Monday, April 25, 2016

What makes me happy...

   I got a call today from my dear friend, sista from anotha mista, Gwen Clapper. She's the founder and lead investigator of BPI based out of Virginia. Ya'll look her up on twitter and facebook if you haven't already. was no different than any other day. We often send messages back and forth, daily, just to keep eachother in the loop of "goings on". What made this particular message so noteworthy for me was the content. She specifically called to let me know I was right on a case. Now...bear in mind I couldn't remember the specifics of what I had told her, previously.

   But Gwen did. Not only did she remember....she had kept all the correspondence for proof. Bless her.

   Apparently, what I had told her brought some closure to a family. It brought joy and remembered love. It gave a voice to the deceased. Amazing.

   Btw...I'm not talking about me. No sir. I'm not amazing. What IS amazing is what this family was able to find out and that Gwen was thoughtful enough to tell them it was me.

   You see? That's the all powerful PARAUNITY we've been preaching about. It doesn't matter that as soon as I pass a message along I let it go. If I didn't, trust me, I'd go crazy. Lol. What mattered was giving credit where it was due. No egos. I would have NEVER known the difference......but Gwen WOULD have. I'm contacted all the time by people for readings or remote viewings. I speak it then forget it cause I have to. The reason I keep doing it is because of people like Gwen. The people who do this cause it's in their blood. In their souls.

   Just like it's in mine. Can you say the same? Food for thought....

Saturday, April 23, 2016

My NP Paranormal family

   It has been a year since I started working with NP PARANORMAL based out of Sheffield, England.  A year of ups and downs. Laughs and tears. A year of amazing investigations and some that left us scratching our heads.

   I met this wonderful group of people during a very hard time in my life. A time where I wasn't really sure where I was going or if I was even on the right path. I was somewhat lost, if I'm being honest.

   You see...I had been burned in the past, by teams and individuals who had a use for what I do but not for me. This made me quite "gun shy". No one, not even the team, will ever truly understand the courage it took for me to message them about one of the pictures they posted.

   I was not disappointed.  Not only did they accept me with open arms, and a little healthy skepticism  (lol), their families welcomed me as well. I've lost count on how many investigations they've, lovingly, allowed me to participate in. I've lost count of the endless hours of conversation we have shared about the paranormal and a whole mess of day to day things.  I've lost count of how many times they've encouraged me and made me feel like I was one of their own kin. Hell...they've even yelled at me and told me to "suck it up" when I was sad and wanted to crawl in a hole. Lol.

   But most of all they have shown me what good friends and AMAZING paranormal investigators they are. They may not get out as much as they would like. They may have suffered through some hardships and changes but that has only made them stronger. They have ALWAYS had their fans best interest at heart. They never compromise. They never cheat. They hold their heads up with dignity and grace.

   Although more changes are on the way, with Karl Porter having to step back due to work changes, I'm certain Abby Thompson and Dave Newton will continue to seek the unknown. They will continue to educate and entertain their fans like they always have. These three are gems. Priceless in my eyes. Karl, I'm sure, will pop in from time to time. He loves this too much not to. I sure hope he does, anyway. assured....NP lives on. There are those who tried to make sure that didn't  happen, not so long ago. Didn't work then...not gonna work now.

   So...everyone...raise your glass to my peeps, please. Show them some respect for all they do. Most importantly for renewing my faith in a field that had long before lost its shine. I love these people. Always will!

   Blessed Be )O(

Thursday, April 21, 2016


   I seem to be on a roll today but, when the mood strikes, I simply must put pen to paper. this case, finger to qwerty keyboard. Lol.

   Sorry...a little writers humor there. I'll press on as if it never happened. Anywhooo....the reason I'm writing this is because of what I've witnessed lately.  On social media and in society in general.

   There seems to be this cloud of despair that hovers just above our heads. As if it blocks out the light we seek, keeping it just out of arms reach. This darkness, for I have no better word for it, cast us in shadows and makes our blessings so much more difficult to see.

   We are bombarded with the "poor, poor, pitiful me" mentality. That everything is grim and anguished. A struggle. What I'm wondering is how different things would be if we simply changed our view of them? Instead of stating how much we wish our lives would change why don't we begin those changes in ourself? I'll give you an example of what I mean. This first list is my "bad" list...

1) I wish I had more money.
2) I wish I had someone to hold at night.
3) I wish I were thinner
4) I wish I didn't hurt so much sometimes
  Just examples... alternate list...
1) I am so thankful I can take care of myself and my son.
2) I am so thankful for those who love me enough to never let me settle for less than I deserve.
3) I may not be thin and beautiful but my soul shines true and I'm truly happy.
4) My bones may ache but I can still move.  There are those who can't.  I can't compare myself to them.

