As the time grows closer to Samhain, Halloween to the rest of you folks, you may have noticed a greater ease when it comes to communicating with spirits. This is not uncommon by any means, but it has become somewhat of a novelty to the general public. I find this bothersome to a certain degree. It isn't that I think people shouldn't try to engage with the spirit world. Far from it. I even encourage it, for the most part. What I do worry about it unskilled and untrained tactics used to enhance communication.
Just today we had a twitter discussion on the use of Ouija boards. For those who don't believe in them, go ahead a chuckle if you must. I promise I won't be offended. For those who know the harm these can actually do, then you already know where I'm going with this. I want to start off by saying I NEVER encourage the use of such items when trying to interact with spirits. EVER. But I REALLY don't encourage it when it is children, teenagers or young adults who have no real understanding of what it can do nor do they understand the repercussions of using one during this time.
You see, when "the veil" is thin and the spirits are easier to reach this doesn't just mean "good" spirits. There is no "stop here...evil not welcome" sign at the veil which means anything can cross into the realm of the living. ANYTHING.
Now...if this gets your ghosthunter juices flowing and makes you think you can go all "Billy Badass" because you have yourself a Ouija board...think again. That type of attitude makes you dangerous to yourself and others. If you aren't worried about what might attach itself to you, that's fine. But do you worry about your family? Your loved ones? Using a Ouija isn't a whole lot different than leaving your front door open. By doing so you are sending an invitation to anyone or anything to just walk on inside where your family sleeps. A good spirit may know they are not welcome and choose to stay away until contacted. A bad spirit will simply not care.
This leads us to another potential problem. When dealing with spirits, truthful communication and trust is key. If you are a sensitive and can hear and see them, it is much more difficult for a spirit to lie about it's identity and it's reason for engaging with you. If you rely on a board to spell out the message, well, let's just say it's a whole lot easier to lie through text...however simple it might be. Just sayin...
Anywhoo...just a little words of wisdom I thought needed to be shared for those who are interested. If you choose to go ahead and use one anyway, and choose to do it while the veil is at its thinnest, please remember to close the damn thing. Trust's a draft that is pretty damn hard to get rid of. And if you have to get help once the damage is done don't be surprised if who you ask says "not my circus, not my monkeys..."
Sweetest dreams, my pretties...)O(
So very true!