I've ran across a couple of post in the last few days discussing what is evidence of the paranormal and what isn't. These are very good...and very hard to answer....questions.
The most discussed is orbs. Are they real? How can you tell? Do you have proof?
Well, kiddos, as usual I'm gonna hit ya straight from the hip with a good, solid, well thought out answer.
I don't know.
Yes, you heard it right here from the horses mouth. I do not know. I can tell you what I have witnessed myself. I can tell you of my experience with this "taboo" evidence and you can draw your own conclusions.
As most investigators, I have also come across my share of orbs...*cough*...(dust) while on investigation and upon viewing the evidence later. I have seen many pics that show transparent balls in all sizes...all with a little pin prick of density directly in the center. It IS my belief that these are dust particles caught on film. I've tested this myself and found that these images can be very misleading. That having been said, I have found that images can be caught that appear to be lit from within and have, what seems to be, a more solid core. Less transparent. These can vary in color and shape, as well. If you capture anything in this category, and it is accompanied by other evidence, it is likely that your claim of an orb may be correct.
There are other anomalies that can be caught, as well. Such as flashing lights, mist and shadows. Unfortunately, these are extremely easy to fake in a still shot. Less easy if they are in color and show movement, but it can be done. If there is ever a question, when viewing a photo, make sure that the original is available for viewing so that the background can be verified. It is entirely too easy to blow out a candle and call it proof. Just food for thought!!
Blessed Be )O(
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