I was on the chat line I have with my friends today and something very important occurred to all of us. While we were joking about how crazy we all sounded and wondering what color our straight jackets would come in we realized how happy we all were. I know that sounds weird. I'm sure you're thinking, "well...why was that surprising?"
You see...a few of us have had some pretty hard times lately. Between health problems, financial issues, heartbreak, car stuff, over working, lack of sleep...you get the picture, some of us had been feeling pretty low. But then a very funny thing happened....
We made each other laugh.
It sounds so simple. It really does, I know. But that one, small, simple thing made all the difference in the world. To all of us. It just goes to show you how important it is keeping the people you love in your life. Being able to find the humor in life will cure, or at least relieve, a multitude of ills. I'm a very lucky person to have these friends, and my friends across the pond, in my life. I only hope they feel as lucky to have me in theirs.
Be good to those who accept you for who you are. Do the same for them. When you have this in your life there is nothing you can't accomplish.
Blessings )O(
A blog dedicated to the paranormal and my personal experiences in this field. Enjoy!
Friday, October 30, 2015
a matter of opinion...
For my first blog, tonight (lol) cause I'm feeling chatty, I would like to broach the subject of exorcisms, Ouija and séances. For those tuning into my blog for the first time, prepare yourself for the disclaimer....
1) I'm Pagan.
2) I'm Wiccan.
The two do not necessarily go hand in hand, but for me they do. That is why I have a hard time justifying the three topics listed above. Let's start with the Ouija since I have touched on this topic before. What's the one rule...the one MAJOR rule whenever you use a Ouija?? Come on, folks...I know you know it...
Bingo!!! We have ourselves a winner!!! Saying you are done, or finished, or need to stop does not...I repeat DOES NOT close the session. What you open you must close. If you invite you MUST disinvite. Simple as that. For the love of whatever God you believe in, please don't use one if you have no intention on using it properly.
Séances...see above rules and regulations. Nuff said...
Now, to the biggie...exorcisms. There is a lot of hubbub that surrounds the topic, and for good reason. It is a scary deal to be involved in. With that being said, I want to pose a question to you. If God is almighty, all powerful, all seeing...why the use of mere humans to dispel demons? Now...I know that clergy are handmaidens of God. At least that is what the church tells you. Right? Right. Okay...I can get on board with that. What I can't understand is that why would he (as society believes) think that an organization as corrupt as many churches are today be fit to dispel evil? Have we not learned from the past? Have we not learned that some of the most evil humans on earth wear a clerical collar and have been protected by their brethren instead of being held accountable for their actions against society and it's children? Don't believe me...pick up a history book. Watch "Mea Maxima Culpa"...if you dare. Now...I'm not saying religion is bad, per say. In fact, I am all for people being "Christ like". Jesus was the epitome of how we should all act. Unfortunately if he were walking around today, same as he did back then, most Christians today would call him a hippie and turn him away. But...I digress.
My point is...regardless of your views, religious or otherwise, when you consider demons and how to deal with you have to take into consideration one very important thing. The purity it takes to dispel evil needs to be absolute. That does not mean that one can never have sinned. It does mean that the sinner has to not only acknowledge sins but also make amends. The reason I'm so adamant about this is really very simple. To be pure doesn't mean you have never done wrong. It means you have done wrong and make every attempt to not continue along the same path. It's called a clear conscience. If you are part of an organization that has continued to turn it's head away from the atrocities of it's members, can you really say that you can go into a situation like this without a heavy heart? Just food for thought...
1) I'm Pagan.
2) I'm Wiccan.
The two do not necessarily go hand in hand, but for me they do. That is why I have a hard time justifying the three topics listed above. Let's start with the Ouija since I have touched on this topic before. What's the one rule...the one MAJOR rule whenever you use a Ouija?? Come on, folks...I know you know it...
