Wednesday, October 21, 2015


   I was having a discussion with some friends today that I thought was interesting and needed to be shared. We hear a lot of words thrown around these days. Words that have honestly lost their power over time. By that, I mean that by people not knowing their actual definition, they misuse and even misinterpret their true meaning.

   It is a common mistake and one that I feel needs to be corrected. One of the most commonly misused words that is used is karma. Now...most people throw around that word without truly understanding its origin or its actual definition. So...that's what I'm going to explain here tonight. The definition of karma is "the destiny you earn through your actions and behavior". You would think this was very simple to understand, right? Well...not so much.

   You see, if people can justify their behavior to themselves then they believe that their karma is intact. That it will be good. Problem is, that isn't how it works. You see, karma doesn't care about self-justification and placating your own wants and needs above all others. Karma cares about the intent behind the act. It also operates without council of any deity or any process of divine judgment.

   This explanation would be incomplete if I did not give examples, so I will give a few to illustrate my point.

   1) Let's say that I desperately want a new pair of shoes. I work hard. I take care of my business, but I still can't afford them. I look down and the ones I'm wearing have holes in them and that makes me angry. Later that day I go over to a friends house and she has just gotten shoes exactly like the ones I wanted. Now...I can do one of two things. I can...A) compliment her on getting them even though inside I am a bit sad because I know there is no way I can afford them...or B) I can tell her that they make her ankles look fat, knowing that will make her never want to wear them, and persuade her to give them to me. Now...I know that sounds silly, but it's a good point. I can either be honest, albeit a touch envious that I can't afford them, or I can make her feel bad until she gives in and I can have them. I know this doesn't seem like a big deal, but it's the small things that can really screw with your karma. The day to day things that start to add up. I suppose I could justify my decision to make her feel bad by convincing myself that she can buy more because she has more money and mine had holes in them. That may work to make me feel better...but it doesn't change the intent behind the action.

   2) This is my favorite example of one of my karmic fears. I will NEVER lie about my child being sick. EVER. Wanna know why? Because I know in my bones that if I do he will get sick. I may REALLY need a day off of work. Seriously...for those who know me, they know this to be true. Everyone knows that if you want a day off work the easiest way to get it is to say your kid is sick. I just can't do that. I doesn't matter how bad I need or want it, the lying about it, even if I could justify it to myself, is wrong. The intent behind it is wrong. By doing that I am inviting bad karma. I'm giving the finger to karma and saying "do what you will...I don't care".

   I realize I may seem flippant with my examples, but this is something I take very seriously. It is why when others ask me if I can help them with revenge or wishing ill on someone, I have a very hard time doing it and ,more often than not, I don't. I will not knowingly do evil...I simply can't. Anytime I help someone with spell work it comes with a disclaimer of my intent and what I will and will not do. I can be so direct in this because of my belief in karma. Because I understand and believe in it's power over my future in this life and the next. Now...don't mistake my kindness, and lack of willingness to do evil, for weakness. If should understand my total and complete faith in karma by my willingness to be so docile. I could only be this way if I truly knew and understood that what we put out into the universe we get in return. Good, bad or indifferent. I understand that for every negative thought or deed I have ever done, I have accepted the karmic debt. When I've had the opportunity I have tried to even the score by admitting any wrongdoing knowing that will not erase the blemish but will ease my soul. This is an exercise I think we should all take part it. Unless you're comfortable with whatever you have coming to you.
Sleep tight, my pretties...

Blessed Be )O(


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