Thursday, April 30, 2015

Shuffle, please...

   Alright...this is gonna be an emotional one, but one I consider VERY important. We're going to discuss tarot and spiritual readings, folks. Not the meat and potatoes part...but the bread that sits on the edge of the plate sopping up all the juices. If y'all didn't get my metaphor, as delightful as it was, I'm the bread. Me, and any other person that takes the time to read cards for someone.
   You isn't a parlor trick. It's not a game. It isn't something that we do for kicks or to get attention. Hell...I don't even charge for it, much against the advice of others. I've thought about it, I admit. May even do that someday. But now is not the time. Doesn't feel right. I don't do it for money. I do it because I want to help people. I want them to understand and appreciate where they've been, where they are and where they're going. But this comes at a price the client never sees. I pay that price. Everything I'm telling the client I see, hear, taste, smell and feel. I can't stop it. If I did I couldn't successfully read ANYBODY. That having been said, I do this because I love it and truthfully, I can't say no. I do this knowing how drained I'm going to be. How I unbelievably exhausted I will be. How hungry I will be but will have no appetite. I don't tell people this because how could they understand?
   Anyway...I will continue to do what I do, even though I am also a single working mother with two careers (one just taking off) and a load of responsibility. I do it to help. Please understand this and be patient. I'm getting to you as fast as I can.

Blessed Be

Thursday, April 23, 2015


   Please excuse the morose nature of this blog cause I honestly can't help it. I've heard a lot lately how neat it is that I do what I do. Normally I would agree.
   Not today. The past couple of days have been very odd for me. I bought a brand new DVD player that works just fine, but for some reason it plays one movie over and over if it's in it. Keep in mind, it does this with no other movie. I admit, on the surface that doesn't seem like a big deal, regardless of how it can freak you out in the middle of the night.
   Last night, as I was writing a BIO for a friend, I felt these horrible pains in my right leg. It felt like someone was taking a scalpel and slicing areas of my leg open and pulling out muscle and tendons. This actually sent me to bed. After waking up this morning in relative comfort, and having a couple hours of peace, I started having the feeling I was being followed. I could hear and feel about 10 different people. This went on for the better part of the day regardless of how I tried to block it out.
   There was an unbelievable amount of despair that accompanied this feeling. Not to mention a horrible embalming fluid smell in my nose. At this point, I'm unsure if this has anything to do with the investigation Saturday or with the house I was contacted about. I don't know where the guys ate going Saturday and I'm told people in the house I am asked to go to are getting attacked. I guess only time will tell.
   What a sucky day. Tag-a-longs can really wear you down.


Monday, April 20, 2015

In The Air Tonight

   I have stated in a previous blog about the power of words and thoughts. We have all been on the receiving end of harsh words. We know the pain they can cause. We have also allowed unspoken words, thoughts, to build in us causing others, and ourselves pain. We could talk about that all night and probably all agree on how damaging they can be.
   I don't want to do that. And I don't think you do either. What I want to discuss are healing words and thoughts. They pack just as big of a whammy as the damaging kind, but people rarely use them.
   Imagine, If you will, all the anger and animosity you have in your heart. Imagine that blackness slowly becoming lighter. Charcoal, then gray, light gray then white.
   Can you see it? Now imagine focusing all that energy towards a specific target. A friend in need, a lover, a sick relative. Imagine focusing all that energy into doing something good. Something helpful. Something pure from which you have nothing to gain except the knowledge that you helped another.
   It's a beautiful feeling isn't it? I imagine people who are religion, not really spiritual, based would call this praying. I'm ok with that. Don't really care how you package it. The gift inside the box is the same.
   I have used this process many times. From helping someone who was ill, to sending a dear friend (hiya kimber!) much needed "good vibes". You can make someone feel as if you are standing right next to them, touching their face. They can feel you looking into their eyes. It is an amazing feeling.
   I'm giving y'all some homework. I want each and every one of you, regardless of the day you've had, to do this one selfless act. Give of yourself. Your energy. Your soul. If you don't have a specific person to send to give that energy to the universe. Trust me. You may not see the benefits immediately, but I can guarantee you will be blessed three-fold for the effort.

Blessed Be.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Tap That Keg!