Bingo!!! We have ourselves a winner!!! Saying you are done, or finished, or need to stop does not...I repeat DOES NOT close the session. What you open you must close. If you invite you MUST disinvite. Simple as that. For the love of whatever God you believe in, please don't use one if you have no intention on using it properly.
Séances...see above rules and regulations. Nuff said...
Now, to the biggie...exorcisms. There is a lot of hubbub that surrounds the topic, and for good reason. It is a scary deal to be involved in. With that being said, I want to pose a question to you. If God is almighty, all powerful, all seeing...why the use of mere humans to dispel demons? Now...I know that clergy are handmaidens of God. At least that is what the church tells you. Right? Right. Okay...I can get on board with that. What I can't understand is that why would he (as society believes) think that an organization as corrupt as many churches are today be fit to dispel evil? Have we not learned from the past? Have we not learned that some of the most evil humans on earth wear a clerical collar and have been protected by their brethren instead of being held accountable for their actions against society and it's children? Don't believe me...pick up a history book. Watch "Mea Maxima Culpa"...if you dare. Now...I'm not saying religion is bad, per say. In fact, I am all for people being "Christ like". Jesus was the epitome of how we should all act. Unfortunately if he were walking around today, same as he did back then, most Christians today would call him a hippie and turn him away. But...I digress.
My point is...regardless of your views, religious or otherwise, when you consider demons and how to deal with you have to take into consideration one very important thing. The purity it takes to dispel evil needs to be absolute. That does not mean that one can never have sinned. It does mean that the sinner has to not only acknowledge sins but also make amends. The reason I'm so adamant about this is really very simple. To be pure doesn't mean you have never done wrong. It means you have done wrong and make every attempt to not continue along the same path. It's called a clear conscience. If you are part of an organization that has continued to turn it's head away from the atrocities of it's members, can you really say that you can go into a situation like this without a heavy heart? Just food for thought...
Sunday, October 25, 2015
The veil and the Ouija...a doomed romance
As the time grows closer to Samhain, Halloween to the rest of you folks, you may have noticed a greater ease when it comes to communicating with spirits. This is not uncommon by any means, but it has become somewhat of a novelty to the general public. I find this bothersome to a certain degree. It isn't that I think people shouldn't try to engage with the spirit world. Far from it. I even encourage it, for the most part. What I do worry about it unskilled and untrained tactics used to enhance communication.
Just today we had a twitter discussion on the use of Ouija boards. For those who don't believe in them, go ahead a chuckle if you must. I promise I won't be offended. For those who know the harm these can actually do, then you already know where I'm going with this. I want to start off by saying I NEVER encourage the use of such items when trying to interact with spirits. EVER. But I REALLY don't encourage it when it is children, teenagers or young adults who have no real understanding of what it can do nor do they understand the repercussions of using one during this time.
You see, when "the veil" is thin and the spirits are easier to reach this doesn't just mean "good" spirits. There is no "stop here...evil not welcome" sign at the veil which means anything can cross into the realm of the living. ANYTHING.
Now...if this gets your ghosthunter juices flowing and makes you think you can go all "Billy Badass" because you have yourself a Ouija board...think again. That type of attitude makes you dangerous to yourself and others. If you aren't worried about what might attach itself to you, that's fine. But do you worry about your family? Your loved ones? Using a Ouija isn't a whole lot different than leaving your front door open. By doing so you are sending an invitation to anyone or anything to just walk on inside where your family sleeps. A good spirit may know they are not welcome and choose to stay away until contacted. A bad spirit will simply not care.
This leads us to another potential problem. When dealing with spirits, truthful communication and trust is key. If you are a sensitive and can hear and see them, it is much more difficult for a spirit to lie about it's identity and it's reason for engaging with you. If you rely on a board to spell out the message, well, let's just say it's a whole lot easier to lie through text...however simple it might be. Just sayin...
