believe that????
Use good judgement, folks. Don't disclose ANYTHING to anyone you don't really know. Protect yourself and your family. I'm not saying people like this are dangerous, but, you can't really be completely sane if you are stealing pics and claiming them as your own.
Blessed Be )O(
It has come to my attention that some people who are out there in "social media land" are NOT who they appear to be. True...true... I know we all know this. Hell... It happens all the time, I'm sure. Seen it myself, first hand. What's scary, though, is the lengths people will go to trying to fool people or to simply fool themselves.
My latest run in with this was on facebook. You know....the "one step up from MySpace, family oriented" facebook. I started to wonder about some of my "friends" on there. Certain red flags were being noticed and that little warning bell went off in my head so I began to check into it.
Yep.....you guessed it. Fake pics. One right after the other. Stolen off the internet and used to lead others to believe this was the actual person they have interacted with. Personally, I think it's sick. I am so thankful I learned my lesson on trusting people to be honest on social media. I can't imagine, now, using something like twitter or facebook as a dating service. Not after all I've seen.
I guess the reason I'm writing this is to remind people that the internet is a fantasy land. BE CAREFUL!!! A friend of mine even showed me how easy it is to fake your location on facebook. Can you believe that????
Use good judgement, folks. Don't disclose ANYTHING to anyone you don't really know. Protect yourself and your family. I'm not saying people like this are dangerous, but, you can't really be completely sane if you are stealing pics and claiming them as your own.
Blessed Be )O(
Saturday, May 7, 2016
People, please...
I want to start off by saying how much I appreciate all who follow my Twitter and facebook accounts. I simply would not have the success I've had without you. Trust me.... I won't forget it.
That having been said I have to acknowledge a bit of bullshit going on. Quite frankly, I'm pissed. This is not good, people. I don't like being angry. I'm mean as hell when I'm angry. So.....for the betterment of those around me I'm going to address the issue head on and leave my blanket warning out there for ALL TO SEE.
Do NOT try and pull me into some sick little game that doesn't involve me. If you have a problem with someone, take it up with them. If your problem exist only in your mind, let your multiple personalities duke it out. Do not..... I repeat DO NOT follow me and post vulgarities on any of my pages. They are not only my personal pages but professional pages, as well. Yes..... I have blocked you. Yes..... I have also reported you and filed a legal complaint.
It won't end there, sunshine. You continue I will use my resources to verify your IP address and name and will, in turn, file legal charges. Yes..... I can do that. Yes... I WILL DO THAT.
Consider this a formal notification to ANYONE who thinks it's a good idea to continue this behavior. To everyone else who makes my day brighter and helps me expand my knowledge and experience in the paranormal field.... LOVE YOU. Let's keep doing what we do best and stay on track. We don't have time for Junior High bullshit like this.
Blessed Be )O(
That having been said I have to acknowledge a bit of bullshit going on. Quite frankly, I'm pissed. This is not good, people. I don't like being angry. I'm mean as hell when I'm angry. So.....for the betterment of those around me I'm going to address the issue head on and leave my blanket warning out there for ALL TO SEE.
Do NOT try and pull me into some sick little game that doesn't involve me. If you have a problem with someone, take it up with them. If your problem exist only in your mind, let your multiple personalities duke it out. Do not..... I repeat DO NOT follow me and post vulgarities on any of my pages. They are not only my personal pages but professional pages, as well. Yes..... I have blocked you. Yes..... I have also reported you and filed a legal complaint.
It won't end there, sunshine. You continue I will use my resources to verify your IP address and name and will, in turn, file legal charges. Yes..... I can do that. Yes... I WILL DO THAT.
Consider this a formal notification to ANYONE who thinks it's a good idea to continue this behavior. To everyone else who makes my day brighter and helps me expand my knowledge and experience in the paranormal field.... LOVE YOU. Let's keep doing what we do best and stay on track. We don't have time for Junior High bullshit like this.
Blessed Be )O(
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Well....that was strange....
I've been talking with a friend about the belief that paranormal activity is stronger at night than it is during the day. We are both of the opinion that the time of day is irrelevant. That the spirits in question aren't under the same day/night constraints that we are. That time may, quite possibly, mean nothing.
