Thursday, February 11, 2016

A Few Good Tweeters....

   I'm sure those of you who follow me and my friends on twitter may have noticed that today got a little rambunctious. True...true...can't deny it. Wait...that's not right...

   I WON'T DENY IT. There is a difference.

   Recently a new "tweeter" joined our ranks. Posting beautiful pictures right along with a child-like desperation for fame. Kind of a "check me out and tell me I'm fabulous" need that permeated the internet atmosphere. could smell it. Wanna guess what the scent was? make momma proud!!! That's right! It was the seeping scent of bullshit.

   Harsh words from a sweet southern gal like me? Nah...just the truth, folks. Plain and simple. You see, we have ALL noticed a slew of fake accounts over the last little bit. Ones that appear out of nowhere but have one thing in common. Who they follow and the fact that they are strewn with stolen photos. can imagine our outrage when one of us (hi Kimber!!!) recognized the photography and knew it didn't belong to the one claiming it. So...after a few seconds of hard thinking it was decided that the person who had been targeted by this thief should be notified.

   And as I will it, so mote it be.

   Thankfully this person was receptive enough to check out the claims and see it for herself. And now all is right with the world. least twitter world. Lol.

   A word to the wise...if you have ANY brains in your head, use them. Realize that social media is where artist, such as myself and others, promote their work. It's where fans appreciate and share our work. You WILL be caught if you try to pass it off as your own. It's called copyright infringement and it's against the law. If you can't understand that maybe you can understand this...

   If you are going to try it, you may want to NOT post headless pics in lingerie of yourself right along with it. Especially if you have posted the same pics WITH the heads on other social media sights that include your real name. Just sayin....

   Blessed Be )O(


  1. Brilliant little read as always😍😘

  2. Where do folks find the time to cheat or copy someone's art, photos and stuff, Insightful as always Vanessa

  3. Thank you!!! Just had to put it out there. These ppl will ALWAYS get caught...eventually.

  4. Thank you!!! Just had to put it out there. These ppl will ALWAYS get caught...eventually.

  5. Well said Vanessa. Sad and pathetic. The "notice me I'm special" people are driving me crazy. I am actually embarrassed for them. Thanks for sharing and exposing at least 1 faker.

  6. It really is sad, huh? I feel for all those people putting in the blood, sweat and tears only to have it stolen. Infuriates me!

  7. It really is sad, huh? I feel for all those people putting in the blood, sweat and tears only to have it stolen. Infuriates me!