Anywhoo...just a little words of wisdom I thought needed to be shared for those who are interested. If you choose to go ahead and use one anyway, and choose to do it while the veil is at its thinnest, please remember to close the damn thing. Trust me...it's a draft that is pretty damn hard to get rid of. And if you have to get help once the damage is done don't be surprised if who you ask says "not my circus, not my monkeys..."
Sweetest dreams, my pretties...)O(
Just today we had a twitter discussion on the use of Ouija boards. For those who don't believe in them, go ahead a chuckle if you must. I promise I won't be offended. For those who know the harm these can actually do, then you already know where I'm going with this. I want to start off by saying I NEVER encourage the use of such items when trying to interact with spirits. EVER. But I REALLY don't encourage it when it is children, teenagers or young adults who have no real understanding of what it can do nor do they understand the repercussions of using one during this time.
You see, when "the veil" is thin and the spirits are easier to reach this doesn't just mean "good" spirits. There is no "stop here...evil not welcome" sign at the veil which means anything can cross into the realm of the living. ANYTHING.
Now...if this gets your ghosthunter juices flowing and makes you think you can go all "Billy Badass" because you have yourself a Ouija board...think again. That type of attitude makes you dangerous to yourself and others. If you aren't worried about what might attach itself to you, that's fine. But do you worry about your family? Your loved ones? Using a Ouija isn't a whole lot different than leaving your front door open. By doing so you are sending an invitation to anyone or anything to just walk on inside where your family sleeps. A good spirit may know they are not welcome and choose to stay away until contacted. A bad spirit will simply not care.
This leads us to another potential problem. When dealing with spirits, truthful communication and trust is key. If you are a sensitive and can hear and see them, it is much more difficult for a spirit to lie about it's identity and it's reason for engaging with you. If you rely on a board to spell out the message, well, let's just say it's a whole lot easier to lie through text...however simple it might be. Just sayin...
Anywhoo...just a little words of wisdom I thought needed to be shared for those who are interested. If you choose to go ahead and use one anyway, and choose to do it while the veil is at its thinnest, please remember to close the damn thing. Trust me...it's a draft that is pretty damn hard to get rid of. And if you have to get help once the damage is done don't be surprised if who you ask says "not my circus, not my monkeys..."
Sweetest dreams, my pretties...)O(
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
I was having a discussion with some friends today that I thought was interesting and needed to be shared. We hear a lot of words thrown around these days. Words that have honestly lost their power over time. By that, I mean that by people not knowing their actual definition, they misuse and even misinterpret their true meaning.
It is a common mistake and one that I feel needs to be corrected. One of the most commonly misused words that is used is karma. Now...most people throw around that word without truly understanding its origin or its actual definition. So...that's what I'm going to explain here tonight. The definition of karma is "the destiny you earn through your actions and behavior". You would think this was very simple to understand, right? Well...not so much.
You see, if people can justify their behavior to themselves then they believe that their karma is intact. That it will be good. Problem is, that isn't how it works. You see, karma doesn't care about self-justification and placating your own wants and needs above all others. Karma cares about the intent behind the act. It also operates without council of any deity or any process of divine judgment.
This explanation would be incomplete if I did not give examples, so I will give a few to illustrate my point.
1) Let's say that I desperately want a new pair of shoes. I work hard. I take care of my business, but I still can't afford them. I look down and the ones I'm wearing have holes in them and that makes me angry. Later that day I go over to a friends house and she has just gotten shoes exactly like the ones I wanted. Now...I can do one of two things. I can...A) compliment her on getting them even though inside I am a bit sad because I know there is no way I can afford them...or B) I can tell her that they make her ankles look fat, knowing that will make her never want to wear them, and persuade her to give them to me. Now...I know that sounds silly, but it's a good point. I can either be honest, albeit a touch envious that I can't afford them, or I can make her feel bad until she gives in and I can have them. I know this doesn't seem like a big deal, but it's the small things that can really screw with your karma. The day to day things that start to add up. I suppose I could justify my decision to make her feel bad by convincing myself that she can buy more because she has more money and mine had holes in them. That may work to make me feel better...but it doesn't change the intent behind the action.
