Sunday, December 27, 2015

Ain't nuttin but a trust thang, bay-bay...

   Okay, folks...prepare yourself cause I'm feeling a lil sassy. I've been chatting with some of my peeps, privately, about the things that have been going on lately. Things on social media and such. Those with a tender heart, turn may not want to read any further. Those who are just too damn curious as to what I have to say...proceed.

   Today, kiddos, we are going to talk about boundaries. You know what I mean, right? That invisible line that we pray people don't cross because we don't like to be mean or bitchy? Yeah...that thing.'s been happening ALOT lately. It's an epidemic in this field, we know. We have also ALL been there. We've all wanted to play a role, however small, in the paranormal world way before we actually did. But there is a difference...a pretty big one. We didn't hound people day and night. We didn't approach people to become part of their team when they had absolutely NO REASON to trust us.

   You see, that's what it boils down to again. TRUST. This is a very precarious field to be in. You are constantly under the microscope. Not a day goes by when someone else isn't waiting for you to screw up so they can call you out on it just to make their team or organization look better. This, my friends, is the reason for the privacy. For the wariness. For the BOUNDARIES we set up. It takes an awful lot of time to build up that kind of trust, and mere minutes to rip it apart.

   Most of us are very private people, regardless of what you see on social media. Sure, we post pics and chat people up. Of course we do readings, remote view and look at pics for people. Most of us have gifts of some sort and we do our best to share those with others. On our own time. We all have jobs, families, personal lives and other shit that needs our attention. We don't share every little thing we can do on social media because it makes us targets. Not only targets for skeptics who want us to validate our own existence, but targets for people who want to be us. Truth is, I believe most of the people out there can do, pretty much, the same things we can paranormally speaking. But we can't walk you through it. We help when we can but, for the most part, it's something you have to figure out yourself. We simply can't do it for you. I can only speak for myself when I say that if I did that, for every request I got daily, it would be my full time job without pay. Just a tip...none of us can afford that.

   So please...stop following us, asking us to follow you, then blocking us when you don't get a prompt response like you wanted. We don't care about our numbers, just our credibility. If you're the type of person who operates in that matter then you would only hurt all we have worked so hard to accomplish.

Blessed Be )O(