Monday, March 2, 2015

The truth behind the paranormal...

   This has been an ongoing topic of conversation amongst my twitter followers and those I'm following. One that, I feel, is an important one. One that needs to happen just so the air can be cleared once and for all. it goes...
   Yes....there ARE people out there who ghost hunt, play the psychic, do tarot readings and, in general, claim to have abilities or evidence regarding the paranormal field simply for  their own self-advancement or public praise. This is true. I've seen it. I've been the victim of it. However....
   There are just as many, if not more, who do it simply for the love of it. They do it to help others. To bring closure to families.  To seek knowledge, in an otherwise unknown field, to share with others. This can be entertaining,  yes...but that doesn't mean it's meant for entertaining purposes. Most folks wouldn't dish out the major cost for equipment, and it can be major, just so others can oooh and ahhh.
   True...people CAN and DO fake evidence. That is their shame and it shouldn't cast a shadow over everyone else.  This is a field that requires alot of faith and trust, and there will ALWAYS be people who abuse that. I don't see that changing any time in the near future. That being said, I CHOOSE to believe that the people who are out there, spending their own money and taking time away from their families,  are doing it for the greater good.  But that's just me.
   Oh...and before anyone has a good chuckle over my naivety,  I've been burned by the very people I defend. As a remote viewer and medium, I have been taken on location by Animal Planet for the show "The Haunted" and even though it was my reading and automatic drawings that were used, the head of our team cut me out of the show and took credit. I found out the night it front of everyone.  Still....I hold no ill will. Nor do I believe everyone out there is that way.  We tend to look for faults in others that we really carry within ourselves. I choose to not do that and try to believe that others feel the same.

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