2) This is my favorite example of one of my karmic fears. I will NEVER lie about my child being sick. EVER. Wanna know why? Because I know in my bones that if I do he will get sick. I may REALLY need a day off of work. Seriously...for those who know me, they know this to be true. Everyone knows that if you want a day off work the easiest way to get it is to say your kid is sick. I just can't do that. I doesn't matter how bad I need or want it, the lying about it, even if I could justify it to myself, is wrong. The intent behind it is wrong. By doing that I am inviting bad karma. I'm giving the finger to karma and saying "do what you will...I don't care".
I realize I may seem flippant with my examples, but this is something I take very seriously. It is why when others ask me if I can help them with revenge or wishing ill on someone, I have a very hard time doing it and ,more often than not, I don't. I will not knowingly do evil...I simply can't. Anytime I help someone with spell work it comes with a disclaimer of my intent and what I will and will not do. I can be so direct in this because of my belief in karma. Because I understand and believe in it's power over my future in this life and the next. Now...don't mistake my kindness, and lack of willingness to do evil, for weakness. If anything...you should understand my total and complete faith in karma by my willingness to be so docile. I could only be this way if I truly knew and understood that what we put out into the universe we get in return. Good, bad or indifferent. I understand that for every negative thought or deed I have ever done, I have accepted the karmic debt. When I've had the opportunity I have tried to even the score by admitting any wrongdoing knowing that will not erase the blemish but will ease my soul. This is an exercise I think we should all take part it. Unless you're comfortable with whatever you have coming to you.
Sleep tight, my pretties...
Blessed Be )O(
It is a common mistake and one that I feel needs to be corrected. One of the most commonly misused words that is used is karma. Now...most people throw around that word without truly understanding its origin or its actual definition. So...that's what I'm going to explain here tonight. The definition of karma is "the destiny you earn through your actions and behavior". You would think this was very simple to understand, right? Well...not so much.
You see, if people can justify their behavior to themselves then they believe that their karma is intact. That it will be good. Problem is, that isn't how it works. You see, karma doesn't care about self-justification and placating your own wants and needs above all others. Karma cares about the intent behind the act. It also operates without council of any deity or any process of divine judgment.
This explanation would be incomplete if I did not give examples, so I will give a few to illustrate my point.
1) Let's say that I desperately want a new pair of shoes. I work hard. I take care of my business, but I still can't afford them. I look down and the ones I'm wearing have holes in them and that makes me angry. Later that day I go over to a friends house and she has just gotten shoes exactly like the ones I wanted. Now...I can do one of two things. I can...A) compliment her on getting them even though inside I am a bit sad because I know there is no way I can afford them...or B) I can tell her that they make her ankles look fat, knowing that will make her never want to wear them, and persuade her to give them to me. Now...I know that sounds silly, but it's a good point. I can either be honest, albeit a touch envious that I can't afford them, or I can make her feel bad until she gives in and I can have them. I know this doesn't seem like a big deal, but it's the small things that can really screw with your karma. The day to day things that start to add up. I suppose I could justify my decision to make her feel bad by convincing myself that she can buy more because she has more money and mine had holes in them. That may work to make me feel better...but it doesn't change the intent behind the action.
2) This is my favorite example of one of my karmic fears. I will NEVER lie about my child being sick. EVER. Wanna know why? Because I know in my bones that if I do he will get sick. I may REALLY need a day off of work. Seriously...for those who know me, they know this to be true. Everyone knows that if you want a day off work the easiest way to get it is to say your kid is sick. I just can't do that. I doesn't matter how bad I need or want it, the lying about it, even if I could justify it to myself, is wrong. The intent behind it is wrong. By doing that I am inviting bad karma. I'm giving the finger to karma and saying "do what you will...I don't care".
