Monday, July 4, 2016

Imagine it's you.....

   For those not on my Facebook,  I felt it was important to share a lil story with you.  An experience I had today that brought tears to my eyes.

   I was at the laundromat because my dryer went out.  As I was doing my laundry,  and actually having a pleasant time,  I noticed a smell.  A very bad smell.  I noticed a lil old lady had come in.  She was about 20 feet away from me but those around her were pulling their shirts up to cover their noses.  I was a very strong odor of cat poop.

   Now.... I know y'all may be scrunching your nose right now,  imagining the smell.  And I understand the reflex to do just that.  But.....what I want you to do,  instead,  is imagine you are the older lady.  Imagine living on social security due to age or illness.  Imagine only being able to wash your clothes once a month because you only get a check once a month.

   Imagine having cats because they love you and their food is cheaper.....and you can share it with them. heard me right.

   Imagine THAT.  Having to eat what your pet does because it's ALL YOU CAN AFFORD.  Imagine being so lonely,  for whatever reason,  that you are willing to do that just so you have a companion.

   Can you see it?  Imagine it?

   You may be asking yourself why I care so much about people I don't know.  About people that "don't matter".  The " draining of our resources " as many like to call them....

   Well.... I'll tell you why.

   Because,  at ANY MOMENT,  that could be me.  To a certain degree,  once upon a time,  it WAS me.  After I was raped,  by an ex that found me hiding in my friends house,  I lived "on the streets".  I stayed in my car or sofa surfed at other friends houses.  I got a job at a fast food restaurant that was 3 miles away from my friends house.  When my car broke down I walked to work.  In the dead of winter in Kansas.  This restaurant allowed us 1 free meal a day.

   And that's all I ate.  I was 19 years old. I was too ashamed to ask for help for almost a year.  And even after I did,  I had already learned to keep to myself.

   I have never lost the feeling that EVERYTHING can disappear in a, SECOND.

   Now.... I bet NONE of you can even imagine that I lived like that.  I bet it's even harder to imagine it happening to you,  right?

   Well...  It can.  So..... When you cast judgement on the " dirty looking" guy on the street..... Or the lady who smells like cat poop.... Just remember.....

   At ANY moment the rug could be pulled out from under you.  You could lose EVERYTHING.  This includes money,  job,  home,  family,  self respect and hope.  If this happened to would you want to be treated?  Food for thought....

   Blessed Be )O(


  1. Wow Nes, i never knew. You never cease to amaze Me. You are right people are too quick to judge and dismiss. Xx

  2. Thank you, hun!!!! I have to be honest about myself if I'm going to expect people to truly get it, you know?

  3. Thank you, hun!!!! I have to be honest about myself if I'm going to expect people to truly get it, you know?

  4. Someone once said "there but for the grace go I." Live in another's shoes for a day, a week, etc. and appreciate all you have and it can be lost in a heartbeat.