   Ok, peeps! I got a good one for ya! I met a very interesting young lady today (hi Corina!) and she posed a very good question to me...
   Can intuitive abilities be taught? My answer....well, hellz yeah!
   You see, I don't buy into the whole "I'm more special than you" mumbo jumbo people spout all over the place. We are ALL special. We just have to be taught what to listen for... and to.
   Every single one of us has been in a situation where our gut told us it was bad. Told us to run, not walk, away from it. The opposite is true, as well. We have all been in situations where, against the advice of others, we did something anyway. Something totally against the grain because it FELT right. This is intuition. And it's not exclusive to females. My son has always been intuitive. this translates into readings like tarot cards, palms and people, is simple. You use the same internal voice that guides you to decipher what needs to be said. Of course, with tarot you can use the book that comes with the cards to guide you. In fact, I highly recommend this for beginners. Over time, you will start to feel more comfortable "listening" to the cards yourself and you won't need them. With people and places, when it comes to readings, it's more of a heart/soul thing. They are rarely wrong when it comes to giving guidance and answers. They are the part of you that warns of upcoming hurt and the beginnings of tremendous joy. When you listen to them knowing what to do no longer seems's as natural as breathing.

Blessed Be

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Me and My Shadow...

   Well...I guess it's time to discuss the all important shadow people. We've all seen them, heard about them, felt the chill down our spines as they glide across a room. It can be very frightening. You will hear many ideas as to where they come from and what they may want from you. I will tell you exactly what I think they are and why they are here.
   I don't know.
   There...I've said it! I've broken the code!! one knows for sure. How can they? It is an unexplained phenomenon. What I can tell you about them is my own personal experience.
   The one I will tell you happened about 6 years ago. We were over at a friends house trying to figure out what was going on in her master bedroom.
   Haha. Get your mind outta the gutter....
   We felt it right off. There were many spirits in the room with the point of entry being her walk-in closet. None of these spirits were particularly frightening, though. I couldn't understand why she was so freaked out.
   Anyway, I digress. Three of us lay down on the bed trying to clear our minds and see what we could "see". It was then that it became crystal clear. Well...actually it became red glitter.
   As I lay there, I saw hovering above me, a large dark mass that seemed to have red glitter all through it. It undulated and heaved in silence, but seemed to pulse with energy. It was then that I noticed the three of us were having difficulty breathing. We summoned the others over to show them what seemed to be causing all the anger and distress in the room. Even the other spirits gave it a wide berth. friend promised to cleanse her house the very next day and to my knowledge, the shadow person never returned.
   The whole point of this blog is this...if you come into contact with one of these, you're not crazy. They DO exist. They can cause distress. But you hold all the power. You.
   You may not decide who enters your home, but you can damn sure decide who stays.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

I Can Fly!!

   I thought we would touch on the subject of astral travel for a spell. I unknowingly learned how to do this, and thought I would pass what I had experienced along to you fine folks.
   I've been able to experience places I could only wonder about while traveling on the astral plane. I've been able to be close to people I love. To observe them and aid them in ways I wouldn't be able to from many miles away. I tend to keep this part of myself from others because it can seem intrusive. I assure you, it isn't. Those I have visited are always aware that I will be attempting the journey.
   I suppose, to be fair, I have to say I'm not an expert in this area, and what I'm actually doing may be simple visualization. Whatever the term...I like it.
   A lot.
   There is something to be said for offering comfort while experiencing something so wonderous.
   I have found the easiest way to accomplish this is to start by meditating. I use a different approach for traveling and imagine myself winged. I picture myself standing on the edge of a cliff as I slowly start to move my wings up and down in an undulating motion. The sky is always the darkest of night with only a sliver of moon and stars providing light. As I picture myself leaving my body I begin to take flight and soar across the sky to my desired location.
   This is the technique that has worked the best for me, but I feel that not everyone is the same. It's always best to find the way that makes you most comfortable. I do recommend trying short distances first, though. Lol. You don't want to get lost!

Happy travels,
Blessed Be.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Tarot, anyone?