I realize I may seem flippant with my examples, but this is something I take very seriously. It is why when others ask me if I can help them with revenge or wishing ill on someone, I have a very hard time doing it and ,more often than not, I don't. I will not knowingly do evil...I simply can't. Anytime I help someone with spell work it comes with a disclaimer of my intent and what I will and will not do. I can be so direct in this because of my belief in karma. Because I understand and believe in it's power over my future in this life and the next. Now...don't mistake my kindness, and lack of willingness to do evil, for weakness. If anything...you should understand my total and complete faith in karma by my willingness to be so docile. I could only be this way if I truly knew and understood that what we put out into the universe we get in return. Good, bad or indifferent. I understand that for every negative thought or deed I have ever done, I have accepted the karmic debt. When I've had the opportunity I have tried to even the score by admitting any wrongdoing knowing that will not erase the blemish but will ease my soul. This is an exercise I think we should all take part it. Unless you're comfortable with whatever you have coming to you.
Sleep tight, my pretties...
Blessed Be )O(
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Personal Power
This is a different topic. One I haven't yet blogged on before, at least not in this way. Lol. It's regarding "personal power". We all have different sources that we pull our inspiration, or our power, from. For some it's music. For some it's art or writing. Or it can be a combination of each of these or something entirely different. That's what makes it personal. It's whatever speaks to you on a "soul" level. What inspires you to believe and hope and create and dream.
For me, I tend to pull from whichever one I feel drawn to at the moment. For those who know me, they know that Stevie Nicks pulls out the "witch" in me like nothing else. In fact, when it comes to spell work, I listen to her and feel her music to get me in the right frame of mind for whatever task I need to complete. But it doesn't really stop there. Writing, painting, sculpting and (sometimes) poetry also put my soul at ease and help me concentrate on and visualize what it is that I need to do.
I admit it has been a while since I put pen to paper and let my poet soul free. As I was talking to a friend tonight (hey T!) I felt the pull...the need to create...to write. To write in that rhyming, undulating, flow of words that sing to your soul when you read them.
So I did.
In an instant it came to me...what needed to be written.
A whispered hush
skin on skin
bodies intertwine
Slick as silk
a bruising touch
It's darkness that they ride
Candles drip
blood will boil
they man, cry and shiver
They start to tremble
sharp teeth meet lips
piercing as they quiver
The dance is old
this starry night
moonbeam's rake the skin
He whispers once
then again
please, Goddess, let me in...
I was actually quite proud f this as most of what I write, at least when it comes to poetry, is quite dark. I see a lot of violence in my dreams and visions. Some past, some future. That is normally the inspiration for my poetry. I believe this was inspired by the needs, dreams and desires of women. The longing to be protected, admired, worshipped, revered, respected and most of all loved. To feel as if they are the only woman in the world to whatever man they choose to give themselves to.
Where the lesson of personal power comes into play is actually quite simple. As you create, you visualize. What you visualize, you create. It's not only magic, it's science. Physics, if you will. It's the "Law of Attraction". If you understand that everything is energy and that by focusing your energy on what you want, instead of what you don't want, you increase your chances of getting it.
It really is quite simple. I strongly encourage all of you to practice this. Give yourself little exercises to see if you can create the future that you want. Start small. Rome wasn't built in a day. Lol. Keep track of your progress. Find out what works for you and apply it when needed. Above all...visualize!
Well, my lovelies...go! Create! Visualize! Dream! But most of all...BELIEVE!!!
Blessed Be )O(
For me, I tend to pull from whichever one I feel drawn to at the moment. For those who know me, they know that Stevie Nicks pulls out the "witch" in me like nothing else. In fact, when it comes to spell work, I listen to her and feel her music to get me in the right frame of mind for whatever task I need to complete. But it doesn't really stop there. Writing, painting, sculpting and (sometimes) poetry also put my soul at ease and help me concentrate on and visualize what it is that I need to do.
