What would you do if you knew someone was in trouble? If you saw them heading into oncoming traffic and you knew they would get hit and possibly killed?
What would you do if you saw a friend get behind the wheel of a car who was really drunk?
Would you stop a friend, or even a stranger, from drinking poison if you knew it was in the glass instead of water?
These might seem like silly questions, but I have a reason...I promise. Just bear with me.
The point I'm making is that any one of these instances COULD lead do danger or death, or they may not. Knowing it could go either way wouldn't stop you from intervening, right? So what is so different about what a sensitive does? Why is it taboo to so many people?
People like myself can't help but step in when we sense something someone should know. Granted, I know that the examples I gave were pretty extreme, but the nuts and bolts of it remain the same. Is a "sensitive" being responsible or irresponsible if they KNOW a person is in trouble and they choose to remain silent? This is something I really want you to think about. Question others about it as well. Let's open up the door to a candid and honest conversation about the whole darn thing. Look back through all those times in your life where you wished someone had been there to maybe guide you in another direction. Wonder how many people in history sought the advice of a sensitive's, didn't take it, then lived (or didn't) to regret it. Not just sensitive's either. How about just a woman's intuition? I'm pretty sure, as he was being stabbed to death, Julius Caesar was wondering what in the hell he was thinking not listening to his wife begging him to not go to the senate because of her dream the night before.
Anyway...just food for thought.
For those who don't believe...good luck to you. For those who do...well...I don't even have to say it, do I? Lol. But I will anyway. On behalf of my brothers and sisters out there who subject themselves to ridicule and persecution for using their gift of insight, you're welcome.
*Blessed Be*
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