It's been a week and a half since I did remote viewing for Paranormal Zone TV on cold cases. Some I had heard of previously and some I hadn't. I had a blast doing it regardless of how tiring that whole process can be. Honestly, I'm looking forward to the next show I'm scheduled for in September.
But that's not what this post is about. Sure.....I guess it's about the show, but truthfully, it's really about what came after. I check, every now and again, on the comments left by people. I respond to them too. I answer what I can and try to connect with those who took time out of their day to watch. Not just a little time, either. Almost 3 hours. Lol.
Most have been unbelievably supportive. Quite a few have left glowing comments that could make anyones head swell.
Well....if that anyone wasn't me. Lol. I'm still in shock so many have watched it. That surprises me more than you know. But not every comment was complimentary. A few questioned what I do, how I do it and my reason for doing it. Some didn't believe. Some were skeptical. Some just didn't like me. For those out there that fall under this category I have 2 words for you....
Thank you.
I am beyond pleased to be questioned. I welcome healthy skepticism. I encourage you to question, not only me, but every person who claims to have psychic abilities. You are the people who keeps us HONEST. Just as much as we want to make our "fans" (I hate that word lol) happy, we also want to give you new reasons to believe and that can only happen through trust.
And trust is earned.
Anyway... Just wanted to put that out there. Got nothing but love for you all!
Blessed Be )O(
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