I admit it has been a while since I put pen to paper and let my poet soul free. As I was talking to a friend tonight (hey T!) I felt the pull...the need to create...to write. To write in that rhyming, undulating, flow of words that sing to your soul when you read them.
So I did.
In an instant it came to me...what needed to be written.
A whispered hush
skin on skin
bodies intertwine
Slick as silk
a bruising touch
It's darkness that they ride
Candles drip
blood will boil
they man, cry and shiver
They start to tremble
sharp teeth meet lips
piercing as they quiver
The dance is old
this starry night
moonbeam's rake the skin
He whispers once
then again
please, Goddess, let me in...
I was actually quite proud f this as most of what I write, at least when it comes to poetry, is quite dark. I see a lot of violence in my dreams and visions. Some past, some future. That is normally the inspiration for my poetry. I believe this was inspired by the needs, dreams and desires of women. The longing to be protected, admired, worshipped, revered, respected and most of all loved. To feel as if they are the only woman in the world to whatever man they choose to give themselves to.
Where the lesson of personal power comes into play is actually quite simple. As you create, you visualize. What you visualize, you create. It's not only magic, it's science. Physics, if you will. It's the "Law of Attraction". If you understand that everything is energy and that by focusing your energy on what you want, instead of what you don't want, you increase your chances of getting it.
It really is quite simple. I strongly encourage all of you to practice this. Give yourself little exercises to see if you can create the future that you want. Start small. Rome wasn't built in a day. Lol. Keep track of your progress. Find out what works for you and apply it when needed. Above all...visualize!
Well, my lovelies...go! Create! Visualize! Dream! But most of all...BELIEVE!!!
Blessed Be )O(
Thursday, October 8, 2015
I knew it!!!!
Alrighty, kiddos....got a bit of a hard earned lesson to teach ya. Now...I know I've preached on this before, but I really wanna make sure you're listening.
Today we are gonna discuss intuition. Yes...I know you know what it is...but do you use it? Listen to it? Count on it? I'm sorry to say I haven't always, much to my detriment. Lol! And I'm sure I will probably discount it again sometime in the future. That's just human nature.
You see, it is very hard for us to believe that our gut is right when our hearts are telling us it's wrong. We will push down that feeling. We will hide it away in some dark place and refuse to think on it. Even when all the signs are there we still ignore it. When we do this we are, more than likely, proven wrong every time. So why do we keep doing it?
Well...I think it's really simple. Most of the things that we have intuition on involve other people and these people have much to lose by us listening to our gut. So we get the "you're just being paranoid" speech or the "that person is a psychotic twat stalker" speech or the "that's just not logical to feel that way" speech. This can apply to love and life. Work and play. Any one of us who has expressed a concern over a gut feeling has been shushed over it at least once in our life. Now, I ask you, should you have listened to your gut or the one who told you were crazy? My money is on the gut. Just sayin...
The next time you find yourself in this situation and someone tries to persuade you to think otherwise...don't question yourself. Question them. If you are wrong, no harm no foul, right? It is a simple easing of the mind for someone who may need it. But if you are right....well...let's just say that it clears up a whole lot of bullshit a helluva lot faster so you can move on to bigger and better things.
Blessed Be )O(
Today we are gonna discuss intuition. Yes...I know you know what it is...but do you use it? Listen to it? Count on it? I'm sorry to say I haven't always, much to my detriment. Lol! And I'm sure I will probably discount it again sometime in the future. That's just human nature.
You see, it is very hard for us to believe that our gut is right when our hearts are telling us it's wrong. We will push down that feeling. We will hide it away in some dark place and refuse to think on it. Even when all the signs are there we still ignore it. When we do this we are, more than likely, proven wrong every time. So why do we keep doing it?