Funny how our opinions of these events are shaped by what we see on TV. It's like people think if you're not seeing it through nightvision it just didn't happen. Yeah.... I think that's silly too. I've been lucky enough, or unlucky enough depending on how you look at it, to have quite a few experiences in broad daylight. I'll share them with you if you promise not to chuckle....
It was quite a few months ago when I was in my van, at lunch, talking to someone on whatsapp. Y'all know what that is? It's an app where you can talk, text or voice message each other. On this occassion we were voice messaging. He was at work (driving a truck) but was driving through a neighborhood we were considering moving to once I moved there. Long distance relationship....didn't work out, for the better, I think. Anyway...for whatever reason while I was waiting for his next message I listened to the one I just sent him. You can imagine my surprise when I heard a woman's voice, over mine, saying "that's horrible". I had to listen to it 3 times to make sure I heard it right. Then he listened closer and heard it too. Was unbelievable! I caught a class A EVP in my van during the middle of the day. Personally, I think it was my guardian sending me a warning. Lol.
The other one I was gonna share with you happened just a couple months ago. I was getting ready to interview Dustin Pari on a radio show I cohost called " Edge of the Rabbit Hole". I had just gotten home from work so I hopped in the shower. Yes.... I do my show in my jammies. Anyway.... I was in the shower about 6 pm... Still daylight...when my sons speaker, that I was blaring music out of, flew off the counter and landed on the floor. Weird, I know, but I got out of the shower and picked it up. Afterall... I wasn't finished serenading the neighbors. As I got back in the shower the two razors I had sitting there flew off the shelf and landed at the other end of the shower. Ok..... I know that I should be used to this but even I have my limits. And the bathroom is OFF LIMITS. I shared a few colorful phrases, loudly, with my "visitors" and they went along their merry way.
My point of telling y'all this is pretty simple. Don't let TV or celebrities shaped what you should see or not see. Don't put unnecessary limits on what you can experience. The paranormal realm is within reach at any time of the day. Open your eyes and ears. You may be quite amazed by what makes itself known to you.
Blessed Be )O(
Funny how our opinions of these events are shaped by what we see on TV. It's like people think if you're not seeing it through nightvision it just didn't happen. Yeah.... I think that's silly too. I've been lucky enough, or unlucky enough depending on how you look at it, to have quite a few experiences in broad daylight. I'll share them with you if you promise not to chuckle....
It was quite a few months ago when I was in my van, at lunch, talking to someone on whatsapp. Y'all know what that is? It's an app where you can talk, text or voice message each other. On this occassion we were voice messaging. He was at work (driving a truck) but was driving through a neighborhood we were considering moving to once I moved there. Long distance relationship....didn't work out, for the better, I think. Anyway...for whatever reason while I was waiting for his next message I listened to the one I just sent him. You can imagine my surprise when I heard a woman's voice, over mine, saying "that's horrible". I had to listen to it 3 times to make sure I heard it right. Then he listened closer and heard it too. Was unbelievable! I caught a class A EVP in my van during the middle of the day. Personally, I think it was my guardian sending me a warning. Lol.
The other one I was gonna share with you happened just a couple months ago. I was getting ready to interview Dustin Pari on a radio show I cohost called " Edge of the Rabbit Hole". I had just gotten home from work so I hopped in the shower. Yes.... I do my show in my jammies. Anyway.... I was in the shower about 6 pm... Still daylight...when my sons speaker, that I was blaring music out of, flew off the counter and landed on the floor. Weird, I know, but I got out of the shower and picked it up. Afterall... I wasn't finished serenading the neighbors. As I got back in the shower the two razors I had sitting there flew off the shelf and landed at the other end of the shower. Ok..... I know that I should be used to this but even I have my limits. And the bathroom is OFF LIMITS. I shared a few colorful phrases, loudly, with my "visitors" and they went along their merry way.
My point of telling y'all this is pretty simple. Don't let TV or celebrities shaped what you should see or not see. Don't put unnecessary limits on what you can experience. The paranormal realm is within reach at any time of the day. Open your eyes and ears. You may be quite amazed by what makes itself known to you.
Blessed Be )O(
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