Monday, September 14, 2015

This is my dance space...this is your dance space...

   Let's talk a moment about negativity and the effect it can have on you. We all would love to believe that we, the magical creatures that we are, can go through life protected and safe and viewing the world through rose colored glasses. Well......

   That would be just dandy, wouldn't it? Unfortunately that just isn't the case. Everything we come into contact with on a daily basis, every person, every situation, has an effect on us....positive or negative. This can be unbelievably overwhelming and incredibly draining. When you are just beginning to understand your purpose and your inner power you are the most vulnerable to these types of situations. It doesn't really matter if the situation is paranormal or of the mundane variety, either.

   What I've found that helps me the most, and this goes along with the previous post about shielding techniques, is not only shielding or blocking the negative energy...but reflecting it away from you. Imagine surrounding yourself with mirrors, if you will. In a work situation this works especially well because it takes the pressure off you caused by others and better allows you to do your job, therefore minimizing any negative energy directed your way overall.

   In a paranormal or magical situation, it has much the same effect only it tends to be more specific, more concentrated. Packs a much bigger punch. This is especially good to use on investigations if you are going to a place that is known for hostile energy. I should use my own advice on this, to be honest. Lol. Instead I stay "open" and let the chips fall where they may. The times I have used it I have been very pleased with the results. While I won't disclose my own personal choice of words in summoning this reflective shield, I can say that if you try as specific as possible in regards to what you wish to obtain. Whether it's having another's negative energy bounce off you and be directed back at them or whether it's simply "vaporizing" the energy before it reaches specific. There simply is no reason to mince words. Remember...the area in which you reside is YOURS. It is your responsibility to keep it clean and tidy.

Blessed Be )()(

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