Well...I think it's really simple. Most of the things that we have intuition on involve other people and these people have much to lose by us listening to our gut. So we get the "you're just being paranoid" speech or the "that person is a psychotic twat stalker" speech or the "that's just not logical to feel that way" speech. This can apply to love and life. Work and play. Any one of us who has expressed a concern over a gut feeling has been shushed over it at least once in our life. Now, I ask you, should you have listened to your gut or the one who told you were crazy? My money is on the gut. Just sayin...
The next time you find yourself in this situation and someone tries to persuade you to think otherwise...don't question yourself. Question them. If you are wrong, no harm no foul, right? It is a simple easing of the mind for someone who may need it. But if you are right....well...let's just say that it clears up a whole lot of bullshit a helluva lot faster so you can move on to bigger and better things.
Blessed Be )O(
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Dream a little dream...
I had to write about this simply to get it out of my head...
I was napping today, as I stayed home due to bad gallbladder attack (yucky). This was my third nap of the day, but by far the most eventful sleep I've had in a while.
I'm used to dreaming. In fact my dreams are quite vivid in nature and I always dream in color, which I'm told is very odd. Sometimes it's what we call "Technicolor" like when they turn an old black and white movie color. This particular dream was neither one of these. It was color but with a hazy vignette look about it. Kinda murky, to be honest. I was in the woods. Very old woods by the look of them. I was clothed in a simple white nightgown that reached my ankles. not hard for it to do since I'm not the tallest gal out there. Lol.
Anywhooo...I was wondering around these woods and stumbled upon a cabin. It was a bit shabby with cobwebs hanging haphazardly everywhere. And it was dusty. Very dusty and obviously haunted. There were a couple of old women there. They looked like something one might call hags, but I thought they were beautiful. They seemed very tired but there was an alertness to their eyes that could not be mistaken. They were keeping themselves busy by standing watch and protecting something. I cannot see what it is, but they consider it very valuable. They are murmuring just below earshot but sending me soothing looks before they would gaze out the window again. There was a small fox that lay in the corner that utterly fascinated me and I crouched down to pet it. At that same moment, its hackles raised and I jumped back wondering what I had done to displease it. The Crones, at least that is how I see them, quickly assured me that he was not angry with me, but sensed that the "monster" was coming and I should hide. I did not understand this. What in the world would I have to hide from here? The Crones quickly ushered me out the back door and encouraged me to flee. I did as I was told figuring they would know what was best out here in the woods. I found a path that led to a road where there were many people gathered. I quickly dashed behind them, dragging me feet through the mud and the muck, having to lift my gown to my knees as it skimmed the top layer of filth.
I was barely back there a minute before this image appeared before them I could barely see so I dropped my gown hem and ducked down in between them for a better look. What I saw made me gasp and I began to shake. Before the crowd stood this huge creature! He seemed to be made of stone but the stone was moving...cracking down one side. Then another stepped out as the first form crumbled to the ground. This one seemed to be swirling fog and dripping mist. As this image began to split apart the crowd that was gathered all turned at once and looked at me. and pointed to the monster. I was speechless. I had no idea what they wanted of me or if I wanted to be a part of whatever it was anyway. One man stepped forward and said simply..."it is time..."
Then I woke up.
Not the strangest dream I've ever had, but one of the most vivid. I could feel everything...even the mud under my feet. I could smell the sweat coming off the people gathered before me. I could hear the roar of the monster as it changed shape. And I could feel the love of the Crones as they gave me strength.
Blessed Be )O(
I was napping today, as I stayed home due to bad gallbladder attack (yucky). This was my third nap of the day, but by far the most eventful sleep I've had in a while.
I'm used to dreaming. In fact my dreams are quite vivid in nature and I always dream in color, which I'm told is very odd. Sometimes it's what we call "Technicolor" like when they turn an old black and white movie color. This particular dream was neither one of these. It was color but with a hazy vignette look about it. Kinda murky, to be honest. I was in the woods. Very old woods by the look of them. I was clothed in a simple white nightgown that reached my ankles. not hard for it to do since I'm not the tallest gal out there. Lol.