   I know this sounds simple. Truly. I do. But sometimes simplicity is best. If we all tried, just for a moment, to see things just a little more different think how much more beautiful the world would be.

   Blessed Be )O(

Baby, You're a star....

   As I sit here trying to keep the tears from blocking my view of my phone screen, I'm reminded of how lucky we all are. How blessed we've been to have witnessed the rising stars of our time. Unfortunately we also have to see these same stars fall, quietly, to the ground. Their fiery, majestic, spirit being extinguished by the confines of life and death.

   This year...2016...has reminded us, brutally, that life is unbelievably short. That our dreams can be taken from us without warning. That we need to reach out and grab ahold of them with all of our might...lest they slip away never to be seen again.

   This final passing of an incredible talent has affected me more than any other. Prince was such a huge part of my teen years. I almost can't think of a moment when his music didn't make me smile or comfort me when I cried. He will be truly missed.

   What we need to do during these times of sadness is remember the examples we have been left with. The proof that hard work does pay off. That sacrifice is worth it if your dream is important to you. That you should ALWAYS believe in yourself....even when others seem to not. Prince, David Bowie, Alan Rickman and a slew of others have left this world way too soon. But they left us with a legacy. We should all try our best to honor the hard work, dedication and perseverance they fought so hard to achieve. Remember...they are watching. Be kind. Be loving. Be brave. Be YOU!!!


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Another way...

   It's hard enough living in a world where it seems every move we make is judged by others. From work to personal relationships it seems we spend an extraordinary amount of time justifying our choices or actions. In many cases we, as a people, think the only way we can avoid having judgment passed on us is by turning negative attention to others.

   Y' is hard enough as it is. Really. The difficulties we face, daily, are bad enough but when you're in a field, such as the paranormal, it is ten times worse. Not only do you have the groups of people who think you're crazy by being involved in it, then, you have other groups of people who are also a part of it but spend a good deal of energy focusing on you and perceived shortcomings than on their field of choice.

   Life truly is too short for behavior such as this. If you are truly doing what you love to do then you will not have time to focus on all the negativity. If you truly care about what you are doing and the field you are involved in you would do anything to keep it from being shamed and ridiculed in the public eye. I think people forget we, as people of the paranormal field, are watched very closely. Our behavior does matter. Whether or not people want to listen to what we have to say is judged by how we carry ourselves.

   Those who wish to learn more about the field, and about the paranormal world in general, look to all of us for guidance, leadership, understanding, ethics and compassion. Please...let's show them we have all of these traits. Focus on the tasks at hand and forget everything else. Remember why you got into this field in the first place. Those who know and love you will support you and be there for you till the end. Those who don't simply are not part of your journey.

   Blessed Be )O(

Saturday, April 16, 2016

A musing, if you will....

   I was chatting with my friend, Jana, last night. Being the gals we are we started talking about things that make a lot of people uncomfortable. The subject of whether or not people are all good or all bad came up. People throw around the terms "white witch" and "black magic witch" ALOT! They do the same with spirits/ghost/demons. It made us wonder and I kinda have a theory on it. Lemme know what y'all think, ok?

   You see, my theory is that no one is born solely good or completely evil. Throughout history there are instances, with serial killers and the like, where people have stated that "he/she just changed! We never saw this coming!" Now...I know that sometimes people just snap. Sometimes environment triggers certain actions. I know that sometimes it's a choice.

   But....what I'm REALLY curious about is the soul. Those, throughout history, who seemed to have had their "light switch" turned off. My theory is their soul died.

   Do I sound crazy yet? Just gets better.

   I wonder if the soul has an expiration date. Kinda like a battery. After so many times of reincarnation does it eventually just expire? Could this happen "mid-existence"? Could this explain the behavior of those who seem to, all the sudden one day, have no soul? Food for thought, huh?

   Blessed Be my lovelies. )O(

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

It's a "no-brainer"

   People often ask me why I go out of my way to help other teams, individuals or organizations. Like the title's a no-brainer for me.

   True...I don't have cable so I can't watch all the shows like Destination America or Ghost Adventures or Ghost Hunters. I only have the internet on my phone so if I want to watch other groups on you tube it's on a very small screen, so I rarely do. Most of the interaction I get from other paranormal groups is through social media, like twitter, and that's fine by me.

   This is where I'm primarily contacted and I love it! I love the interaction. I love the level of trust that other teams have in me. I worked hard for it.