   I wanted to take a moment and discuss tarot with y'all. I'm sure there are nuts and bolts to it. A set way people do things. I'm sure I even learned some of it somewhere. I'm not going to say which way is right or wrong. I will simply tell how I do things and let my readers decide what works best for them.
   I've tried many different layouts, but one I learned in New Orleans has, by far, been the most accurate. It's called a voodoo spread. Now...don't be frightened by the name. There is no white or black magic. Only shades of gray and intent.
   With the voodoo spread, the reader has the client shuffle the deck. How many times is irrelevant as it is individual to each person. Once that is done, the deck is spread out, facedown, and the client picks out 9 cards. These 9 cards are laid out, again face down, in the order they were chosen. 3 lines of 3. At that point, the client will then randomly give a card number to be turned over.
   This is where you can decide for yourself how best to proceed. You can lay them in a straight line, once turned, and read at the end...or you can read as they are turned individually. I prefer all at once that way there is no break in the story. Because this is a completely random draw, I have found it is the best in truly reading for an individual.
   Now...for a particular situation there are two ways to go about it. The first is a yes/no draw. I shuffle the deck and cut it as many times as I feel necessary. Then I start drawing, turning the cards over each time. If you get 3 major arcana cards before you hit 13...then the answer is yes. Depending on the order those major arcana cards are pulled tells you if the yes is spoken or shouted. Lol.
   The other is a past/present/future 3 card draw. Again...shuffle/cut/shuffle...Then draw 3 cards randomly from the deck and lay them out side by side, in order. You can use the booklet that comes with your cards or go with your gut. Your choice.
   Anyway...just a brief tutorial on the basics of tarot. Hope it helps! Happy reading!!

Blessed Be.

let's talk about dreams, baby!

   I apologize in advance since I am writing this at 5 am and keep being stirred from sleep by dreams.
   I believe, like I'm sure most people do, that a lot of our dreams are probably our brains way of processing information. However.... what if some dreams are really our souls way of guiding us in life. Of telling us, subconsciously, which path to take? What if some are premonitions? I know I've had my fair share of those. Some good, some bad. One woke me up screaming and crying, trying to track down my mom in another state. The dream itself wasn't scary, but I KNEW it was a message. She ended up being sick unknowingly and had to have a surgery that could have killed her.
   I know most of us have dreams where we speak with lost loved ones. What if that's the only way you will open your heart to hear them speak? Dreams know no distance, no miles, no geographical barrier. I encourage the people I know to keep a notebook by the bed. Write down what you remember when you wake up. Sometimes the full information that's needed isn't given in one night. It helps to have a point of reference when you are trying to discern the message.
   This technique also works when speaking to deceased loved ones. Write down questions and wait to dream the answers! Much 💜. Night, y'all....

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

What You Make Of It

   I've had a lot to contemplate lately. Both mystical and mundane. The why's and wherefore's of life. You hear people talk about luck. Good and bad. I'm gonna go against the grain here and say that I don't quite buy it. Sure...some people seem to fall in a pile if poo and come out smelling like a rose. Others come out just smelling like poo. You may call that good or bad luck. I call it magic.

   Let me explain that. You this crazy movie influenced world, our idea of magic is greatly skewed to the more unbelievable side. I can see that and I understand why. That having been said, I think people forget two major things. Thoughts and spoken words have power. They are MAGIC. Any conscious or subconscious thought or action has a positive and negative reaction. What dictates the outcome is the energy put behind it.

   Now, I know it may not always seem that way. People can wish and wish to win the lottery and lose every time. I get it. However, imagine how different the same persons life would be if they put that much energy into a hobby they loved that could, in turn, make them money? Isn't that winning the lottery? To do what you love and get paid for it? It's a far cry better than getting something for nothing. Look, all I'm saying is that life is what you make of it. If you think you are constantly getting the shaft, then you are. Thank yourself for that. If you spent as much time seeing the positive in life as you do the negative, the magic would happen.

   Much love. Blessed be.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Oh What A Night!!!

   First off...please excuse any rambling I may do. Incomplete sentences. Things like WTF and OMG!!! I simply won't be able to help it.
   Sooooo...last night my dear friend Richard Burrows , aka "Buzz", with NP PARANORMAL was doing a solo investigation at the Derby Gaol in the UK. OMG!!! From the get go their equipment was being messed with...BAD. Losing feed, losing audio. Complete pixilation on screen, but only on Buzz's face. It was so weird!!! Light animolies flying everywhere. Mist. Shadows. We all fed in what we saw on screen for him to read...then it all came crashing down. Whomever, whatever, WTF was there with him erased....yes, I said it...ERASED the film and all the text!!!! By the time it came back on Kimber and I were practically yelling at the screen through text asking what the hell just happened???? I felt sick and beaten up. I would write that. Buzz, not knowing I just wrote that, would say he felt sick and beaten up. OMG...
   OH...and the evp's!!! Did I mention they were intelligent and responsive? Lordy.. My heart is racing with the memory. who wants to pay to fly me from Oklahoma to the UK? I gotta go to this place personally. 😁
   Will write more later after evidence is reviewed.