Anywhooo...I was wondering around these woods and stumbled upon a cabin. It was a bit shabby with cobwebs hanging haphazardly everywhere. And it was dusty. Very dusty and obviously haunted. There were a couple of old women there. They looked like something one might call hags, but I thought they were beautiful. They seemed very tired but there was an alertness to their eyes that could not be mistaken. They were keeping themselves busy by standing watch and protecting something. I cannot see what it is, but they consider it very valuable. They are murmuring just below earshot but sending me soothing looks before they would gaze out the window again. There was a small fox that lay in the corner that utterly fascinated me and I crouched down to pet it. At that same moment, its hackles raised and I jumped back wondering what I had done to displease it. The Crones, at least that is how I see them, quickly assured me that he was not angry with me, but sensed that the "monster" was coming and I should hide. I did not understand this. What in the world would I have to hide from here? The Crones quickly ushered me out the back door and encouraged me to flee. I did as I was told figuring they would know what was best out here in the woods. I found a path that led to a road where there were many people gathered. I quickly dashed behind them, dragging me feet through the mud and the muck, having to lift my gown to my knees as it skimmed the top layer of filth.
I was barely back there a minute before this image appeared before them I could barely see so I dropped my gown hem and ducked down in between them for a better look. What I saw made me gasp and I began to shake. Before the crowd stood this huge creature! He seemed to be made of stone but the stone was moving...cracking down one side. Then another stepped out as the first form crumbled to the ground. This one seemed to be swirling fog and dripping mist. As this image began to split apart the crowd that was gathered all turned at once and looked at me. and pointed to the monster. I was speechless. I had no idea what they wanted of me or if I wanted to be a part of whatever it was anyway. One man stepped forward and said simply..."it is time..."
Then I woke up.
Not the strangest dream I've ever had, but one of the most vivid. I could feel everything...even the mud under my feet. I could smell the sweat coming off the people gathered before me. I could hear the roar of the monster as it changed shape. And I could feel the love of the Crones as they gave me strength.
Blessed Be )O(
Casting call.....
Ok, peeps. I said I would write a blog tonight and, despite the worst gallbladder attack in history, I'm doing it anyway. Ugh....almost killed Grey and I tonight cause I damn near passed out behind the wheel driving home after dinner. It was the worst!!! But...I digress...
Anyway...I have changed my plans and am coming to England in March instead of May of next year. My purpose behind this visit is not only vacation but work as well. I will be doing as much research as possible for another book. It will be a "ghost story collective" intermingling the experiences I have there while on investigation and exploration, but also your stories.
What I would like to do is schedule a night where I can meet with as many of you as possible and record your stories while I draw out what I see when you tell it. I really wanna get in your head and see if I can put a picture on paper that allows others to share your experience visually. I would like to have 15 to 20 different stories to add with my own. And, no worries, those who are put into the book will get acknowledgement in the book for their contribution.
There you have it, peeps. Immortality in black and white. Lol. Who doesn't want that, right? Lol. Anyway...more details later. Till then...happy hunting! Ghost hunting, that is! Lol!
Blessed Be )O(
Anyway...I have changed my plans and am coming to England in March instead of May of next year. My purpose behind this visit is not only vacation but work as well. I will be doing as much research as possible for another book. It will be a "ghost story collective" intermingling the experiences I have there while on investigation and exploration, but also your stories.
What I would like to do is schedule a night where I can meet with as many of you as possible and record your stories while I draw out what I see when you tell it. I really wanna get in your head and see if I can put a picture on paper that allows others to share your experience visually. I would like to have 15 to 20 different stories to add with my own. And, no worries, those who are put into the book will get acknowledgement in the book for their contribution.
There you have it, peeps. Immortality in black and white. Lol. Who doesn't want that, right? Lol. Anyway...more details later. Till then...happy hunting! Ghost hunting, that is! Lol!
Blessed Be )O(
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