   I think this is why people are surprised by how I do things. You see...for me, it's not a contest to see who can get the best evidence. It's not a race to see who gets what first.

   It's about the journey. About building relationships with people all over the world. About supporting like minded individuals in their passion for knowledge and educating those just starting on their path.

   I can't tell you how many middle of the night request I get for readings, remote viewing and impressions of locations. I can't tell you because there's no need to. I don't expect to get credit for every right answer I get. I'm simply happy to help. I know when I've needed the same thing from someone else they've always been there for me. That is truly humbling. To have that kind of connection with people.

   That's what I'm always preaching to others in this field. The importance of working together. So much more could be achieved if we all checked our egos at the door.

   Food for thought, folks.

   Blessed Be )O(

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Really, folks? Really.....

   While I was perusing Facebook this morning I came across a video...a CCTV video....showing an act that appeared to be paranormal in nature. Now...I make no claim to know if it is factual or not. However....I did find it interesting and decided it was worth a viewing.

   This was not the first I'd seen of its kind, nor will it be the last, I'm sure. I welcome them, in fact. Real or not I find them fascinating. Keep them coming, folks! for the comment makers on some such next Lil tidbit is for you. Read it slowly if you have to. I may use big words....

   You DO NOT have to agree with something. You DO NOT have to believe in its authenticity. You are under NO OBLIGATION to validate it or deny its truth. By stating this I am, basically, saying....opinions are like assholes. We ALL have them. Making derogatory comments on someone's post, real or fake, does not give others a clearer view of the post. It does, in fact, give the viewing public a VERY CLEAR view of you and your need to belittle another to make yourself feel superior.

   I don't believe everything I see on the internet. Not hardly. However....I realize that my opinion of what I feel is fact or fake is irrelevant. The person posting it did NOT have concerns of my opinion in mind when they released it. I do not hold myself in such high regard to believe they did. Nor do I get my rocks off demeaning another publicly.

   For those who haven't yet grasped what I'm going on about, in this blog, I'll be sweet and simplify it. It is totally okay to not be a shit. Really! It is totally okay to disagree without trying to bring another down. I promise it's true. When your fingers hover over those keys remember one thing....karma. Karma follows intent. If you have malice in your heart (malice is the bad shit...a nasty feeling) when you go to do can expect the same in return.

   Now....let the tasty comments on THIS begin....

   Blessed Be, my lovelies....)O(

Monday, April 4, 2016

I promise it's true....

   I normally write along the paranormal lines but not this time. This blog is really a vent for me. A way to exhaust myself by sharing things most may try to keep hidden. The embarrassing stuff, ya know? Truth is....I'm surprising myself everyday. I'm learning it's okay to be proud of accomplishments. It's okay to "pat yourself on the back." You see...a week ago I took a good, long, look at myself....and I wasn't pleased with what I saw. True...I have accomplished much in the last year. I have a wonderful son, successful blog, a stellar radio show that I cohost with a dear friend (hi Mike!), two published books....working on a third.....a stamp in my passport and more love from friends and family than I know what to do with.  I'm a very lucky gal.

   So, with all these things you're probably wondering what could possibly make me unhappy, right? Well....the answer is simple.

   It's me. I was making me unhappy. I was holding myself back. I'm 44 years old. I'm single. And sometimes I get lonely. True story. I realized that I had been living my life, right down to the abuse I put my body through, for other people. I'm not a lazy person, by any stretch....but I became lazy when it came to ME and my needs.

   Last Monday changed all this. I sat down and figured out exactly how much I was hurting myself through my diet choices. For those who didn't wanna read about diet stuff, please don't stop reading...this is important. I realized I was hiding myself behind crutches and vices. Like soda. That was my worst. I always justified how much I drank of it by saying "it doesn't matter. I'm squishy and people love me that way." Truth was....I didn't love me that way. Last Monday I got the surprise of a lifetime. I figured out that by drinking over 2100 calories a day, in Coke, I was consuming over 64,000 calories A MONTH unnecessarily. My addiction was killing me slowly, from the inside....and outwardly in my confidence.

   Never again.

   By dropping that vice by over 90% I have lost 8 lbs in a week. I feel, physically, better than I have in a long time...and I'm on the right track to feel better about myself than I ever have before.

   This may seem silly to some of y'all but those who know me know I have to problem putting myself out there if it can possibly help someone else. That's what my hope is. That someone will read this and realize they are worth the effort too. It takes work to be everything you want to be. No one else is gonna do it for ya, folks. I figure if I'm gonna be 44 and single....I'm gonna be as badass as possible! I'm gonna ROCK that shit!!

   Love y'all!!!

   Blessed Be )O(